Dearbhú Cáilíochta agusCáilíochtaí Éireann
Quality and Qualifications Ireland
Validation Report of Expert Panel
Part 1General Information
Provider / Dorset College
Date of Visit / 14 May 2014
Programmes Submitted for Approval /
  • Certificate in Business in Global Business Management (Minor Award, NFQ Level 8, 30 ECTS)

Leading to the Award of /
  • Certificate in Business in Global Business Management

Programmes Recommended for Approval /
  • Certificate in Business in Global Business Management (Minor Award, NFQ Level 8, 30 ECTS)

Leading to the Award of /
  • Certificate in Business in Global Business Management

Panel of Experts
Name / Area of Expertise / Role/Position in Organisation
Mr Eoin Langan
Chair / Accounting and Business Computing / Head of Business School, Athlone Institute of Technology
Mr Des Gargan / HR Management; Change Management; Organisational Behaviour / Business Lecturer, National College of Ireland
Mr Ger Long / Accounting and Economics / Head of Department, Waterford Institute of Technology
Ms Colette Harrison / Secretary / Manager, Provider Recognition, QA Services, QQI
The Expert Panel (the Panel), having reviewed the documentation presented by Dorset College (the College) and considered the responses of the programme teams during the course of the evaluation meeting, will recommend approval of the following proposed programme to QQI, when the conditions identified within the report have been adequately addressed.
  • Certificate in Business in Global Business Management (Minor Award, NFQ Level 8, 30 ECTS)
The Panel has also identified a number of recommendations which the programme team should consider as the proposed programme is revised.
Thisreport addresses issues raised by the Panel in the context of the review.
Part 2Findings of the Panel
Dorset College was founded in 1983 and has been providing educational services continuously since that time. The College has been a HETAC and FETAC registered provider since 2005 offering a range of awards in business,computing, childcare and healthcare at NFQ Levels 5 and 6.
Dorset College has offered aHigher Certificate in Business (Major Award, NFQ Level 6)since 2006and in 2011 a Bachelor of Business Degree(Major Award, NFQ Level 7) programme was validated.
In 2013,QQIvalidated the Bachelor of Science in Computing and Multimedia (NFQ Level 7), together with the Higher Certificate in Science in Computing (Major Award, NFQ Level 6)and Multimedia and Certificate in Computing and Multimedia(Special Purpose, NFQ Level 6).
Dorset College offersits programmes to Irish and International learners. Learners from international markets arethe target for the NFQLevels 7 and 8 programmes.
2.2Examination of the Programme
2.2.1Education and Training Requirements
The College outlined its ambitions to provide NFQ Level 8 awards in a number of areas. It views this as a natural progression from its position of offering awards that are validated at NFQ Level 7 in Business and Computing and Multimedia. The proposed programme,Certificate in Business in Global Business Management (Minor Award, NFQ Level 8, 30 ECTS)aims to equip learners with the knowledge, skills and confidence to assist them in gaining employment in export-oriented organisations.
The Panel was satisfied that the programme was consistent with the provider’s mission, that it does not constitute redundant provision and that it makes efficient use of resources. The Panel was also satisfied with the provider’s case for the rationale of the programme and the research undertaken during the development of the programme, including consultation with industry, before the programme was proposed to QQI.
2.2.2Protection for Enrolled Learners
Validation of a programme of education and training (pursuant to Section 25 of the Education and Training Act 2012) is subject to QQI being satisfied that the provider concerned has arrangements in place in accordance with QQI’sProtection for Enrolled Learners (PEL) Protocols for the Implementation of Part 6 of the 2012 Act Guidelines for Providers. The Provider will complete the specific PEL documentation and submit it to the QQI Executive. Confirmation of PEL arrangements by the QQI Executive are required in advance of validation being formally granted.
The College confirmed that the PEL arrangements are in place for the proposed programme with Griffith College and IBAT College.
2.2.3Quality Assurance
The Panel noted that the submission had been developed and approved internally as a result of the application of the provider’s internal quality assurance procedures. The Panel was satisfied that those procedures had been applied to the development of the proposed programme and that quality assurance mechanisms are in place to ensure its provision, monitoring and review.
2.2.4Programme Titles and Award Titles
Following discussion, the Panel was satisfied that the title of the programme is clear, accurate and fit for the purpose of informing prospective learners and other stakeholders. The Panel was satisfied that the proposed title of the programme,Certificate in Business in Global Business Managementalso encompassedQQI’s related Named Award Titles.
2.3Particular Aspects of Programme Provision
The programme design is consistent with QQI’s Policy on Accumulation of Credits and Certification of Subjects (ACCS). The programme has an underlying unifying theme and the modules are connected by linkages that are either implicit or explicit. It was also clear how the standards of knowledge, skill and competence, determined by theQQI Awards Standards in Businessfor the Named Award to which the programme proposes to lead, evolves throughout the programme as a whole.

The Panel referred to the ForfásKey Skills for Enterprise to Trade Internationally Report (2012) and its conclusions that there is a need to increase formal international salestraining at third level, including compulsory modules on international sales in business courses.

The Panel made the following programme recommendations:
  • International Financial Management ande-Business and Digital Marketing Strategy should beelective modules.
  • The module on Marketing Management should be revised to a 10 credit module to include content on International Sales Management.

