Oncefullycompletedpleaseemailthisformto admissionsmanchestersteiner@gmailmarked
Full name of child
DOB of Child
Age of child today
Address of child
Parent/Guardian Name:
Parent/Guardian Name:
When would you like your child to start kindergarten?
Monday January 9th 2017 YES/NO
Monday April 24th 2017YES/NO
Tuesday September 5th 2017YES/NO
January/September 2018JAN/SEPT 2018
Kindergarten days are Mon-Weds9am2pm.
Children are expected to arrive on time and to attend 3 days a week in term time.
Do you agree to support your child to arrive on time each day?
YES/NO – please tell us about the challenges you anticipate
Hasyourchildbeenin anyotherchildcare, kindergartenorschool setting?Howmanyhours?
Areyouhappyforusto contactthemtofindout moreabouttheir approachtosupport yourchild?
Pleasegivetheircontact details:
Pleasetellusabout yourchild’s personality& temperament: e.g. likes to play alone, can make themself understood in words, needs support in taking turns, likes to lead.
Is your child nappy free and able to use the toilet independently? Is there anything they need assistance with going to the toilet? e.g. reminder to wash hands, wiping bottom.
Please tell us about your child’s sleeping habits during the day eg naps and nighttime rhythm –e.g. what time to bed, how does your child settlle, where does your child sleep, waking/rising times?
Doesyourchild requirebehavioral support?
In what ways?
Pleasetellusabout anyhealthissues yourchildhas:
Pleasetellusaboutyourchild’s relationshiptofood,anyfoodallergies andspeciallikesordislikes and how they manage at a table to eat e.g. sitting down, using cutlery, helping set table?
Does your child eat breakfast each morning before leaving home? What do you usually feed your child for breakfast?
ManchesterSteinerCommunityProject actively encourages and expects participationof parents/guardiansin seasonalschool eventsandin offeringtheirskillsin serviceofthekindergartenand parents take a lead in planning Winter and Spring Fairs.
Pleaseshareanyskillsyouarewillingto offere.g.marketing,bookkeeping, fundraising,HR,socialmedia,carpentry,cookery,gardening, handwork, music,languages,eventsplanning...
Yourchildwillneedonefullsetof outdoorwearforcoldandwarmweather tobealwaysavailableatkindergarten andlabeledclearlywiththeirfirstname. We suggest:
Waterproofdungarees or trousers and jacket
Waterproofboots/willies/snow boots in winter
Waterproofjacket/coat Warmhat
Sun hatwithacoveringfortheneck
Onceaplaceisconfirmedforyourchild youwillbecontactedwithinformation
toorderoutdoorclothing at a reduced price via Raindrops online or you may choose to source it from elsewhere.
To secureyourchildsplaceplease makeyournonrefundabledepositof £100 perchildviabanktransferto:
ManchesterSteinerLtd. Accountnumber:65720176
Pleasedo nothesitatetocontactmeregardinganyaspectoftheapplication process.