Draft Town Council Action Plan. 2017 - 2020
Partnership / TC resource / Lead / PartnersWork closely with all partners to develop and deliver projects / Partners / Partners
Work with developers to bring forward S106 projects to benefit the town and particularly South Ulverston / Developers/SLDC
Asset Transfer
Assess potential of asset management/service delivery by UTC only if this action could provide an improved, well-funded and sustainable service for the community. / SLDC/UTC
Develop a range of capital projects including CCC and SLDC / UTC
Strategic Working/Partnership
Working with Local Partnerships and organisations
Group / TC Resource / Lead / PartnersUlverston In Bloom.
Ongoing financial support for the group. Fundingfor the2018 Britain in Bloom entry. / £3500
(Grant budget) / UIB / UTC
Emergency Resilience Group
Support in funds and in kind for this emerging community group led by local councillors. / ERG / UTC
Friends of X70 Bus
Support for this emergency community group involving local councillors. / FOX70 / UTC
Dementia ActionGroup
Support in kind for this community group led by local councillors. / DAG / UTC
Healthy Town Group
Support in kind, acting as accountable body for this group led by local councillors. / HTG / UTC
Ulverston Community Enterprises
Continue commitment to UCE for revenue funding. / £10,000 / UCE / UTC
Ulverston Community Partnership
Continue to work jointly with this group and provide funds for marketing throughthe TC budget. / £5000 / UCP / UTC
Gill Banks Action Group
Continue to lead and support the work of the group in uplifting and maintaining Gill Banks / £1500 / GBAG
Civic Society
Continue to support the work of the Civic Society and the Conservation Area. / CS
Project: / TC resource / PartnersTown Centre Highways
To work with the county council highways to uplift the current level of repairs to improve the appearance of the town centre / £10,000
CIL and project budget / CCC
Shop Front Improvement Grant
To continue to roll out this scheme for 2018, to improve the appearance of shops and other businesses frontagesin the conservation area. / £5000.00 / UCP
Buxton Place Car Park
To work in partnership with SLDC/CCC/EA to undertake a complete environmental improvement scheme on this important car park / £10,000 / Total cost - £100,000
20mph speed limited
To continue to work with the police and County Highways to
implement a 20mph speed limit / £2000.00 / CCC/Police
To improve footpath signage and work with CCC especially on the footpath from the former Lancastrian – Birkrigg and the start of the Cumbria Way leading from Gill Banks (Constitution Hill) / £2000.00 / CCC Footpaths
Information Centre
To work with UCE and the BID to provide an informationcentre office, potentially at the Market Hall, staffed by volunteers. / £2000 / UCE/BID
Previously committed / 10,000
New projects / 21,000
Total / 31,000