Roofers World Inc. welcomes your comments regarding our products and services. Company policy however does not allow Roofers World or any of its employees to accept or consider creative ideas, suggestions, or materials other than those that we have specifically requested.

We hope you will understand that it is the intent of this policy to avoid the possibility of future misunderstandings when projects developed by our professional staff might seem to others to be similar to their own creative work. Please do not send us any unsolicited original creative materials such as ideas, concepts, or artwork. While we do value your feedback on our services and products, we request that you be specific in your comments on those services and products, and not submit any creative ideas, suggestions, or materials (unless specifically requested by us).

If, through participation in certain activities, you send any material (e.g., postings to message boards, contests, etc.) or, despite our policy, you send us unsolicited creative suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings, concepts, or other information (collectively, the "Submissions"), the Submissions shall be deemed, and shall remain, our property. None of the Submissions shall be subject to any obligation of confidentiality on our part and we shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Submissions. Without limitation of the foregoing, we shall exclusively own all now-known or hereafter existing rights to the Submissions for any purpose whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to the provider of the Submissions or any other person or entity.

If you have an idea or product you wish to discuss with Roofers World, submissions will only be accepted through the following procedures:

Go to home page and select “Business Opportunities”.

Step 1.Submit to Roofers World a generic, non-specific description of your idea or product in the space provided. Do not include any proprietary information as this submission shall become the property of Roofers World Inc. in accordance with the policy outlined above.

Step 2.IF Roofers World is interested in exploring your idea or product, you will be contacted by a Roofers World representative for an initial consultation. Any information exchanged shall become the property of Roofers World Inc. in accordance with the policy outlined above.

Step 3.If both parties agree to explore a business relationship, Roofers World Inc. will provide a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement that will be binding on both parties. Any information exchanged before the signing of that Agreement shall become the property of Roofers World Inc. in accordance with the policy outlined above.