Test 2 (multiple choice and matching)
Lessons 10-11
Study Guide ----- ANSWERS
- Anger management skills – healthy ways to control anger
- Emotion – specific feeling
- General adaptation syndrome—bodily changes as a result of stress
- Hidden anger—anger that is not recognized or expressed in appropriate ways
- Hostility—chronic state of anger
- Mind-body connection—relationship between a person’s thoughts, emotions and bodily responses
- Psychosomatic disease—physical illness or disorder caused by stress
- Serotonin—chemical in brain that controls consciousness and mood
- Stress---the response of the body to the demands of daily living, caused by stressors
- Stress-management skills – techniques to deal with stressors and limit the harmful effects of stress
- Displacement—releasing of anger on someone other than the cause of the anger
- Projection –blaming other for actions or events for which they are not responsible
- Anger trigger—is a thought or event that causes a person to become angry
- Anger cue—is a body change that occurs when a person is angry
- Stressors – source of stress
- Distress—harmful response to anger
- Eustress—healthy response to anger
- Life Crisis—an experience that causes a high level of stress
- Resiliency—the ability to adjust, recover, bounce back and learn from difficult times
- Antidepressant—a drug used to relieve depression
- Suicide Prevention Strategies—techniques that can be used to help prevent a person from thinking about, attempting and completing suicide
- Suicide—the intentional taking of ones’ life
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy—therapy that helps teens identify and deal with sources of depression
- Minor Depression—a mood disorder accompanied by mild feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and helplessness
- Cluster Suicides – a series of suicides occurring within a short period of time involving people who are connected in some way
- Major Depression—a mood disorder accompanied by long-lasting feelings of hopelessness, sadness and helplessness
- Parasuicide—a suicide attempt in which a person does not intend to die
Answer the following questions -----
- Name and explain 3 stages of GAS –
Alarm stage – heart rate and blood pressure increases, adrenaline is released and flight or flight occurs.
Resistance stage – heart rate is normal, muscles relax and body tries to regain control
Exhaustion stage – immune system is weakened making illness more likely
- List symptoms of anger – tense facial muscles, stiff neck, cruel remarks to others, being negative, sarcasm or blowing up at others
- List stress management skills – use responsible decision making, keep a time management plan, keep a budge, talk to parents, have a support system, exercise, journal, breathing techniques, healthy diet and plenty of sleep
- Treatments for depression –physical examination, therapy, medication
- Five emotional responses after a loss or to a life crisis – Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance
- Pruning in the brain – Between the ages of 14 and 17 there is a “pruning” or clearing of the gray matter in the brain. During the pruning process the brain is cleared of unused brain cell connections from the gray matter. This clearing process prepares the brain for even deeper brain cell connections. Teens can then focus more intently and learn things more deeply.
- Causes for depression ---
*Inability to cope with a life crisis
*Change in brain structure
* Genetic predisposition
*Low serotonin levels
*Traumatic family events
*Physical illness and disorders
*alcohol / other drugs