2.3.2Teaching and Learning
In the discussion with the College, the proposed approaches to teaching and learning were indicated and justified. However, the Panel consider that approaches to teaching and learning as presented in the programme submission are too generic and does not reflect the approach of the College. The Panel considers that the programme submission should explicitly reflect the proposed approaches to teaching and learning for each module as explained by the College at the meeting.
2.3.3Teacher-Learner Dialogue
The modes of interaction between the teaching staff and the learners were elaborated upon satisfactorily. The Panel noted a lack of tutorials in the programme. In discussions with the College it was acknowledged that the small class size facilitated a high degree of teacher-learner interaction during lectures.
2.3.4Standards/Learning outcomes
ThePanel is satisfied that the programme’s learning outcomes comply with the QQI Awards Standards in Business for the award of:Certificate in Business in Global Business Management. The College identified a range of transferrable skills- self-reliance, interpersonal skills, critical practice, employability and international perspective- that would be acquired by learners undertaking the programme. The Panel considers that it is important to embed these skills in each module to ensure they are a focus for staff when delivering the programme. The College is required to review each module to embed the transferrable skills identified.
In addition, thePanel made the following points that will need to be addressed by the College:
  • The modules e-Business and Digital Marketing Strategy has an applied focus that requires learners to have well developed IT skills. The requirement to complete a system build and also cover the proposed content requires revision.
  • The learning outcomes 3 and 6 in the Global Operations and Supply Chain require revision to reflect the current module content. Some of the content of this module should be reconsidered to include contenton outsourcing, vendor management and business processes.
  • The reference to “multinational” in all modules should be removed to ensure that Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) are reflected in the content.
  • The module International Financial Managementshould be an elective module on the programme.

2.3.5Learner Assessment
The College is using a wide range of assessment methods across the proposed programme. These methods are consistent with QQI’s policy on fair and consistent assessment. However,the Panel considers the volume of assessment to be undertaken by the learner as unreasonable for the proposed award. Therefore, the totality of learner effort requires review by the College.
The assessment methods are capable, amongst other things, of demonstrating attainment of the standards of knowledge, skill and competence, determined by QQI, for the related award. However, the volume of assessment required could lead to the duplication of assessment of a number of learning outcomes across the programme. TheCollege should review this for each module.
The Panel considers that it would benefit learners if the requirement for learners to complete all assessments was clarified in accordance with QQI Assessment and Standards (2009).
The Panel recommend that a computational element be considered in the assessment of the module International Financial Management.
2.3.6 Access, Transfer and Progression
The programme incorporates the procedures for access, transfer and progression that have been established by QQI. The programme isin-line with the requirements of the 2012 Act and the operational principles of QQI.
The Panel raised the issue of access to thisprogramme as stated in the programme submission.
It stated that entry to this programme was available to learners who had completed their Leaving Certificates. The College advised that the programme submission was incorrect. Following confirmation by the College that access to this programme is only available to learners who have achieved an NFQ Level 7major award;the Panel requires that access to this programme should only be to learners who have anNFQ Level 7 major award in a related field. The programme documentation must be amended to reflect this.
The College confirmed that the minimum English language requirement for learners accessing the programme is IELTS 6.
2.3.7 Staffing and Physical Resources
The Panel reviewed the staff qualifications and experience and met the staff that will have responsibility for delivering the programme (Appendix 1). The Panel was satisfied that the necessary staffing levels will be in place to deliver the programme and was generally satisfied with the level of qualifications and competence of the staff concerned.
The Panel acknowledged that the College has improved its library resources for learners undertaking these programme, and recommended the addition of some books directly relevant to the programme.
Part 3Recommendation
The Panel recommends the validation of the following programme:
  • Certificate in Business in Global Business Management for the purposes of the award of:
Certificate in Business in Global Business Management (Minor Award, NFQ Level 8, 30 ECTS)
Subject to:
  • QQl’s general conditions of approval under Section 45 of the 2012 Act.
  • Satisfying the conditions identified in Part 3.1 (below) and the College giving consideration to each of the recommendations identified within this report and particularly Part 3.2 (below).

The Panel requires that Dorset Collegefulfils the following conditions and that a satisfactory response to those conditions shall be received before the validation is considered by QQI.
The College must:
C1: / Review the programme learning outcomes to provide further clarity and embed the transferable skills identified in the programme submission in each of the modules.
C2: / Change the proposed programme by
  • DesignatingInternational Financial Management andeBusinessand Digital Marketing Strategy aselective modules.
  • RevisingMarketing Management to a 10 credit module to include content on International Sales Management.

C5: / Review the totality of learner effort in content and required assessment. The specific examples givenin para 2.3.4 require revision.
Explicitly reflect the proposed approaches to teaching and learning in each module.
Correct the entry requirements stated in the programme submission.
The Collegeis required to give consideration to each of the recommendations listed:
R1: / Clarify the requirement for learners to complete all assessments.
R2: / Review assessments to avoid the possibility of duplicating the assessment of individual learning outcomes.
R3: / Remove reference to ‘multinational’ in all modules.
R4: / In the module International Financial Management,consider a computational element in the assessment.
R5: / In the module Global Operations &Supply Chain,review learning outcomes 3 and 6 to reflect the content of the module more accurately. Consider the inclusion of content on outsourcing, vendor management and business processes.
Appendix 1:College Staff
Hugh Hughes / Director
Cathal Kearney / Registrar
Fergus Moore / Programme Director
Eugene Lynch / Lecturer
Donal Lehane / Lecturer
Sharon Dillon-Lyons / Lecturer
Rachel Ramirez Ward / Lecturer
Ryan Conradie / Lecturer
Dr Ana Panero Gomez / Lecturer