incorporating ATOVS, AIRS, IASI, IMG, NAST, GIFTS, ...

A Report on

The Twelfth International

TOVS Study Conference

Lorne, Australia

27 February -5 March 2002

A report on

The Twelfth International

ATOVS Study Conference

Lorne, Australia

27 February – 5 March 2002

Conference sponsored by




World Meteorological Organization

Bureau of Meteorology, Australia

Météo France

ITT Aerospace / Communications Division

Raytheon Company

Environmental Systems & Services Pty Ltd

Report prepared by J.F. Le Marshall, D. Jasper and G. Rochard

Published and distributed by

Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre

GPO Box 1289K

Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia

July 2002


The International TOVS Working Group (ITWG) is convened as a subgroup of the International Radiation Commission (IRC) of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP). ITWG continues to organise International TOVS Study Conferences (ITSCs) which have met every 1824 months since 1983. Through this forum, operational and research users of TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS), Advanced TOVS (ATOVS) and other atmospheric sounding data have exchanged information on; data processing methods, derived products, and the impacts of radiances and inferred atmospheric temperature and moisture fields on numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate studies.

The Twelfth International TOVS Study Conference (ITSCXII) was held at the Cumberland Lorne Conference and Leisure Resort Centre from 27 February to 5 March 2002. This conference report summarises the scientific exchanges and outcomes of the meeting. A companion document The Technical Proceedings of The Twelfth International TOVS Study Conference contains the complete text of ITSC-XII scientific presentations. The ITWG web site ( ) holds electronic versions of the conference presentations. Together, these documents reflect the conduct of a highly successful meeting in Lorne. An active and mature community of TOVS and ATOVS data users now exists, and considerable progress and positive results were reported at ITSC-XII in a number of areas, including many related to the new ATOVS system and to the impending Advanced Sounders.

ITSC-XII was sponsored by NASA, NESDIS, EUMETSAT, the World Meteorological Organization, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Météo-France ITT Industries, the Raytheon Company and Environmental Systems and Services. Their support is gratefully acknowledged. We wish to thank the local organising committee. We also thank the staff of the Cumberland for their assistance during the Conference. Finally, we acknowledge the contribution of Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre staff, particularly Agnes Apostolou, David Jasper, Terry Adair and Irene Mouzouri, who assisted with the preparation and publication of this report and the Satellite Section Staff who assisted ably in the running of the Conference at Lorne.

Dr John F. Le Marshall Dr Guy Rochard

Cochair ITWG Cochair ITWG

Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre MétéoFrance

GPO Box 1289K CMS

Melbourne BP 147

Victoria, 3001 22 302 Lannion Cedex

Australia France



Lorne, Australia: 27 February – 5 March 2002

International TOVS Working Group (ITWG) cochairs

Dr J.F. Le Marshall (Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Australia)

Dr Guy Rochard (MétéoFrance, Lannion, France)

Organising Committee for ITSC-XII

Dr John F. Le Marshall (Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Australia)

Dr Guy Rochard (MétéoFrance, Lannion, France)

Mr David Jasper (Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Australia)

Ms Margaret Hehir (Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Australia)

ITSC-XII participants

Thomas H. Achtor CIMSS/SSEC Uni. of Wisc. Madison WI USA

Myoung-Hwan Ahn METRI, Korea Met. Admin., Seoul Korea

Raymond Armante LMD, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau France

Agnes Apostolou Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne Australia

Stella Aura Kenya Met. Dept., Nairobi Kenya

Nancy Baker Naval Res. Lab., Monterey, CA USA

John Bates NOAA Envir. Tech. Lab., Boulder, CO USA

Ralf Bennartz Univ. Kansas, Lawrence, KS USA

Hal J. Bloom NPOESS/IPO, Silver Spring, MD USA

Denis Blumstein CNES, Toulouse France

Eva Borbas CIMSS/SSEC, Univ. of Wisconsin USA

Bill Bourke BMRC, Melbourne Australia

Francois Bouttier CNRM, Météo-France, Toulouse France

Pascal Brunel CMS MétéoFrance, Lannion France

Stefan Buehler Univ. Bremen, Bremen Germany

João Carlos Carvalho INPE, São José dos Campos Brazil

Narinder Chauhan NPOESS//IPO, Silver Spring, MD USA

Frédéric Chevallier ECMWF, Reading, Berks UK

Clément Chouinard Met. Service of Canada, Quebec Canada

Andrew Collard Met Office, Bracknell, Berks UK

Godelieve Deblonde Met. Service of Canada, Dorval, Quebec Canada


Izabela Dyras Inst. Met. & Water Management, Krakow Poland

Stephen J. English Met Office, Bracknell, Berks. UK

John R. Eyre Met Office, Bracknell, Berks. UK

Nadia Fourrié Météo-France, Toulouse France

Donald Frank NASA DAO, Goddard SFC, Greenbelt, MD USA

Louis Garand Met. Service of Canada Dorval, Quebec Canada

Albin Gasiewski NOAA Envir. Tech. Lab., Boulder, CO USA

Elisabeth Gérard Météo-France, Toulouse France

Mitch Goldberg NOAA/NESDIS/ORA, Camp Springs, MD USA

David Griersmith Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne Australia

