LodgeTweed United No.136

UGL of NSW and ACT


V W Bro. Graham Barrett


VW Bro George Michael Installing Master

And Investiture of Officers For the year 2014-2015

At the Twin Towns Masonic Centre, Boyd St, Tweed Heads

Thursday, 9th October 2014

Lodge Tyles at 6:30 p.m.

Visitors 6:45 p.m.

Grand Lodge 7.00 p.m.

Banquet Charge $15.00

Ladies $10.00


Wor Bro Ron Williams, 359/20 Binya Ave NSW 2485

Phone: (07) 5599 4365 email:

Lodge Tweed United Installation 2014

Worshipful Master & Officers2014/2015

Worshipful Master...... VWor Bro Graham Barrett


Senior Warden…………………….Wor Bro J F StebbingsJunior Warden...... RW Bro G Moon

Chaplain...... Wor Bro .Aubrey O’Neill

Treasurer...... Bro Greg Adams

Secretary...... Wor Bro Ron Williams

Director of Ceremonies...... VW Bro Ray WeblinDGIW

Senior Deacon ...... Wor Bro P Hulme

Junior Deacon ...... RW Bro D Dezentje

Inner Guard ...... Wor Bro C Hutchison

Tyler ...... Bro P Taylor

Organist...... VW Bro Ross Johnson

Lodge MasonicCareOfficer…...... RWBro Don Dezentje

DisDistrict Masonic Care Officer...... Wor Bro Graham Barrett

MembershipOfficer...... VW BroLes Hicks

Auditor...... VW Bro G Barrett

Auditor...... Wor Bro A O’Neill

Wor Bro Les Hicks

The distinguishing characteristics

Of a good Freemason are

Virtue, Honour and Mercy

And may they ever be found

In a Mason’s breast

The Lodge is Opened in the First Degree

Hail Eternal by Whose Aid
All created things were made;
Heav’n and Earth Thy vast design;
Hear us Architect Divine! / May our work begun in Thee,
Ever blest with order be;
And may we, when labours cease,
Part in harmony and peace.

Confirmation of Minutes, Correspondence & Accounts

The Lodge is Opened in the 2nd Degree

In Love and Peace unitedas Masonry doth teach us

May we as Craftsmen standour joys and grief’s to share

In faith and honour plighted May discord never reach us

Join every heart and handwhen met upon the square

Admission of Grand Director of Ceremonies


Reception of

RW Bro Bruce Arnol

Accompanied by Grand Officers

Presentation of Worshipful Master Elect


Wor Bro Aubrey O’Neil Rt W Bro D Dezentje

Obligation of the Worshipful Master Elect

When saluting the Volume of the Sacred Law

“Let not honour and truth forsake thee

So shall thou find favour in the sight of God and man”

Lodge is opened in the Third Degree


God bless our noble craft,In Thine omnipotence

Shield and protect us,Guide and direct us

Teach us fervently God Bless the Craft

To worship thee So Mote it Be

During the singing of the anthem all brethren

below the rank of Installed Master will retire


Onward Brother MasonsOnward then O Masons

Keep you path arightIn one happy throng

Nobly do your dutyJoyous be our voices

Ye are in God’s sightin the triumph song

Brethren lift your voices Truthwithin the Temple

In a song of praiselove around us shine

Masons lift your voicesshall through countless ages

Loud your anthems raisestamp our work divine

Onward, etc.Onward, etc.

Board of Installed Masters opened

Wor Bro Russel Moore…………..Senior Warden

Graeme Forrest Brown...... Junior Warden

Wor Bro M Zuschky.……………..... Inner Guard

Installation of

VW Bro. Graham Barrett by

VW Bro George Michael

Board of Installed Masters closed

Lodge resumed in the Third Degree

Admission of Master Masons

Proclamation in the East


Presentation of Working Tools Third Degree

V.W.Bro. Ken Cartner

Lodge resumed in the Second Degree

Admission of freemasons

Presentation of Working Tools Third Degree

V. Wor. Bro John Jacobson

Lodge resumed in the Second Degree

Admission of Fellowcraft Freemasons

Proclamation in the West


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Lodge Tweed United Installation 2014

In wishes true and hearty May wisdom may he rule us

Let every Craftsman share In faith may we obey

And greet with loving welcome That God his hands may strengthen

Our Master in the chair Let every Craftsman Pray

In wishes true and hearty

Lets every Craftsman share

And greet him still, “God bless him!”

Our Master in the Chair

Presentation of Working Tools Second Degree

RW Bro Gordon Starkey

Lodge resumed in the First Degree

Admission of all Masons

Proclamation in the South


Presentation of Working Tools First Degree

Bro Kody Mayson

Presentation of Warrant, Book of Constitutions, Codification of Decisions of the Ritual Committee

and the By-Laws of the Lodge

Investiture of Officers

Address to Worshipful Master………..……Wor Bro Bruce Smith

Address to the Wardens…………………..…RW Bro Les Hicks

Address to the Brethren……………………RW Bro Bruce Arnol

Retirement of Grand Lodge Officers

Lodge Closed

Toast List

Grace...... Chaplain

The Queen ...... WM

The MW Grand Master...... WM

The Newly Installed Master & Officers…Rt. W Bro J.A. Walker.

