2014-15 ECPIUniversity Events Calendar
Oct. 25thTechnology Workshop for High School Seniors 10:00am-1:00pm
We start with the very basics: voltage, current, resistance, using a multimeter, and building circuits on a breadboard. Then we work our way up to build a real cool electronic circuit that you are going to solder together and take home with you! Take a computer apart, learn the components, then reassemble it!
Nov. 8thMechantronics Workshop for High School Seniors 10:00am-1:00pm
Ever wonder how robots work? Come and learn to develop and troubleshoot robotics, programmable controllers, and integrated systems.
Nov. 15thECPIUniversity Early Acceptance Saturday 10:00am-12:00pm
Parents and Students lean how to apply for financial aid in 2015. Seniors may apply for the ECPI Merit Scholarship during visit.
Dec. 6thSet-up a Wi-Fi Router 10:00am-1:00pm
Learn to set-up and configure a Wi-Fi router to provide secure access to the internet.
Dec. 13thBudgets and Money 10:00am-1:00pm
Learn how to build a budget for expenses and college costs. Budgetary issues related to percentage of living costs, total debt, and saving accounts will be emphasized in this workshop with hands-on budget activities.
Jan. 10thCareer Discovery Day 10:00am-4:00pm
Come and explore rewarding fields in Technology, Business, and Health Science. Participate in hands on demos!
Jan.24thDesign a Web Page 10:00am-1:00pm
Learn the fundamentals of creating a dynamic web page using HTML and JavaScript.
Jan. 26thEarly AcceptanceECPIUniversity Merit Scholarship Deadline
Feb. 7thNetwork Security Workshop 10:00am-1:00pm
As our nation’s critical infrastructure and businesses come under cyber attack, there is an ever-increasing need to educate more students on cyber security and ethical hacking.
Feb.21stMedical Assisting Tours and Activities 10:00am-1:00pm
Medical Assistants are multi-skilled health professionals specifically educated to work in ambulatory settings performing administrative and clinical duties. Come learn the basics of vital signs, phlebotomy, and medical procedures.
Mar. 7thEntrepreneurship: Want to own your own business? 10:00am-1:00pm
Learn how to compete in tomorrow’s fast paced business world
Mar. 21stSocial Media and the College Landscape 10:00am-12:00pm
Explore the uses and abuses of social media by students on College and University campus. Ways to selectively control content, maintain a professional on-line presence, and explore legal issues related to confidentiality will be explored and discussed.
Apr. 13th-17thSpringBreakCollegeTours & Activities 10:00am-1:00pm
Great opportunity to check out ECPIUniversity! Come take a tour, assess, and apply
TBA Career Discovery Day
Come and explore rewarding fields in Technology, Business, and Health Science. Participate in hands on demos!
May 4thECPIUniversity Merit Scholarship Deadline