

Syllabus for Spring 2011
Department of Business Management
Business Internship Coordinator
Approval/Registration / Lane T. Muranaka
Brigham Young University-Idaho
269 Smith Building
Rexburg, ID 83460-0810 / Office
E-mail / (208) 496-2764

Business Internship Professor
Reports/Grading / Candyce Miller
Brigham Young University-Idaho
388 Smith Building
Rexburg, ID 83460-0800 / Office
E-mail / (208) 496-3636

Credits / 3 credits = 270 hours minimum
Prerequisites / §  Business majors only.
§  Successful completion of all required IBC courses.
§  Approval of the Internship Coordinator and employer.
Text / Business 398 Internship Syllabus. The student is required to print this syllabus and refer to it while performing his or her internship. The syllabus, written assignments, and sample documents can be accessed on BrainHoney.
Course Description / Students will gain a greater vision of becoming business professionals and will establish professional career networking links with the business professionals they meet during their internship. Students will write two reports and complete self-evaluations. A coworker and supervisor will also evaluate the intern’s contribution and submit evaluations.
Course Objectives / §  Review and obtain job acquisition skills in resume writing, job portfolio preparation, networking, and interviewing.
§  Apply the academic course principles to business practices on the job.
§  Establish career networking links within a business and between businesses.
§  Receive training and consultation from inside and outside sources to help direct learning progress in various job responsibilities.
§  Receive compensation and recognition through wages and valuable letters of recommendation from employer and Business Management Department.
Internship Requirements and Qualifications / The internship is one of the most valuable elements of the degree and should be planned a year or more before the internship is served. When searching for an internship, students should use the following criteria—the bottom line—“Does the internship prepare you for professional work after you graduate?” All internships require a minimum 270 hours/20 hours per week during the semester. A full-time internship between the junior and senior year in the career area of the student's choice is desirable.
1.  Intern with a company where future career options exist. Do you want to work long term for this company or a similar company?
2.  Work for an organization with networking opportunities.
3.  Intern with a company where skill development opportunities go beyond learning in the classroom. Does the internship provide an opportunity to gain new skills or technologies that will be marketable upon graduation?
4.  Intern for a business in which the experience itself is marketable to future employers. Will this experience be something that recruiters will value?
Grading Scale
Format / Grading Scale 94.5-100 = A 86.5-89.5 = B+ 76.5-79.5 = C+ 66.5-69.5 = D+
89.5-94.5 = A- 82.5-86.5 = B 72.5-76.5 = C 62.5-66.5 = D
79.5-82.5 = B- 69.5-72.5 = C- 59.5-62.5 = D-
·  Intern Midway Self-evaluation submitted via e-mail to by Tuesday, May 31, 8 a.m. Page 5
·  Intern Midway Coworker Evaluation submitted via e-mail to by Tuesday, May 31, Page 6
·  Intern Midway Supervisor Evaluation to be submitted by via e-mail to by Tuesday, May 31, Page 7
·  Intern Final Supervisor Evaluation to be submitted via e-mail to by Friday, July 8, Page 8
Write reports in your own words/not copy or paste and submit in Dropbox on BrainHoney.
1.  Use a 12-point font.
2.  Include a cover page with Name, Position, Phone Number, Company, Supervisor Name
3.  Bold page and paragraph Headings with Initial Caps.
4.  Single space your reports with a blank line between paragraphs.
5.  Click on Paragraph on the Menu Bar and change Spacing to 0/0/single.
Report 1—Company Report—Cover Page plus 8 designated pages
Report 1 should be submitted as a Word document in the dropbox (bottom right Open button of Report 1 assignment) on BrainHoney. Report 1 is 8 pages and is assigned so you will better understand the company, your supervisor, and find ways to add value. Begin now so you have time to proof, correct, and submit a professional document.
Please follow the format and use bolded page and paragraph headings as noted below before you save and submit.
Carefully review the hints that will assure professionalism.

