19 December 2013
Dear Colleague,
Preparing Primary Care for the Future – NHS Lambeth and Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group’s bid to Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity
As you are aware, NHS Lambeth and Southwark CCGs have been working jointly with LMCs to consider how general practice can be best supported to have the time and resources to build capability and leadership within primary care, and design a more sustainable future.
To support this work, a joint bid was submitted to the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity earlier this week, and we are pleased to inform you that the Charity has approved a grant of up to £250,000 for a three month development programme across the two boroughs. A summary of our proposal is attached.
This bid was informed by discussions with general practice locally, including the joint Members event on 11 December, which further highlighted the need for increased investment and resource to enable general practice to have the ‘headspace’ to respond to the NHS England case for change and local strategic objectives.
The bid to the charity is in two phases. The first phase aims to address the immediate priorities of supporting local general practice leaders, facilitating practices to develop locality/neighbourhood groupings, and assisting general practice to begin to shape the role of primary care within integrated service models. Following this, a larger scale bid is planned for the first quarter of 2014/15. Within this work, there is a real opportunity for general practice to shape and deliver innovative models of care that secure what works well and strengthen its ability to respond to the changing landscape.
We are inviting expressions of interest for leadership development as part of this work. If you would like to submit an expression of interest or have any questions in relation to the overall programme, please contact (Southwark) (Lambeth).
NHS Lambeth and Southwark CCGs, jointly with the LMCs across the two boroughs are committed to supporting general practice in an environment of uncertainty, change and increased demand. We are thankful for the support of the charity to enable us to progress this programme of development, and look forward to supporting new and innovative ways of working that are provider-led and driven from the bottom up.
Kind regards,
Lambeth CCG Chair: Dr. Adrian McLachlan Southwark CCG Chair: Dr. Amr Zeineldine
Lambeth CCG Chief Officer: Andrew EyresSouthwark CCG Chief Officer: Andrew Bland
Dr. Amr Zeineldine
Chair, NHS Southwark CCG
Dr. Kathy McAdam Fraud
Co-Chair, Southwark LMC
Dr. Claire Lloyd
Co-Chair, Southwark LMC
Lambeth CCG Chair: Dr. Adrian McLachlan Southwark CCG Chair: Dr. Amr Zeineldine
Lambeth CCG Chief Officer: Andrew EyresSouthwark CCG Chief Officer: Andrew Bland
Dr Adrian McLachlan Dr Jennifer LawAndrew Eyres
Chair of the LCCCB Chair of Lambeth LMCManaging Director
Executive Summary - Joint Bid to Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity
Overarching Vision
Our overall objective is to build capability to enable general practice across both boroughs to shape anddevelop integrated models of primary care that are generalist-led, bottom-up and clinically driven. The overarching vision is that these models deliver a system of primary care that:
- Is better configured to deliver an increased range of services to patients and integrate with other services on a population health basis
- Reduces variation in access and quality for local populations
- Delivers demonstrable benefits in terms of quality and value for money
- Makes primary care a more attractive place to work, and reinvigorates existing staff
- Drives innovation and achieves both local and national strategic objectives.
Our Proposal
Funding secured for phase one will be used to resource:
- Leadership and capability development for emerging leaders (incl. backfill)
- Facilitation and support for general practice localities/neighbourhoods.
The specific objectives of this phase are:
- An increased understanding of local strategic objectives in relation to primary care development, including NHS England (London’s) case for change
- Increased capability and leadership within general practice to enable local providers to appropriately respond to the agenda for change
- Enhanced peer to peer support through the identification and development of local clinical champions (ideally one per 50,0000 registered population)
- Practices starting to organise themselves in geographically coherent groups that have the ability to deliver consistent and high quality services on a population health basis
- To determine the governance arrangements and mode of delivery for the second phase bid.
The second phase will build on the outputs above, and provide the investment required to enable general practice to move from exploration/considerations of new ways of working to implementing new models of primary care that deliver on the overall ambitions of this programme of work. The involvement of general practice in shaping this second phase bid will be critical to its success.
Next Steps
NHS Lambeth and Southwark CCGs, with input from the LMCs and providers, will develop a specification to procure external support to deliver this development programme. It is anticipated that this support will be in place by mid January.
A mix of clinical and non-clinical leaders will either be identified by existing or emerging localities, or will be approached directly by the CCG in areas where localities are less clearly defined. Both CCGs aim to support at least one leader for every 50,000 registered population. These emerging leaders will be distinct from CCG clinical leads in that they will be provider focused; however, they will be supported by clinical leads as appropriate.
Lambeth CCG Chair: Dr. Adrian McLachlan Southwark CCG Chair: Dr. Amr Zeineldine
Lambeth CCG Chief Officer: Andrew EyresSouthwark CCG Chief Officer: Andrew Bland