Venturer Section Record Card
Venturer Unit: / Family name:
Was a Kea [ ] Cub [ ] Scout [ ] Other [ ] / First names :
Unit Chairperson from to / Address:
Unit Secretary from to
Unit Treasurer from to / Birth date:
Activity Leader (Dates) / Phones:
Care givers:
Date left Unit: Went to Rovers [ ] / Medic or other alert:
Venturer Badge / Date / Silver Venturer Award, continued / Date
Outdoor activity with the Unit / Community Cornerstone, continued
Attend a Venturing Explained / Complete one My Community module
Discuss the Scout Promise and Law / Prepare an emergency kit for your family
Complete a personal commitment statement / Complete a CPR course if not already done
Explain DADS rules / Complete an Our World, Our Country module
Complete one Venturer Award Module / Personal Development
Invested: / Complete 15 hours of physical recreation
Bronze Venturer Award / Date / Complete one Social and Life Skills module
Outdoors Cornerstone / Complete a My Body module
Complete a Campcraft module / Complete an Expression module
Complete all Outdoor Skills modules / Learn another skill (10 hours over 10 wks)
Complete one Environment module / New Experiences Cornerstone
Undertake a two day journey / Complete a Cooksey Leadership course
Present a journey report to the Unit Executive / Attend a National, Regional or Zone event
Complete a basic first aid course or forum / Gold Venturer Award / Date
Complete 10 hours service over 10 weeks / Outdoors Cornerstone
Complete a My Community module / Complete one Campcraft module
Complete an Our World, Our Country module / Revise the Outdoor Skills Certificate
Personal Development Cornerstone / Complete new Outdoors modules (Journey)
Undertake 10 hours of physical recreation / Complete one Environment module
Complete one Social and Life Skills module / Complete a journey or exploration of four days
Complete the Road Safety module / Complete 20 hours service over 20 weeks
Take part in planning next terms programme / Complete one My Community module
Learn a new skill – 10 hours over 10 weeks / Arrange a guest speaker (emergency focus)
New Experiences Cornerstone / Complete an Outdoors First Aid Course
Complete a Venturer Velocity Course / Complete one Our World, Our Country module
Attend a National, Regional or Zone event / Personal Development Cornerstone
Silver Venturer Award / Date / Complete 20 hours service over 20 weeks
Outdoors Cornerstone / Complete one Social and Life Skills module
Complete one Campcraft module / Drugs and Alcohol awareness discussion
Revise the Outdoor Skills Certificate / Complete one Expression module
Complete new Outdoors modules (Journey) / Learn another new skill for 10 hrs over 10 wks
Complete one Environment module / New Experiences Cornerstone
Complete a journey of three days / Help plan and run a Venturing Explained
Community Cornerstone / Attend different National, Regional Zone event
Undertake 15 hours service over 15 weeks

Continued overleaf

Venturer Section Record Card, continued Page 2

Queen’s Scout Award / Date
Community Cornerstone
Complete a Scout service project of 20 hrs
Complete a 5 day residential project
Future Endeavours
Investigate opportunities for the future
Queen Scout Panel
Report on the residential project
Report on the expedition
Discuss the Scout service project
Discuss knowledge gained from the award
Discuss challenges overcome
Discuss the ethos of Scouting
Discuss future opportunities in Scouting
Queen Scout Award application completed
Personal Challenge Modules Achieved / Date