Grading Rubric for Report 1 Include bolded page and paragraph headings in your report

Report 1 due in BrainHoney on or before May 31, 8 a.m. /5
Helps to Improve Writing Skills
·  Reread your document for errors in Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling.
·  Use a comma before and after the state In Rexburg, Idaho, on ….
·  Use no comma with just month and year. With month, day, and year, use comma before and after year—on May 15, 1967, the company moved …
·  Use Commas before conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) when you have a complete sentence both before and after with no other commas.
·  Use semicolon before conjunction if other commas in sentence.
·  Use comma before last and in series.
·  Do not use “it” or “there” as subject, no “get,” “a lot,” “very,” “great or greatly.”
·  Use no two-letter state abbreviations in sentences.
·  Delete unnecessary words (due to the fact that, because of this, etc.)
·  Use clear, concise, and well worded sentences. / /10
Pages / Cover Page
Intern Name, Position, Phone Number, Company, Supervisor Name / /5
1 / Company History
Paragraph Headings: Began, Steps to Succeed, Investments—(equipment, land, buildings; investors, startup money), People (those who helped business succeed) Company Now / /10
2 / Mission Statement and Goals
Paragraph Headings: Mission Statement, Goals, Supply Chain Partners (those essential to keep things rolling), Customers/Clients, How We Satisfy Customers / /10
3 / Location
Paragraph Headings: Address (Do not abbreviate North, South, Street, Avenue, Drive, Suite, etc. Spell street numbers ten and under—Second, Fourth, Tenth), Description (of street, city, and state), Driving Directions for Client (from all directions), Notable Landmarks (nearby, 10 miles, 100 miles. Understand why people are drawn to the area to expand your client base), Advantages and Disadvantages of Location / /10
4 / Products
Services / /10
5 / My Job Description
Paragraph Headings: Position Title, Basic Duties, Other Responsibilities, Skills Required, Abilities Required / /10
6 / Marketing/Finance/Other Plan
One-page overview (half page=half points) Marketing Majors: Describe company marketing plan.
Finance Majors: Describe financial operations. Other Majors: Describe a major management area. / /10
7 / Company Organizational Chart
You create a Chart with boxes/circles and lines, Name of Positions and Full Names of each worker with intern highlighted / /10
8 / Supervisor Duties
Paragraph Headings: Supervisor (name and title/position), Main Duties, Supervisor Goals (related to my work), My Contribution to Supervisor Success (how I can relieve pressure), My Specific Goals to Add Value to free supervisor time / /10

Final Report— Cover Page plus 4 Pages—

This is your opportunity to report on your accomplishments, gained knowledge, and improved skills.

Pages 1-3 Explain the connection between this internship and your desired career. How will this experience

bring you closer to your desired career. Describe how you added value to your company by performing

your duties/assignment in your area of specialty. Most interns are assigned special projects. The

challenge of this report is not only to tell in detail one of your specific assignments—choose only

one—and the results but also to create a chart or graph or computerized graphics (not table or

PowerPoint) to show your efforts added value to the company.

On Page 4 determine your Prioritized List of 5 Most Important Concepts Learned and clearly explain them. At

the bottom of this page type your Total Hours = _____ and Total Weeks = ______(You do the

math and give the total.)

Grading Rubric for Final Report

Final Report due on or before Friday, July 15, 8 a.m.
Completed on Time / /6
Cover Page / /2
Format--single spaced with blank line between paragraphs, 12-point font, bold page & paragraph headings / /2
1. / Internship Relationship to My Desired Career and How I Added Value / /20
2. / One Specific Assignment / /20
3. / Graph/Chart with complete explanation / /20
4. / Prioritized List of 5 Concepts Learned (with complete description)
Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. and bold each concept / /20
Total Hours Weeks / /10
Total Possible 100

Course Policies

Honor Code

Brigham Young University-Idaho standards are in the student handbook. Student interns are expected and required to abide by the BYU-Idaho Honor Code. No cheating or lying will be tolerated. Students are expected to work required hours, complete required assignments, and submit required evaluations by their submission dates; and their supervisors are expected to complete evaluations.


