Date: February 7, 2017

Chair: Julie Walker Minutes: Leslie Puckett

Minutes are sent to members within a week via:

Mary Liz Moody: or or

Or Viki D. Thompson Wylder:

For announcement of events give exact information to minute taker in writing. Include your name. Any corrections to minutes reply to Mary Liz Moody.

Social Hour: 6 – 7pm

Committee Chairs Meeting: 6:30-7pm

Old Business – Committee Reports

Professional Development Award – Leslie Puckett

Graphics – Mary Liz Moody

Publicity & Digital Artist Guild Liaison – Sara Chang

Community Liaison - Mary Liz Moody

Meeting Programs Speakers – Mark Fletcher

Member Spotlight – Kent Griffin & Mariann Kearsley

Art & Antiques Fair – Viki Wylder

New Members – Mariann Kearsley

Membership – seeking new chair

Special Accounts – Jay Houle

Image Registry – Linda Horton Dodson

Glass Guild Liaison – Bob Jones

Paper Guild Liaison – Julie Walker

Sketch Crawlers Guild Liaison – Mark Fletcher

Laurie Jones Award of Excellence – Terrie Corbett

Pottery/Ceramics Guild Liaison – Susan Stelzmann

Blacklight Guild Liaison – Perdita Ross

New Business


·  Introduce new members and visitors: The committee wishes to welcome Perdita Ross as a new member.

·  Announcement of upcoming events, exhibits, awards

·  Announcements of committees

·  Special Account Report

·  Membership comments/questions – business, technical, artistic. Questions and comments can also be sent to members via email to

·  Ideas for possible programs and projects written down can be given to the New Members Chair (Mariann Kearsley) during the break

Break: 7:25-7:35

See New Members Chair, Mariann Kearsley, for membership packets. She will also be available to speak to new members after the meeting.

Member Spotlight: 7:35 – 7:50

Speaker: Sara Caruso

Winner of the Emerging Artist Award, 2016

(The Summer Annual Emerging Artist Award is given to an artist who has been practicing for less than 5 years.)

Program: 7:50 – 9:00pm

Speakers: Maria Balingit and Mary Liz Moody

Bragging Rites: Professional Development Award Winners

Maria and Mary Liz will discuss their work and explain the projects for which they received their awards.


GIVE US YOUR IDEAS, SUGGESTIONS, and give to the New Member Chair (Mariann Kearsley)