One on One Meeting / Three Way Call


Keith Halls is an icon in the industry and he has developed this list of points to havea successful one-on-one conversation with a prospective distributor. He says that every presentation, whether it is 1 -1 or 3-1, needs to be preceded by an invitation.

The invitation is the most important step!!

The industry average is that you need to invite ten to get one to listen; however, if you have an effective invitation, the average improves greatly. Within a month, you should be at five invitations to one acceptance and after two months, three invites to one yes.

The purpose of the invite is to get a person to learn more. You are not supposed to answer all questions, in fact, you might say… “I’m sorry, Jane. I’m busy at the moment and can’t, but I will answer that tomorrow when we visit.”


1. The purpose is to present enough information for them to join. Thirty to fort-five minutes is enough.

2. From the minute you start, be sure you are smiling and are positive.

3. Dress appropriately. You don’t need to be in dress each time or a suit, but look nice. People want to follow successful people.

4. Think positive thoughts. Think, “I am going have a new member of my team tonight.”

5. Remember, 85% of all sales come from emotion, 15% come from facts. Yet, we seem to want to show our knowledge and bombard them with facts and that will work against you

6. Make sure you cover:

  • The Company. Publically held and traded, experienced leaders who have had success in building for success. Leaders full of integrity.
  • The Products. Let the company be the expert on the knowledge. Point a person where to find the answers. Remember, we are here to share not to sell. Our product is the best of the best.
  • Compensation Plan. Let them know they can earn residual income of $500, $1,500 or $2,500… Don’t go to big on numbers or they become unbelievable to the person. However, they need to know that they can earn the money back and be cash positive within the first month
  • Trends… We are set to enter momentum. It is a period of rapid growth and usually happens when a company is between 50 – 100 million a year. When Keith was CFO at NuSkin, they grew from 50 million a year to 550 a year in 18 months.

7. Ask for the close. Too many people never ask for the close. Help them sign up, don’t send them home to do it. Do it now!!!

IMPORTANT: A new distributor should never do a presentation alone. Have your upline help in a 3-way call, or meeting.

  • Edify your upline and the person doing the presentation.
  • Sometimes you need to get with a person who is in your up-upline. Why? Maybe you are talking with a successful person in the industry or otherwise, and you could use some help. We are here to help.
  • In a 3-way conversation, let the other person do the talking and you finish with your testimony of the products.