Brigham Young University-Idaho is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere that reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability that may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for Students with a Disability (208) 496-4271. Reasonable accommodations are reviewed for students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by this office. If you need assistance or if you feel you have been received unlawful discrimination because of a disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures. You should contact the Personnel Office (208) 496-1700.

Sexual Harassment

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds including Federal loans and grants. Title IX also covers student-to-student sexual harassment. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, please contact the Personnel Office (208) 496-1700 and notify the Internship Coordinator.

Midway Intern Self-Evaluation

Dear Student Intern:

Please complete, save, and attach in an e-mail to by Tuesday, May 31, 8 a.m. Or you may print, complete, sign, and mail to Sister Candyce Miller; 388 Smith Building; BYU-Idaho; Rexburg, ID 83460-0800. Credit will be denied if not received.

Student Intern / Intern Phone
Company Name
Internship Supervisor
Supervisor Phone / Supervisor E-mail
Company Address
RATING SCALE: / A / A- / B / C / D / F
Technical Skills / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Attention to Detail
Job Relations / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Human Relations
Positive Attitude
Respects Authority
Listens Well
Follows Policy/Procedure
Job Progress / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Learns Quickly
Social Maturity
Extra-Mile Effort
A / A- / B / C / D / F
10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Overall Self-Rating
Rate your company.
Rate your working conditions.
Have you been treated fairly?
Do you work well with your supervisor?
Will your supervisor fairly evaluate you? / YES / or / NO / (Note any additional comments when submitting.)

I attest the above evaluations are honest and true to the best of my knowledge.

Student Signature / Date

Midway Intern Coworker Evaluation

Dear Intern Coworker:

Please complete this evaluation on your fellow intern employee. This required evaluation will be completely confidential if you desire. Circle the appropriate ratings areas below according to your judgment, sign the evaluation, and attach in an e-mail to by Tuesday, May 31. Or you may print, complete, sign, and mail to Sister Candyce Miller; 388 Smith Building; BYU-Idaho; Rexburg, ID 83460-0800. Evaluate only those areas that you feel you can make a judgment as a coworker.

Student Intern
Company Name
Internship Coworker
Coworker Phone / Coworker E-mail
Company Address
RATING SCALE / A / A- / B / C / D / F
Technical Skills / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Attention to Detail
Job Relations / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Human Relations
Positive Attitude
Respects Authority
Listens Well
Follows Policy/Procedure
Job Progress / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Learns Quickly
Social Maturity
Extra-Mile Effort
Overall Intern Rating: / A / A- / B / C / D / F
10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
I give my permission to share this evaluation with the intern. / YES / or / NO

Please make any general comment on your feelings about this intern and his or her potential in your company on the back.

I attest the above evaluations are honest and true to the best of my knowledge.

Coworker Signature / Date

Midway Intern Supervisor Evaluation


Please complete the following evaluation of your student intern and attach in an e-mail to by Tuesday, May 31. Or you may print, complete, sign, and mail to Sister Candyce Miller; 388 Smith Building; BYU-Idaho; Rexburg, ID 83460-0800. This evaluation will be an important part of each student intern's academic grade. Please evaluate only those areas that apply to your student's work assignment. Ideally, as this evaluation is completed, you should sit down with your employee; but this process is not required.

Student Intern
Company Name
Internship Supervisor
Supervisor Phone / Supervisor E-mail
Company Address
RATING SCALE / A / A- / B / C / D / F
Technical Skills / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Attention to Detail
Job Relations / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Human Relations
Positive Attitude
Respects Authority
Listens Well
Follows Policy/ Procedure
Job Progress / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Learns Quickly
Social Maturity
Extra-Mile Effort
A / A- / B / C / D / F
10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5
Overall Intern Rating
I give my permission to share this evaluation with the intern. / YES / or / NO

Please make any general comment on your feelings about this intern and his or her potential in your company on the back.

I attest the above evaluations are honest and true to the best of my knowledge.

Supervisor Signature / Date

Final Intern Supervisor Evaluation

Dear Employer/Supervisor:

This is a final evaluation/appraisal report of your student intern and should be completed and attached in an