The Installing Master ...... WM

The Ladies and Visiting Brethren ...... Rt. W Bro Les Hicks

The Junior Warden’s Toast...... RW Bro Graham Moon

Lodge Tweed United No. 136 UGLNSW and ACT.
Founded 1885

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Lodge Tweed United Installation 2014

W. Collins / 1885-86 / H French / 1886-87
W Collins / 1887-88
H. French / 1888-89 / J.G. Crompton / 1954-55
W. McGregor / 1889-91 / W.C.S. Orchard / 1955-56
W. Collins / 18 1891-92 / A.G. Smyth / 1956-57
A. A A. Eastaughffe / A. 1892-94 / C.H. Hays / 1957-58
W. W.Collins.J.E / 1894-95 / S.E. Weaver / 1958-59
J.E.Bourke / 1895-96 / G. Vlismas / 1959-60
E.F. Frost / 1896-97 / J.C. Peacock / 1960-61
A. Eastaughffe / 1897-98 / W.G. Cridge / 1961-62
E.F. Frost / 1898-1903 / S.B. Harbison / 1962-63
I. Mcllrath / 1903-04 / A.C. Willis / 1963-64
E.W. Culbert / 1904-05 / H.C. Duncan / 1964-65
P. Street
I. Mcllrath / 1905-06
1906-07 / W.D. Lehfeldt
T.J. Higgins / 1965-66
E.J. Fackerell / 1907-08 / W.L. Coleman / 1967-68
S.C. Steel / 1908-09 / W.C. Edmed / 1969-70
E.H. Johnson / 1909-10 / K.G. Philip / 1970-71
E.G. Kercher / 1910-13 / D.A. Philip / 1971-72
G.T. Harvey / 1913-14 / K.G. Eldridge ... / 1972-73
F.J. McLoghlin / 1914-15 / E.A. Buchanan / 1973-74
J.D.S. McAuley / 1915-16 / J.J. Miller / 1974-75
F.W. Stuart / 1916-17 / J.K. Sharman / 1975-76
J.A. Jay / 1917-18 / A.L. O’Neill / 1976-77
J.R. Trundle / 1918-19 / N.T Turnbull / 1977-78
S.W. England / 1919-20 / H.N McIntyre / 1978-79
F.W. Ryan / 1920-21 / R W.Johnson / 1979-80
E.J. Peterson / 1921-22 / G Kingston / 1980-81
A.V.E. Overall .... / 1922-23 / G.P.Sharp / 1981-82
A.R. Black / 1923-24 / V.T Tremellan / 1982-83
D.J. Dunbar / 1924-25 / R.K.Davis / 1983-84
W.E. Robinson / 1925-26 / G.A.King / 1984-85
J.F.M. Theyer / 1926-27 / J.R Botterell / 1985-86
A. Philip / 1927-28 / R.H.V.Elliott / 1986-87
W.T. Salter / 1928-29 / R.A.McDermont / 1987-88
R.P. Stevens / 1929-30 / R.D.Spence / 1988-89
D.J. Hogg / 1930-31 / G.Vlismas / 1989-90
A.J. Colefax / 1931-32 / J.C.I.Vlismas / 1990-91
A.G.F. Gottle / 1932-33 / J.R.Nicholl / 1991-92
C. Way / 1933-34 / G.A.King / 1992-93
E.D.A. Livermore . / 1934-35 / K.G. Philip / 1993-94
K.W. Dwyer / 1935-36 / L.A. Philip / 1994-95
T.W.A. Eilola / 1936-37 / D.E.Lee / 1995-96
A.H. Poynting / 1937-38 / D.E Lee / 1996-97
J.H. Williams / 1938-39 / H.G.Highfield / 1997-98
L.S. Carter / 1939-40 / R.S.Dawson / 1999-2000
C. Daniel / 1941-42 / R.J.Dawson / 2000-01
L.S. Carter / 1942-43 / R.J.Dawson / 2001-02
H.A. Southwell / 1943-44 / R.J.Dawson / 2002-03
J.A.G. Smith / 1944-45 / L.A. Philip / 2003-04
H.J. Johnson / 1945-46 / L.A. Philip / 2004-05
O.G.R.Shoobridge / 1946-47 / D Falls / 2005-06
A.T. Fredericks / 1947-48 / G Richmond / 2006-07
C.S.R. Miller / 1948-49 / G Richmond / 2007-08
W.H. Pollett / 1949-50 / R.J Dawson / 2008-09
M.G. Barrett / 1950-51 / R.J Dawson / 2009-10
H.F. Thompson / 1951-52 / D Falls / 2010-11
A.R E..Westman / 1952-53 / R Weblin / 2011-12
R.W. Worland / 1953-54 / L Bradley / 2012 -13
E.B. Dale / 1968-69 / G Barrett / 2013 -14

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