Hu Health flash cards
Describe the role of seminiferous tubulesIn the male reproductive system / Describe the role of interstitial cells in the male reproductive system / Describe the role of testosterone in the male reproductive system
Describe the role of the prostate gland in the male reproductive system / Describe the role of seminal vesicles in the male reproductive system / Name the site of fertilisation in the female reproductive system
Name the cell formed by the process of fertilisation / Name 3 pituitary hormones / What is the role of FSH in the male reproductive system?
What is the role of ICSH in the male reproductive system? / State 3 roles of testosterone in the male reproductive system / By what mechanism do FSH and ICSH affect testosterone production?
Describe the role of FSH in the female reproductive system / Describe the role of LH in the female reproductive system / Describe the role of oestrogen in the female reproductive system
Named the two phases of the menstrual cycle / What is a follicle? / What is the corpus luteum?
At what stage of development does the developing baby implant in the endometrium? / Name one pituitary hormone and one ovarian hormone which lead to menstruation / Describe how a woman’s fertile period can be calculated
Give two potential uses for knowledge of the fertile period / Describe how drugs which stimulate ovulation bring
about their effect / How may artificial insemination be modified to help a couple where the male has a low sperm count?
Briefly describe in vitro fertilisation (IVF) / Under what conditions might intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) be used to treat infertility? / Briefly describe intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Give one physical and one chemical method of contraception / Briefly describe how the combined oral contraceptive pill works / What is pre-implantation genetic screening used for?
What is an anomaly scan used for during pregnancy? / What is a dating scan used for during pregnancy? / What other tests are used alongside dating scans to determine a baby’s due date?
Briefly describe amniocentesis / What does CVS stand for? / Briefly describe Chorionic Villus Sampling
What are the advantages of Amniocentesis compared to CVS? / What are the disadvantages of Amniocentesis compared to CVS? / Under what circumstances might anti-rhesus antibodies be given to a mother?
Give an example of a metabolic disorder detected by postnatal screening / Give an example of a genotype of someone with an autosomal recessive disorder / Give two examples of possible genotypes of someone with an autosomal dominant disorder
Give an example of a genotype of someone with a sex-linked recessive disorder / What does PGD stand for? / Briefly describe pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
Why might PGD be used in conjunction with IVF? / Where in a blood vessel are the elastic fibres and smooth muscle found? / Name four types of tissue found in all blood vessels
When would vasoconstriction be used to control blood flow to peripheral tissues? / When would vasodilation be used to control blood flow to peripheral tissues? / What substance found in plasma is not present in tissue fluid?
What process moves soluble substances between tissue fluid and plasma? / During which part(s) of the cardiac cycle would the AV valves be closed? / Name the 3 parts of the
cardiac cycle
During which part(s) of the cardiac cycle would the SL valves be closed? / Name 2 parts of the autonomic nervous system and state in what direction they affect heart rate / Name 2 hormones and
state in what direction they affect heart rate
What is the full name and function of the SAN? / What is the full name and function of the AVN? / Explain the word ‘antagonistic’ with reference to the control of heart rate by the autonomic nervous system
What hormone is released by sympathetic accelerator nerves in the control of heart rate? / What neurotransmitter is released by parasympathetic nerves in the control of heart rate? / At what stage of the cardiac cycle would blood pressure in the aorta be at its maximum value?
At what stage of the cardiac cycle would blood pressure in the aorta be at its minimum value? / What instrument is used to measure blood pressure? / What would a typical reading for blood pressure in a young adult be? (remember units)
What is meant by the term ‘hypertension’? / Name a disease that hypertension is a
risk factor for / What is the full name
of the ANS?
What is meant by the abbreviation CVD? / What is the effect of
atherosclerosis on arteries? / What is the effect of
atherosclerosis on blood pressure?
In what way is atherosclerosis linked to cardiovascular disease? / What is a thrombus? / Briefly describe how a thrombus could lead to a myocardial infarction (MI)
What are the roles of fibrinogen and fibrin
in blood clotting? / Briefly describe how a thrombus could lead
to a stroke / What are the roles of prothrombin and thrombin
in blood clotting?
Name 3 causes of peripheral vascular disorders / What is an embolus, and what effect might it have on the body? / What does HDL stand for and what does it do in the body?
What does LDL stand for and what does it do in the body? / Is a high or a low ratio
of HDL to LDL associated
with good health? / Name two functions of cholesterol in the
human body
Briefly explain the role of
LDL receptors in atheroma formation / In what way do physical activity and a low fat diet affect the ratio of HDL to LDL? / Name a genetic disease that leads to high concentrations of blood cholesterol
How is familial hypercholestemia (FH)
treated? / Name 2 problems associated with chronic elevated blood glucose levels / What is the role of insulin in controlling blood glucose levels?
What is the role of glucagon
in controlling blood glucose levels? / What is the role of adrenaline (epinephrine) in controlling blood glucose levels? / In which type of diabetes is there a problem with the body’s insulin receptors?
In which type of diabetes is there a problem with the synthesis of insulin? / Give the formula for calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) / Name two diseases for which obesity is a risk factor