New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011 Instructor’s Manual1 of 16
Computer Concepts
Chapter Six: The Internet
A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:
We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary.
This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in bluethat you see in the textbook.Under each heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the section, Figures and Boxes found in the section (if any), Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities.Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software.
In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources CD also contains PowerPoint Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.
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Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date with the latest in technology news.Direct your students to where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their mp3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department, where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast.
Table of Contents
Chapter Objectives / 2Section A: Internet Technology / 3
Section B: Fixed Internet Access / 5
Section C: Portable and Mobile Internet Access / 8
Section D: Internet Services / 11
Section E: Internet Security / 13
Glossary of Key Terms / 16
Chapter Objectives
Students will have mastered the material in Chapter Six when they can answer the following questions:
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011 Instructor’s Manual1 of 16
- Who created the Internet?
- How does the Internet work?
- What is TCP/IP?
- What are the differences between static IP addresses, dynamicIP addresses, private IP addresses, and domain names?
- Can I find the actual speed of my Internet connection?
- What is the best type of Internet service?
- Is there a difference between portable Internet access andmobile Internet access?
- How do cell phones and PDAs access the Internet?
- How do chat and instant messaging work?
- Explain how Voice over IP works
- What are grid and cloud computing?
- How is FTP different from file sharing technologies such asBitTorrent?
- How do hackers break into computers?
- How can I protect my computer from intrusions?
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011 Instructor’s Manual1 of 16
060100NAPs such as Earthlink and Comcast offer dial-up and cable Internet access. (Answer: False) (303)
060200TCP, IP, UDP, HTTP, and FTP are examples of protocols used on the Internet. (Answer: True) (305)
060300204.127.129.100 is an example of an IP address. (Answer: True) (305) and .ca are examples of top-level domains. (Answer: True) (307)
060500Internet-based servers can handle multiple tasks using different ports. (Answer: True) (308)
060600Utilities such as Ping and Traceroute help you gauge the speed of your Internet connection. (Answer: True) (310)
06070010 Mbps is a narrowband Internet connection. (Answer: False) (310)
060800Dial-up, ISDN, and DSL provide Internet access using telephone cabling. (Answer: True) (314)
060900Cable Internet service is fast because it has lots of latency. (Answer: False) (318)
061000WiMAX uses low-earth orbiting satellites to transport data to the Internet. (Answer: False) (320)
061100Portable Internet access includes Mobile WiMAX and Wi-Fi. (Answer: True) (324)
061200UTMS, EDGE, and HSUPA are examples of broadband ISPs. (Answer: False) (326)
061300VoIP uses circuit switching technology to send analog data. (Answer: False) (332)
061400SETI@home is a popular Wi-Fi service provider for non-business consumers. (Answer: False) (334)
061500Cloud computing uses distributed grid computing to predict weather. (Answer: False) (335)
061600FTP makes it easy to anonymously use a search engine. (Answer: False) (336)
061700BitTorrent is an Internet security protocol. (Answer: False) (338)
061800Consumers should use port probes to encrypt data sent over the Internet. (Answer: False) (341)
061900NATs are used by hackers to intercept packets traveling over the Internet. (Answer: False) (344)
062100One reason the Internet works is because TCP/IP offers a global addressing standard. Which one of the following is accurate in the context of Internet addresses?
- IPv6 addresses such as are dedicated to educational institutions.
- Top level domains like EarthLink or AOL are adequate for most consumers.
- A domain name, such as corresponds to a unique IP address.
- A dynamic IP address begins with www.
(Answer: c)
Background (302)
- Inform students that the Internet evolved from an experimental network called ARPANET, which was developed in 1969 to help scientists communicate and share computing resources.
- Note that the Internet is estimated to have 500 million nodes and more than 1.5 billion users. It also handles more than 1 exabyte of data per day. This is a good place to discuss what an exabyte is (1.074 billion gigabytes) and just how large that is.
- Figure 6-1
- Assign a Project: To get a handle on just how large the Internet is, have the students perform research on how much data is in the Library of Congress or their own library.
Internet Infrastructure (303)
- Use Figure 6-2 to discuss network access points and network service providers. Do the companies that run these (Sprint and Verizon, for example) “own” the Internet? Make sure students understand why this is not true.
- Explain that Internet service providers operate hardware and software that enable users to connect to the Internet. These include modem banks, e-mail servers, and devices like domain name servers.
- Use the diagram in Figure 6-3 to discuss hardware.
- Discuss Figure 6-4 with the students and discuss the various hardware components and where they might be found. For example, a modem may be built into their laptop and they don’t see it but it is there just the same.
