Name: Jack Wu


Online CV: Online resume

Github account:


About me

Hi there
I am Jack, one of the best developer. I like to be challenged with interesting questions and solve them with the right approach.
I believe that features of great production are assets, code, by itself, is liability.
I believe program is made for solving problem not creating a new one.
I do have a mindset of business.
I have been in this field for many years and have a proven records of success.


  • A happy person, full of energy
  • Team player with the best communication skills
  • Problem solver with experiences of victories
  • Solid computer algorithm and mathematics background
  • Finished mymaster degree in 8 months, then received an offer from the national R&D center after my thesis was read by professors
  • Became a Senior Developer after one and half years of hard work
  • Hired back by EX-employer again for important project


2004 – 2008 SCAU University Bachelor Degree of Computer Science

2010 – 2011 Otago University Postgraduate Diploma in Information Science

2011 – 2012 Otago University Master Degree in Information Science

Technical skills

  • Depth knowledge of Software Engineering, methodology over technology
  • Experienced in Ruby, from Rake app to Rails development ( 5 years )
  • Experienced in Font-end development ( AngularJS, ReactJS )
  • Experienced in HTML based mobile application development (React Native, Ionic, Cordova)
  • Depth knowledge of Cyber Security

Front-end development

A full-stack developer with outstanding front-end skills
  • Experienced in JavaScript (ES6), AngularJS, ReactJS
  • Experienced in HTML, CSS, Sass, Webpack
  • Experienced in Responsive Design

Backend development

  • Depth knowledge of Software Engineering, methodology over technology
  • Experience with enterprise level applications, NXT market, NZ energy information and trading system etc.
  • Experienced in Ruby on Rails development
  • Experienced in AWS
  • Experienced in GIS
  • Experienced in optimizing caching and complex query, Build application (IVHQ) handles massive load of records
  • Experienced in Cyber Security

Mobile development

  • Experienced in Cordova, Ionic, Build cost effective Apps with good UX
  • Experienced in React Native Build Native Apps with Javascript

Work Experience

2013 - 2014, NZX, New Zealand, Ruby on Rails Analyst

  • Involve in full SDLC
  • Develop highly distributed systems. (,
  • Build CMS manageable web application (
  • Refactorauthentication and authorizationsub-system (

2014 -2015, Figured, New Zealand, Senior Ruby Developer

  • BuildAccounting Cloud Application with complex business rules (
  • Work with Angular and Rails

2015 - 2016.1, ThunderMaps, New Zealand, Senior Developer

  • Renew an old outdated App with latest technology
  • Work on Cordova, Ionic Mobile App
  • Build saleable API, fancy Map integration with outstanding rich features

2016.01 – 2016,03, Herepin

  • Work as contractor on another Cordova, Ionic Herepin App
  • Work on Google Map integration

2016 –2017.07, NZX, New Zealand, Senior Developer

  • Work on a high profile application for energy market of NZ
  • Provide technical solution to super dynamic UIs with complex business rules built-in
  • Provide technical solution to visualizecomplex dataset
  • Buildnew generation User Experience for energy brokers who use our application 8 hours per day

2017.05-present, Artune, Project Manager/ Lead Developer

  • Provide technical direction/advices to Product Owner, and Business associates
  • Lead a dynamitic tech team (3 – 5 developers) to deliver product
  • Involve in building an artists/collectors Social Network App on Mobile with React Native and Rails
  • A Part time gig

2017.07-present, International Volunteer HQ, Sensor Software Engineer

  • Build massive application, for the new generation, help volunteers around the world
  • Renew payment, credits sub-system of the app
  • Do online marketing
  • Involve in full SDLC