Songyan Gu Nat’l Sat. Met. Ctr, Beijing PRC

Brett A. Harris BMRC, Melbourne Australia

Donald E. Hinsman World Met. Org., Geneva Switzerland

Lee Hong Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne Australia

David Howard Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne Australia

Allen H.-L. Huang CIMSS/SSEC, Uni. Wis., Madison, WI USA

Nicole Jacquinet LMD, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau France

David Jasper BMRC, Melbourne Australia

Viju Oommen John Inst. Envir. Physics, Univ. Bremen, Bremen Germany

Steve Johnson ITT-Aerospace/Comms Div. Fort Wayne IN USA

Joanna Joiner NASA DAO, Goddard SFC, Greenbelt, Md USA

Sang-Won Joo Korea Met. Admin., Seoul Korea

Anton Karl Kaifel Ctr for Solar En & Hydrogen Res, Stuttgart Germany

Young-Hwa Kim Korea Met. Admin., Seoul Korea

Dieter Klaes EUMETSAT, Darmstadt Germany

Thomas J. Kleespies NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD USA

Christina Köpken ECMWF, Reading, Berks. UK

Tomas Landelius Swedish Met. Inst., Norrköping Sweden

Lydie Lavanant CMS, Météo-France, Lannion France

John F. Le Marshall BMRC, Melbourne Australia

Jun Li CIMSS/SSEC, Univ. Wis., Madison, WI USA

Merv Lynch Curtin Univ. of Technology, Perth, WA Australia

Marco Matricardi ECMWF, Reading, Berks. UK

Larry M. McMillin NOAA/NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD USA

W. Paul Menzel NOAA/NESDIS, Madison, WI USA

Goulven Monnier CMS, MétéoFrance, Lannion France

Denis O'Brien CSIRO Atmos. Res., Aspendale, Vic. Australia

Kozo Okamoto Japan Met. Agency, Tokyo Japan

Jaan Paevere BMRC, Melbourne Australia

Thierry Phulpin CNES, Toulouse France

Mulyono Prabowo BMG, Jakarta Indonesia

V.S. Prasad NCMRWF, New Delhi India
Fred Prata CSIRO Atmos. Res., Aspendale, Vic. Australia

Joe Predina ITT-Aerospace/Comms Div. Ft Wayne IN USA
Jeffery Puschell Raytheon St Barb. Rem. Sens., CA USA

Florence Rabier CNRM, MétéoFrance, Toulouse France

Roger Randriamampianina Hungarian Met. Service, Budapest Hungary

Anthony Rea Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne Australia


Gail Reichert NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD USA

Guy Rochard CMS, MétéoFrance, Lannion France

Filomena Romano IMAAA/CNR, Tito Scalo Italy

Herve Roquet CMS, Météo-France, Lannion France

Roger Saunders Met Office, Bracknell, Berks. UK
Harald Schyberg Norwegian Met. Inst., Oslo Norway

Nathaniel Servando PAGASA, Quezon City Philippines

Vanessa Sherlock Met. & Rem. Sens, NIWA, Wellington NZ
Elizabeth Silvestre Espinoza INPE-CPTEC, São Paulo Brazil

Devendra Singh India Met. Dept, New Delhi India
Sreerekha, T.R. Inst. Env. Phys, Uni. Bremen, Bremen Germany

Peter Steinle BMRC, Melbourne Australia

Graeme Stephens Dept. Atmos. Sci, CO St. Uni., Ft Coll. CO USA

Claudia Stubenrauch LMD, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau France

Vince Tabor NOAA/NESDIS/IPD, Suitland, MD USA

Jean-Noël Thépaut ECMWF, Reading, Berks. UK

Chris Tingwell BMRC, Melbourne Australia

Bernard Tournier NOVELTIS, Ramonville St Agne France

Shawn Turner Met. Serv. of Canada, Downsview, ONT. Canada

Michael J. Uddstrom NIWA, Wellington NZ

Alexander B. Uspensky SRC Planeta Roshydromet , Moscow Russia

Paul van Delst CIMSS-NOAA/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD USA

Nicolas Wagneur Met. Service of Canada, Dorval, Quebec Canada
Phil Watts ECMWF, Reading, Berks. UK

Fuzhong Weng NOAA/ NESDIS, Camp Springs, MD USA

Gary Weymouth Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne Australia

Keith Whyte The MetOffice, Bracknell, Berks. UK

Mike Willmott Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne Australia

Jeff Wilson Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne Australia

Walter W. Wolf NOAA/ NESDIS/ORA Camp Springs MD USA

Wu Xuebao Nat. Sat. Met. Ctr, Beijing PRC

Xue Jishan Chinese Acad. Met. Science, Beijing PRC

Zhang Wenjian Nat. Sat. Met. Ctr, Beijing PRC