UW-Green Bay Wellness Committee

The Wellness Committee was founded in 2012 and is committed to promoting and supporting programs that foster the wellness of the campus community.

Why is wellness important to UWGB employees?

  • Employees who are healthy physically and mentally are happier, more engaged, and are enjoyable to work with!
  • Wellness challenges, incentives, events, and activities promote community among employees, improving morale and our health!

Annual Events
~ Healthy Potluck each fall
~ 9/11 memorial stair climb
~ Onsite Health Screening on Sept. 21st
~ Benefits & Wellness Fair & Flu Shot Clinic on Oct.9th
~ Lunch ‘n Learns / Bellin Run
Join the UWGB team in June 2019 and walk or run in this annual event! Last year 20employees were on the UWGB team! / Challenges
We have challenges throughout the year to improve your wellness. The challenges are fun, there are often prizes, and you can participate with your co-workers! Watch your HR Connect email for details! / Resistance Bands & Pedometers
You can borrow light or medium weight resistance bands and pedometers! Stop by the Human Resources Office (Cofrin Library, 7th floor, room 710) to check one out!
Well Wisconsin $150 Incentive
•$150 incentive available to you and your spousewho are enrolled in our health insurance program!
•To earn the incentive, you would complete:
(1) a health screening, which you can do on campus on 9/21/18 (need to register ahead of time on StayWell website), or at your doctor’s office,and
(2) an online health questionnaire on the StayWell website, and
(3) a well being activity through the StayWell website (ex. complete challenge, quiz, etc.)
•Deadline to earn your 2018 incentive is October 19, 2018
Stay Well Website
•Link on UWGB Human Resources websiteBenefits & Wellness > Wellness > Wellness Resources (
•Available to employees and their family members who are enrolled in our health insurance
•Health Coaching – both self-directed and one-on-one coaching via phone available
•Device connection (ex. fit bit) & personalized health information – how your health compares to others, what your health goals/focus should be
•Digital workshops, articles, recipes, daily challenges, videos, etc.
Learn more about the Wellness Committee
•HR Connect Blog(Faculty & Staff webpage – bottom right side or at
•HR Connect weekly email newsletter
•UWGB Human Resources > Benefits & Wellness > Wellness webpage ()
–Recipes & articles
–Ergonomic workstation information
–Area walking trail maps

Ideas, comments, questions? Email or call ext. 2203


Amy DePeau, Student Health Nurse, Counseling & Health Center Representative

Alex Reichenberger, Fitness Coordinator, Kress Events Center Representative

Lynn Rotter, Manager of University Ticketing, University Union, Academic Staff Representative

Jen Schanen,Lecturer & BSW Field Coordinator, Social Work, Faculty Representative

Lisa Schmelzer, University Services Program Associate, Trio & Precollege Programs, University Staff Rep

Jolene Truckenbrod, Payroll & Benefits Specialist, Human Resources Representative,Chair