Samuel Ling
November 3, 2000
What is Reformed theology? B.B.Warfield said that Reformed theology is simply Christianity coming toits own. In other words, the heart of Reformed theology is "the system of doctrine taught in Scripture." Many people have caricatures of Reformed theology, e.g. predestination; amillennialism; etc.
I can think of, immediately, at least the following 11 emphases when I think of Reformed theology:
God is sovereign; the most important thing we must know about God, is that God is God. He is on the throne. Jesus is Lord of our lives. Therefore God has a right to demand obedience from us.
God is gracious; salvation is by grace alone. We have nothing to boast. We bring no merit to God. However since God loves us and accepts us through Christ, we need to be filled with humility, gratitude, a sense of our unworthiness and also a sense of purpose and mission. We are not to live
legalistically, by be filled with a sense of grace which drives us to obedience.
God made his covenant with his people. God keeps all the promises he made; therefore we are to be promise makers and promise keepers. God's covenant guarantees his love to us. We are to make covenant with each other, and organize accountability structures in church and society.
God calls his people to worship, to study and obey His Word, and to evangelism. Christians should live with a keen sense of purpose and mission. The church does not exist ONLY for evangelism. Worship, growth in the Word are essential to evangelism.
We are to be salt and light in culture, society, and thought. The business and professional world is MEANINGFUL as a place where Christians are CALLLED to be present. The workplace is not a necessary evil; it is part of what it means to be a follower of Christ--the place where salt and light does its work.
Christ is Lord now; the kingdom is both now and future. Christians wait for the 2nd coming of Christ, through holy living, eager waiting, and active engagement in society and culture (evangelism and cultural mandate together). We do not sit idle guessing about the date of His return.
7. LAW
The Old Testament law of God is still a meaningful guide for Christian discipleship. There is no contradiction between God's law and His love. God saves his people first, then expects his people to love him through obeying His law. We are not saved through obeying the law; rather, after we are saved, we are expected to obey God's law.
The Holy Spirit works primarily through His Word, which He inspired and put into writing (the Bible). Spiritual experiences are to be interpreted according to the Bible.
Biblical exposition, teaching and application should be the primary content of sermons, and sermons should occupy a prominent place in worship services. (Music and other elements
of worship are important, too, but the Word is primary.)
Repentance is essential to conversion (becoming a Christian). Repentance must include sorrow for sin, and turning to the cross asking for (and believing in) forgiveness through Christ's death.
We must preach/teach the truth from Scripture to non-Christians, and also expose the foundations of their thinking, which are foundations of unbelief and pretense. This is the twofold task of apologetics.
I may have written other articles which explain "Reformed theology" more completely. Also, please visit organized by my students at Covenant Seminary.