- Figure 6-2, Figure 6-3, Figure 6-4
- Assign a Project: Ask students to create a sketch illustrating their Internet connection. Tell them to be sure to include their ISP in the sketch. Have them identify where each component may be found. Where is their ISP located? Where is their NSP located? See if they can research and find this information.
- Quick Quiz:
- A(n) ______contains circuitry that converts the data-carrying signals from your computer to signals that can travel over various communications channels. (Answer: modem)
- The ______is a network of high-capacity communications links that provides the main routes for data traffic across the Internet. (Answer: Internet backbone)
- NSP equipment and links are tied together by what? (Answer: Network access points or NAPs)
Internet Protocols, Addresses, and Domains (305)
- Define a protocol.
- Explain that TCP/IP is the protocol of the Internet.
- Use Figure 6-5 to discuss other Internet protocols such as HTTP and FTP.
- Explain the difference between IP addresses and domain names.
- Look at some IP addresses in context. You can examine the properties of an e-mail message to find the IP addresses of the servers that transferred the message from one destination to another. In Microsoft Outlook, for example, right-click a message and then click Options to open the Message Options dialog box. Scroll through the Internet headers to see the IP addresses of the servers that handled the e-mail messages.
- Explain that students don’t need to know their IP address to check e-mail, surf the Web, or do any of their usual activities.
- Use Figure 6-7 to discuss top-level domains. You can have students research top-level domains to discover which names have been proposed in addition to the ones listed in Figure 6-7.
- Go over the relationship between IP addresses and domain names, and the role of the domain name server.
- Review the difference between domain names and URLs. A URL is an Internet address of a document on a computer, whereas a domain name is the IP address of a computer.
- Visit to learn how to select and register a domain name. Figure 6-9 illustrates this process.
- Be sure and discuss the difference between dynamic and static IP address. Go over why you would use each. Discuss what happens when you use dial-up in term of IP addresses.
Go to several Internet addresses with different top-level domains. Go to some outside the country such as Canada and the United Kingdom. Examine the relationship between the domain name and the IP address to show that there is no relationship.
- Figure 6-5, Figure 6-6, Figure 6-7, Figure 6-8, Figure 6-9
Connection Speed (309)
- Explain that computers on the Internet know where to send a packet of data by using the IP address of its destination. At each intersection on the backbone, the data’s IP address is examined by a router, which forwards the data towards its destination.
- Discuss the factors that may affect the speed of your Internet connection.
- Describe the Ping and Traceroute utilities.
- Figure 6-10
- Assign a Project: Have the students do their own ping. On page 301, the second page of this chapter, there is a Try It section on how to use ping. Have the student do this exercise as well as ping the school Web page and compare the times. Discuss why the times are different.
- Assign a Project: Have the student do a Traceroute like the one on page 310.
062200Although ISPs offer Internet access though dial-up, satellites, WiMAX, ISDN, and DSL, cable Internet is currently the preferred access method. Why?
- It is the least expensive.
- It is the fastest and most widely available technology.
- It has the highest latency.
- It was the original Internet access technology.
(Answer: b)
Dial-up Connections (312)
- Discuss how dial-up connections take place.
- Many students wonder why some pages load more quickly than others do, or why some sites seem slower during certain times of the day when the speed of their modem remains constant. Review with students the difference between connection speed and transfer rate, and discuss the reasons why data is not always transferred at their modem’s highest speed.
- Discuss the difference between analog and digital. Use a digital and analog clock to show the difference.
- Discuss the function of the modem. Use Figure 6-12 to demonstrate. Explain that the computer is digital and cannot use analog signals. Use the idea that a light switch cannot be half on. It must be either on or off.
- Figure 6-11, Figure 6-12, Figure 6-13
- Class Discussion: Ask students if they have experience using a dial-up connection. How does its performance compare to other connections?
DSL, ISDN, and Dedicated Lines (314)
- Discuss digital technology. The advantage these connection lines offer is that they are completely digital, so data does not have to be converted from analog to digital as it does when you use a dial-up connection.
- Discuss the difference between a modem and a terminal adapter. Make the point that adapters do not change the signals from digital to analog and vice versa.
- Note the simultaneous use of voice and data. You can be connected to the Internet, and still talk on the telephone.
- Explain that although ISDN lines can be affordable, they are most often used by businesses with small LANs. ISDN connections are also faster than a dial-up connection, but not as fast as DSL or cable modems. Find out if ISDN is available to customers in your area.
- Describe how DSL works.
- Discuss the speed of DSL.
- Point out that DSL installations typicallyrequire a modem and filters.
