Chapter 23 - A Changing Medieval World (p 682 - 699)
Essential Question: How are religion and culture connected?
Section 1 - Revival of Trade and Towns (p. 682 - 687)
A. New Ways of Farming (1. How did the use of the horse and iron “heavy plow” change farming? 2. What is “crop rotation”? 3. What is “fallow”? 4. What is the” three-field system”? 5. How did the church have a role in the improvement of farming? 6. What happened to the population of Europe as food became cheap and more plentiful?)
B. Trade and Industry Grow (1. What was done with surplus crops? 2. For what products were France and Spain known? 3. For what industry were northern European countries like Flanders known? 4. How did Italian merchants become rich? 5. How did the Crusades contribute to the growth of trade? 6.How did merchant banks work and what are bills of exchange? 7. Where did families become rich through merchant banking? )
C. Growing Towns (1. What were market town fairs like by the 1100s and 1200s? 2. What is a guild? 3. What kinds of services did guilds perform for businesses? 4. What kinds of things lured people to towns from the manors?)
Section 2 - An Age of Faith (p. 688 - 693)
F. The Growth of Learning (1. What were “universities”? 2. What were the schools that became universities originally for? 3. Where did many of the works the scholars studied come from? 4. Where were some of the major early universities? 5. What language made interchange of ideas easy for scholars? 6. Who was Thomas Aquinas? 6. What is “natural law”? 7. How did conditions improve in Europe in the High Middle Ages? 8. How did the image of Jesus change during this time period? 9. What did the symbol of the Wheel of Fortune mean?)
Section 3 - Breakdown of Medieval Society (p. 694 – 699)
G. Famine and Warfare (1.How did a change in the weather to lead to famine? 2. What was the “Hundred Years War”? 3. How was the Hundred Years War a new kind of conflict? 4. How did the Hundred Years' War affect England and France as nations? 5. What kind of weapon led to the frequent success of the English side in the Hundred Years War? 6. What kinds of weapons began to be used that brought about the end of the age of knights and castles? )
The Black Death (1. What is the “bubonic plague”? 2. What is the “Black Death”? 3. Along what routes did the Black Death spread? 4. How did water travel help the spread of the plague? 5. How did the plague change people’s behavior? 6. What kind of religious persecution did the plague cause?)
H. Effects of the Black Death (1. What levels of society did the plague affect? 2. How did the plague affect the art of the time? 3.How did the plague help the prosperity of peasants? 4. What is the “Peasant’s Revolt”? 5. How did the plague affect the church? 6. How did the plague change the social order in Europe?)