Dear Candidate
Level 3 Certificate in Coaching Triathlon
Thank you for expressing an interest in the UKCC Level 3Certificate in Coaching Triathlon Coach Education Course. The UKCC Level 3 is designed for individuals who are dedicated to coaching and want to improve both their theoretical and practical coaching skills.
The course is interactive and involves group discussion, presentations and most importantly practical coaching experiences throughout all three disciplines. It has been designed to build on the training and experience gained at Level 2 to further develop your skills as a triathlon coach and introduce you to the more specific skills of working with individual athletes on a one-to-one basis.
This involves the interdisciplinary nature of sport science and periodisation for coaching on an individual basis from novice to age-group level. Coaches are also introduced to delivering field based testing methods, i.e. non-laboratory tests, while also developing decision-making skills in relation to a number of role-play scenarios.
Course Commitment
The course includes nine days of on course learning, and is split over an 8-9 month period.It is expected that it will take candidates anything between 90-150 hours in home study and task completion to complete this qualification; however this will vary from candidate to candidate. This is equivalent to around 14 day’s work, on top of the course days that you will need to do to complete the qualification.
There are a number of assessments within the Level 3 course:
- Two Assessed Practical Coaching sessions (one on course and one in your own coaching environment)
- A series of assessed written tasks
- Applied Coaching Experience (ACE) log, comprising coaching of one athlete over a minimum of 12 continuous weeks
- A presentation on your ACE
Course Dates (*Venue subject to change – Please contact Triathlon Scotland)
Day 1 -
Day 2 -
Day 3 –
Day 4 –
Day 5 –
Day 6 –
Day 7 –
Day 8 –
Day 9 –
Course Venue
University of Stirling. You are eligible to book overnight stays at the Stirling Management Centre for reduced rates if you require. For further information please contact Triathlon Scotland.
Entry Requirements
The following are the minimum entry requirements for Level 3. This information will be recorded on the application form and verified as part of the induction process:
•Hold a British Triathlon or UKCC Level 2 Coaching Triathlon certificate
•Minimum 60 hours logged coaching - from completion of Level 2 across all three disciplines
(min 20 hours each), over a period of at least 1 year
•Minimum of two years of coaching experience
•Record of personal development since Level 2 (e.g. CPD)
Course Fees
One of triathlonscotland’s key objectives is to support the development of Scottish coaches and support our affiliated clubs. With this is mind, the course fees are as follows:
£1150 – Standard Fee
£872 – 25% reduction for coaches living in Scotland
£575 – 50% reduction for coaches with a Scottish residence and coaching with a Triathlon Scotland affiliated club.
This fee includes all learning materials, candidate and certification fees. Triathlon Scotland reserve the right to change this fee for any future courses. Full terms and conditions can be found in the application form.
If you want to register for the level 3 course, please find enclosed the application pack for completion. If you have any questions please contact me on07718 404 968 or
Yours sincerely,
Susie Benson
Triathlon Scotland Coaching Development Manager
Candidate Registration Form
Course Date(s): / Course venue
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms etc)
Candidate Name(to appear on certificate)
Maiden Name(if applicable)
Date of birth
Sex (✓) / Male / Female
Candidate Home Address & Post Code
Email Address
Telephone Number(s) / Home:
Previous Address & Post Code if applicable
TS / BTF Race Licence No
Do you have a SQA Scottish Candidate Number – SCN? (✓) / Yes
(please fill out below if SCN is known) / No
Scottish Candidate Number (SCN = 9 digit)
In your coaching capacity are you (please tick) / Paid / Full Time / Part Time / Volunteer
Scottish Candidate Numbers (SCNs) are allocated to candidates by SQA. This number is a unique candidate identifier and is required for SQA registration and entry purposes. If you think that you have previously been allocated a SCN by the SQA, this 9 digit number will appear on any SQA Certificates you may hold. If you cannot find your certificates, your SCN can be checked for you (using your name, date of birth and address) by calling the SQA Customer Contact Centre on 0845 279 1000. Please inform the programme co-ordinator as soon as possible once your SCN becomes known to you.
Name of your most recent training provider of SQA qualifications (eg Secondary School, College, University, S/NGB, Employer, None)
Candidate Profile Form
Briefly outline your coaching history and experienceBriefly outline your academic and vocational history.
Please outline your reasons for completing this course.
Please summarise other relevant awards you may have.
Briefly summarise your triathlon experiences.
Please outline your future coaching plans.
Please detail how you have developed your coaching skills since completing your level 2. Please detail any courses CPD you have attended.
What club do you coach with?
State a positive learning experience you have had and what made it positive?
Any other information we should be aware of?
Name: / Signature: / Date:
Course Entry Requirements
The following section must be completed by all candidates and incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Log of coaching Practice
Please attach a log of coached hours, you can use our form (example attached) or own records. This must be signed off by a senior coach or official. Coaching logs will be verified prior to entry.
Must be a minimum of 60 hours
Must have a minimum split of 20hours swimming, 20 hours running, 20 hours cycling
Cover a period of at least a year
Coaches Reference
Please use the space below to gain a reference from a senior coach or club chairman
Reference for Entry to Level 3Please comment on the following areas for ______(candidate name)
Coaching Abilities
Technical Knowledge of the sport
Commitment to athletes/club/sport
Any other comments
Name: / Tel Number:
Signature: / Date:
Name / Club
Date / Venue / Age Range / Duration / Session Topic / Type of Activities / Witnessed by (Name and signature)
Triathlon Scotland is strongly committed to the promotion of equality and diversity in its employment practices, and to making its services as accessible as possible. As part of our work to achieve these goals, we need to collect data on the equality profile of coaches. This will help us to identify any areas of under-representation which might indicate barriers or inequalities. In turn, this will assist us to identify actions required to make our organisation and services more equitable.
