T200 Rock Climbing Lock-in at Peak Experiences, Midlothian, VA
28-29 March 2015
(v1-current 4 Feb 15)
TRIP OVERVIEW: Troop 200 is going on an overnight “lock-in” experience at the Peak Experiences indoor climbing facility from 28-29 March. The program will offer Scouts of all ranks the opportunity to rock climb until they are exhausted, for fellowship while having fun, and to assume the responsibility for belaying fellow scouts for those who are 13 and older.
PLAN: Trip Planning PLC will be held on Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30 PM, Location TBD. There is no Trailer Packing for this event. Show time is 6:30 pm, Saturday, March 28 at St Lukes in Field Uniform with activity uniform underneath. Scouts should have eaten dinner before arriving at the church. Arrival at Peak Experiences should be around 8:30 pm. Lock-in starts at 8:45 pm. The Peak Experiences Staff will conduct a Ropes-Belay Course for ages 13+. This is required to ensure participants have qualified belayers during climbs. We will eat pizza about 11PM. We will have light snacks available throughout the night. After clean-up and Start/Stop/Continue, and a Scout’s Own service on Sunday AM, the lock-in ends at 7:00 am. We will stop for a fast food breakfast (and coffee for drivers) and return home. Return time is scheduled for 9:30 am, Sunday, March 29. We will call if we are more than 15 minutes early or late.
UNIFORM: The troop will travel in Field Uniform. Once the lock-in begins, the activity uniform will be worn. Bring your hoodie and dress in layers, because the gym can get cool. When in doubt – follow the troop guidelines. A small backpack with overnight items, a sleeping bag and pillow are recommended even though scouts may not use them.
COST: The basic cost for the trip is $55 for all scouts. Final Friday is normally March 20, however to provide two troop meetings for signups, we are extending sign ups for this event to a “final Monday” of March 23. All who have signed up will need the funds in their Scout Account to pay the lock-in cost. The cost includes the climbing lock in fees, pizza/snacks, and fuel. The troop currently has a reservation for 20 scouts, however we can go beyond this number. We need a minimum of 20 scouts to make this trip work without a price increase. The reservations have been confirmed with a $100 reservation fee. Scouts will need to bring money for breakfast on Sunday, and other spending money as needed. The Peak Experiences facility has limited drinks and snacks for sale.
ACTIVITIES: CLIMBING AND FUN. The scouts will be able to complete some requirements for the Climbing Merit Badge by attending the activities at the Rock Gym. There is a 13 years old age limit for belaying. Helmets are NOT optional and will be worn by all. Climbing Merit Badge link: http://www.scoutorama.com/merit_badge/mb_display.cfm?mb_id=28
DIRECTIONS: I-64W to Richmond, Exit 200 to I-295S, Exit 25 to VA-895W ($3.75 toll), then VA-150N, to US-60W Midlothian Turnpike. Right on Robious Rd, Right on W Huguenot Rd, left on Polo Pkwy, left on Polo Circle. 84 Miles one way. Destination Address: 11421 Polo Circle, Midlothian, VA 23113.
REGISTRATION: Patrol leaders will CALL their scouts for initial sign-up numbers; final sign-ups will be done in person. Cancellations after March 23 FINAL MONDAY are still obligated to pay the fee.
PERMISSION SLIPS/MEDICAL INFORMATION: The new BSA Medical Form is required. Any special medical information will also be collected Saturday evening before departure. Contact Mrs. Wilbert if any questions. A completed Peak Experiences “Acknowledgment of Risks” form, with scout and parent signatures, for each participant (adult and scout) NLT March 23. Mr Murawski has copies of these forms, and they need to be filled out by parent/guardians.
DRIVERS – ADULT LEADERS: This is a great opportunity to spend some time with your son and the troop. If you are interested in driving, please contact Mike Murawski.
ADULT LEADERS or PARENTS: Matthew Spitz is the Campout SPL and Mr. Mike Murawski is the Campout SM for the lock-in. Come enjoy the fun of a lock-in with the scouts! www.peakexperiences.com
** QUESTIONS?? Check the website (www.troop200.net) for the most up to date info, call your PL, or
email , and/or ! **