Nikki Reading Childcare


As a registered Early Years setting we are aware that all children are different andhaveindividual needs,wants, likes and dislikes. We are also aware that, other than the child, parents/primary carers have the best knowledge of their child .

At Nikki Reading Childcare ourstaff understands their responsibilities towards children with special educational needs (SEN) and the setting’s approach to identifying, monitoring, observing and meeting SEN.

Our home based setting is on the ground floor and is fully accessible for wheelchairs and walking aids including a WC. The garden is all on one level and is accessed either via the kitchen or from a side gate.

As an inclusive setting we treat all children with respect andactively encourage all children to do the same. We are aware of the children’s act and we respect the fact that children have the right to say ‘no and their right to have a voice.

The development of all children in the Early Years is tracked using observations. We use the Early Years Outcomes to assess the extent to which a young child is developing at expected levels for their age.

Regular, careful observations enableour staff to assess and identify any areas of concern at a very early stage, so that they can then be discussed with the parent/carer and a plan constructed to help support any SEN. This plan will be formulated by the child’s key worker, who will work closely with their primary carers to help achieve future targets. All staff at the setting will be aware of any SEN plan that is in place and will work together,bringing a consistent approach which will greatly enhance outcomes.

These targets will be closely monitored using a PDR(Plan, Do, Review) system. Reviews will be carried out fortnightly with the results/outcomes discussed with all concerned. These reviews will highlight whether or not it may be necessary to bring a child’s SEN to the attention of the local authority that will then be able to consider an Educational Health Care plan (EHC). This, where possible needs to be done with the knowledge and agreement of the primary carers

As a setting we will work in close partnership with parents/carers and any other professional, taking on additional training where appropriate to ensure that we are supporting all of our setting children.

Original Created: 28th November 2014