Tuesday, 27thMarch, 2018
7.30pm, Meeting Room, Trust Offices
1.REPORT FROM IAIN GORDON: Figures have been adjusted to reflect the fact that SCT paid for stock which was purchased from Carol Currie in May 2017 and then sold by SCTCL in the shop. The net cost of the stock (after discounting the percentage funded by HIE) has been shown as paid in SCTCL’s accounts, and shown as removed from SCT. This has caused SCTCL to show a small net loss over the first three quarters of 2017-18, but the gross margin is still reasonable at 20%.
The addition of new timber stock retained after harvesting will be partially received by the end of March, but measuring the quantity will be very difficult. Therefore the whole stock increase is to be left until the next financial year.
2.ATTENDANCE: Archie MacCalman (AM) (Chair), Eileen Armstrong (EA) (Trustee), John Duncan MacInnes (JDM) (Trustee), Polly MacInnes (PM) (Vice Chair), Martin MacGillivray (MM) (Trustee), Mike Shucksmith (MS) (Business Development Officer),Dòmhnall Angaidh MacLennan (DAM) (Trustee),Roddy Murray (RM) (Trustee)
APOLOGIES: Eleanor Jones (EJ) (Trust Administrator), Henrik Micski (HM) (Trustee), Peter Roberts (PR) (Trustee)
3.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST:EA for Visit Sleat. DAM for financial oversight by Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
4.MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: The 157thminutes proposed by EA, seconded by JDM, approved by the board.
Environmental policy: Ongoing. Action 1: HM to Action.
AGM minutes: Ongoing; chairs to send short summary of their presentations to EJ for the minutes. Action 2: AM, HM to Action.
Visibility of minutes: Ongoing; PM, JDM and EJ to go through historical minutes, removing confidential sections and then publishing on website. Action 3: PM, JDM, EJ to Action.
Financial oversight by Sabhal Mòr Ostaig: Following Iain Gordon’s retirement, SMO will not have the capacity to oversee SCT’s finances. The board agreed that while the support provided over the last year has been invaluable, the increased experience of staff and trustees means that the service is no longer necessary. Iain Gordon will finish by reporting on the year end in April/May;the board thanked him for all his hard work. RM raised the possibility of the board undertaking some financial training to increase their understanding.
Harvesting payments: Ongoing; HM to request a schedule of payments for harvesting. Action 4: HM to Action.
Quarterly public meeting: No date as yet; awaiting hall booking confirmation for 26th April.
OSCR: SCT’s policies comply with the specific safeguarding points raised by OSCR.
VAT group: Discussion to be postponed until a later date.
Gaelic policy: DAM to investigate resources to assist with translation. Action 6: DAM to Action.
Sea bed leasing: EA to provide more informationon the potential for SCT working with the Crown Estate on sea bed leasing. Action 7: EA to Action.
John Muir Trust Award: Approval for SCT to run this award has been received. MS has applied to Archaeology Scotland so SCT can run an award suitable for younger primary school age children.
Bank accounts and cash flow: AM updated the board.
Financial oversight:Discussed earlier.
Armadale redevelopment: Rural Design have sent through new proposed plans, following the board’s decision that Faoilinn Cottage could be included in the redevelopment. The board discussed minor changes, but were broadly positive about the new plans. Plans to be discussed with the SCTCL board and staff.
SMO facilities update:DAM and MS met to discuss development of housing and sports facilities at SMO. Community support is needed for SMO to go forward with these plans; DAM will prepare a report for discussion at the next board meeting. Action 8: DAM to Action.
Quarterly public meeting: Covered earlier.
Business planning: MS is working on a five year business plan, which will be useful in funding applications and strategic planning. The board approved the initial concept and asked MS to move forward with the plan.
Car parking at Aird:There is a lack of clarity over who is responsible for the car parking at Aird. MM offered to discuss it with Iain Lindsay as Grazings Clerk. Action 9: MM to Action.
8.SCTCL (Trading):The board noted the update
9.SRL (Renewables):Harvesting is going well. There are currently no split logs available; awaiting a date for splitting from the contractor. Murdo MacKinnon is making progress with the ground works at the tree nursery site. TWIG had a meeting to discuss the concept for the information boards in Tormore. The pine weevil study will be ongoing through the summer.
10.ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY GROUP: The board noted the update.
11.LAND MANAGERS ADVISORY GROUP: The LMAG met with PM and HM to discuss livestock predation by the Tormore white tailed eagle.
The LMAG have asked SCT to put pressure on SNH to provide the type of support and interventions that would help alleviate the problem, and have provided a list of actions they would like to be taken, in the hope of addressing the breakdown in communications between local land managers and SNH.The board appreciated the position of the land managers.
SNH’s current standpoint is that SCT should make the decision on how to progress; whether this be applying for a licence to cut the tree down and move the eagle, or asking for deterrent measuresto be put in place to better protect livestock. The board felt that it is SNH that has the knowledge and experience on eagle management, and that to pass the decision to SCT was unjust.
Board members had differing opinions on the approach SCT should take, but agreed that SCT should not be responsible for taking the decision unilaterally. PM and HM to arrange a meetingwith SNH to discuss what actions they are currently taking to address the predation in Aird by the Tormore eagle. RM and EA will also attend. Action 10: PM, HM to Action.
CARES conference: HM is attending the CARES conference.
Safeguarding statement: SCTCL have asked for clarification on the wording of the safeguarding statement. MS clarified that ‘visitors’ refers to both tourists and visitors to the shop/office. The board discussed the statement and did not feel the need to change it in any way.
Sleat Community Council: SCC’s budget has been severely cut.
Armadale footpath: The footpath has been upgraded; the drains redone and a new surface laid down.
Affordable Housing Group: MS suggested the AFG feed in to SCT board meetings in the same way as the EAG and LMAG. This is already an option to them should they wish.
Date of next meeting: 7.30pm on Tuesday 24th April 2018