The information you provide will be handled in strictest confidence and will only be used for statistical monitoring purposes. It will not be possible to identify you from any reports produced. You are not obliged to answer these questions. However, we hope that you will understand the reasons for collecting this data, and the benefits this will have for triathlon in Scotland. Thank you for your cooperation.
Director of Equity
Triathlon Scotland
GenderWhat is your gender identity? / Is your gender identity the same as the gender you were originally assigned at birth?
Female / / Yes /
Male / / No /
Other gender identity / / Prefer not to answer /
Prefer not to answer /
Disability- Do you consider yourself to be disabled? Yes No Prefer not to answer
If ‘yes’, please indicate what type of disability you have in the boxes below.
Blindness or partial sight loss / / Physical Disability /
Deafness or partial hearding loss / / Long Standing illness, disease or condition /
Learning Disability (e.g. Down’s Syndrome) / / Developmental Disorder (e.g. Asperger’s Syndrome) /
Learning Difficulty (e.g. dyslexia) / / Prefer not to disclose /
Mental Health Condition / / Other type of disability, please specify /
Ethnicity – What is your ethnic group?
White / Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British
Scottish / / Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British /
Other British / / Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British /
Irish / / Banladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British /
Gypsy/traveller / / Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British /
Polish / / Other, please specify……………………… /
Other white ethnic group
Please specific…………… /
Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups / / Caribbean or Black
Please specify…………… / Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British /
Black, Black Scottish or Black British /
African / Other, please specify………………………
African, African Scottish or African British /
Other, please specify…………………….. / / Other Ethnic Group
Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British /
Other, please specify
Prefer not to answer /
Caring Responsibilities - Do you have caring responsibilities (i.e. are you the primary caregiver to a child or children, or other dependents including disabled, elderly or sick adults)?
Yes / / NO / / Prefer not to answer /
Sexual Orientation – What is your sexual orientation?
Bisexual / / Gay Man /
Gay Woman/Lesbian / / Heterosexual/Straight /
Other / / Prefer not to answer /
Religion or Belief – How would you define your religion or belief system?
None / / Jewish /
Church of Scotland / / Hindu /
Roman Catholic / / Another Religion, please specify /
Other Christian, please specify / / Another Belief System, please specify /
Muslim / / No religion or belief /
Buddhist / / Prefer not to answer /
Sikh /
20years or younger / / 51 – 60 /
21 – 30 / / 61 years or over /
31 – 40 / / Prefer not to answer /
41 – 50 /
1.Entry requirements:
- Applicants must be a minimum of 18 years of age upon application
- Applicants must be in possession of valid Triathlon Scotland membership or if not, have valid insurance policy with public liability cover of £5,000,000
- Must hold a level 2 qualification
- Must have at least 2 years experience of coaching – 1 year from level 2 (minimum 60 logged hours)
- Reference and record of CPD
- Payment must accompany the Course Application form. This will be taken once your application is verified
- Invoicing - if a third party has agreed to pay the fees on your behalf a supporting letter or purchase order must be attached confirming their commitment to pay, which must include contact name, address and telephone number. The third party will be invoiced and payment is to be settled within 30 days
- If paying by cheque please make payable to Triathlon Scotland
3.Pre-requisite documentation:
- Please ensure all documents are completed and returned with your Course Application form. Your application will not be processed without these
- Full course remittance or written confirmation that a third party will be paying the fees on your behalf (compulsory)
- A completed course application form
- Places are offered on a first come, first served basis to applicants who have returned the pre-requisite documentation. If a course is over-subscribed, applicants will be notified and providing the paperwork is in place, details will be held on file and you will be contacted if/when a place becomes available
5.Key to coaching endorsements:
- Your coaching qualification upon application will be “Candidate Level 3 Coach”. Please note other coaching qualifications, if relevant
6.Closing date for receipt of application:
- Applicants are advised to book early. Applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis and will only be accepted on completion of the necessary paperwork and accompanying remittance
- When the courses become full a reserve list will be held
7.Course Confirmation:
- Confirmation will be mailed to you as soon as your paperwork is processed; please allow 14 days
- Details regarding venue, timings, etc. will be mailed to you 14 days before commencement of the course
8.Cancellation and Amendment Charges:
Cancellations - if you wish to cancel your booking prior to attendance our cancellation policy is as follows:
- Up to four weeks before the course –Triathlon Scotland will provide a full refund, minus a fee of £30
- Less than four weeks before the course - a refund will be given less a fee of £250
- Less than 2 weeks before the first day of the course, only 25% of the course fee will be refunded
Cancellations - if you wish to cancel your attendance on day two, following your attendance on day one, our cancellation policy is as follows:
- We are not able to provide a refund or carry a credit forward for day 1, this is because we are not able to re-distribute part of a course to another candidate and we will have incurred the majority of course costs
9.Data Protection:
- When you apply to join a British Triathlon Coach Education course we create a record in your name, which includes the personal data you have provided on your Course Application and Membership details as well as documentation generated as a result of your participation in the course