Valley View School

Volleyball Study Guide

Grades 5 and 6

Ask yourself this…

Can I answer these questions correctly?

If you have any questions or need extra help, come see either Mr. Murphy or Mr. Buglovsky in the AM

as soon as possible.

Remember – Physical Education Rules apply.

1.  Service occurs from which side of the endline or baseline?

2.  Is there a redo on a serve?

3.  What must I do before I serve?

4.  What technique must I use when receiving the serve?

5.  If I forget to say the score, what happens?

6.  If I say the wrong score, what happens?

7.  Is the ball in or out if it touches the boundary line?

8.  Rotation of players in volleyball occurs which way?

9.  When does my team rotate?

10.  What is it called when one team losses their serve and the other team gains it?

11.  In Phys. Ed., when can my team score points?

12.  In Phys. Ed., if we are playing the game to a certain number, and it is not a timed game, what are our games played to?

13.  What does it mean if we are told you MUST WIN BY TWO POINTS?

14.  How many hits per side is each team allowed before the ball must go over the net?

15.  If the ball touches a rope or wire that is hanging from the ceiling, what happens?

16.  If the ball touches anything above our court that DOES NOT MOVE, what happens?

17.  If I have to pass the ball from one side of the court to the other, proper etiquette in volleyball requires me to ______the ball ______the net.

18.  Is it ever legal for any part of my body to touch the net when playing a volleyball game?

19.  Is it legal to kick a volleyball in Phys. Ed.?

20.  Is it legal to “head” a volleyball in Phys. Ed.?

21.  Is it OK to hit the volleyball twice in a row?

22.  Can I play the ball after it hits the ceiling or wall?

23.  In “Olympic” volleyball, how many players are on each team?

24.  Which part of your hand should you use to “overhand pass” or “set” the volleyball?

25.  Is it legal for the ball to touch the net on a serve in Phys. Ed.?

26.  Is it legal for the ball to touch the net and go over the net in Phys. Ed. when it wasn’t the ball that was served?

27.  Players must ______the ball when receiving the serve.

28.  If the game is tied, and you are playing to a specific number, how many points does your team have to win by?

29.  Is ALL volleyball played indoors?

30.  The term that is used to describe an illegal hit with an underhand open palm is called ______.

31.  Is it legal to throw the volleyball during play?

32.  Is it OK to help the serve over the net?

33.  The loss of service by an opposing team is called a ______.

34.  Is it OK for a person to touch the net with his/her body if they are attempting to block the other teams hit?

35.  When executing an overhand pass, how should your feet be positioned?

36.  When does your team rotate?

37.  In volleyball, a serve that isn’t returnable and results in a point is considered an ______.

38.  If I touch or catch the ball while it is in the air, and I don’t allow it to hit the ground…what happens?

39.  What are the three “HITS” used in volleyball?

40.  Is each side of the volleyball court (separated by the net) divided into two areas, a FRONTCOURT and a BACKCOURT?

41.  If the ball hits my forearms, then my face, and goes over the net and stays inbounds…is this considered LEGAL?

42.  Can the same person hit the volleyball twice before the ball goes over the net?

43.  How many players compete on each team in “BEACH” volleyball?

44.  Can you describe the proper technique for overhand passing to a teammate?