- Figure 6-14, Figure 6-15, Figure 6-16
- Class Discussion: What types of Internet connections are available to students? If students are not already aware of the fact that not all types of connections are available in all locations, point that out. Have students compare the performance of different Internet connections they’ve used.
- Quick Quiz:
- What does DSL stand for? (Answer: digital subscriber line)
- ____ is a high-speed, digital, always-on, Internet access technology that runs over standard phone lines. (Answer: DSL)
- True/False: You need a modem to use ISDN. (Answer: False)
Cable Internet Service (316)
- Use Figure 6-18 to go over how to set up a cable modem connection.
- Explain that many cable TV companies are also Internet service providers, although they will usually only provide service to those who also utilize their cable TV services. Since most communities have only one major cable provider, your local provider choices may be limited.
- Discuss the pros and cons of dial-up and cable modem connections. For example, what advantages does the cable modem’s always-on connection provide? What risks does this type of connection introduce?
Do local cable companies offer cable modem access? Ask students to research a local cable television service provider on the Internet to see if they provide Internet access. If they do, students should report on what the company requires (for example, must you have a cable modem or will they provide one), what kinds of services they provide, and how much they charge for the services.
- Figure 6-17, Figure 6-18
- Quick Quiz:
- What does DOCSIS stand for? (Answer: Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification)
- True/False: Most cable Internet service is asymmetric. (Answer: True)
- True/False: A cable modem can plug directly into a coaxial cable wall jack. (Answer: True)
Satellite Internet Service (318)
- Discuss who should use satellite Internet service. Communication with satellite Internet service is a good choice for rural areas.
- Note that satellite Internet service is subject to delays caused by weather, and is slow upstream with latency delays of 1 or more seconds.
- Explain that a geosynchronous satellite is a satellite whose orbital track on the Earth repeats regularly over points on the Earth over time. If such a satellite's orbit lies over the equator, it is called a geostationary satellite. The orbits of the satellites are known as the geosynchronous orbit and geostationary orbit.
- Figure 6-19, Figure 6-20, Figure 6-21
- Assign a Project: Ask students to research whether satellite Internet service is available in their geographic location.
- Quick Quiz:
- True/False: Equipment and installation costs for satellite Internet service are higher than other Internet services. (Answer: True)
- True/False: Satellite service typicallyaverages 1.0 to 1.5 Mbps downstream speed but only 100 to 256 Kbpsupstream. (Answer: True)
- True/False: In many urban areas, satellite Internet service is the only alternative to a dial-up connection. (Answer: False)
Fixed Wireless Service (320)
- Discuss broadband access.
- In areas without pre-existing physical cable or telephone networks, WiMAX may be a viable alternative for broadband access.
- Discuss the equipment needed for WiMAX.
- Figure 6-22
Explain that many cable, wireless, and traditional telephone companies are closely examining WiMAX for “last mile” connectivity at high data rates. This could result in lower pricing for both home and business customers as competition lowers prices.
- Class Discussion: Point out Figure 6-22, which shows a WiMAX tower, and ask students if they’ve ever seen one. Had they heard of WiMAX before this discussion?
- Quick Quiz:
- What does WiMAX stand for? (Answer: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)
- True/False: A WiMAX system transmits data to and from WiMAX antennas mounted on towers. (Answer: True)
- True/False: Under ideal conditions, WiMAX can transmit data at 700 Mbps. (Answer: False)
Fixed Internet Connection Roundup (321)
- Use Figure 6-23 to provide a good overview of almost every type of fixed Internet access. You could use this table throughout the chapter as you discuss the various options.
- Figure 6-23
062300What is the difference between portable Internet access and mobile Internet access?
- With portable access you cannot work online while moving very far.
- Mobile access is less expensive than portable access.
- Portable access requires cables, whereas mobile access does not.
- Portable access requires a cell phone, whereas mobile access requires a notebook computer.
(Answer: a)
Internet to Go (322)
- Explain that portable Internet access is the ability to easily move your Internet service from one location to another.
- Explain that mobile Internet access offers a continuous Internet connection as you are walking or riding in a car.
- Figure 6-24
- Class Discussion: Ask students to relay their experiences with portable or mobile Internet access. Do any students own an iPhone or other device with which to access the Internet while on the go?
- Quick Quiz:
- ______Internet access can be defined as the ability to easily move your Internet service from one location to another. (Answer: Portable)
- ______Internet access offers a continuous Internet connection as you are walking or riding in a bus, car, train, or plane. (Answer: Mobile)
- ______Internet access includes Wi-Fi, mobile WiMAX, and cellular broadband service. (Answer: Mobile)
Wi-Fi Hotspots (323)