Curriculum Vitae
Name: Khaled Mostafa Mohamed Abdel-Wahab El-Ghondakly
Nationality: Egyptian
Date of birth: May - 15 - 1962
Marital status: Married
In Egypt: Professor, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut Univ., Assiut 71526, Egypt.
In Saudi-Arabia: Professor and Head Dept. of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Taif Univ., Taif, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia
Mobile Phone: 00201065007120 (Egypt)
Mobile Phone: +966553441879 (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
E-mail address:
1- Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt : June, 1984, with the general grade : Very good with degree of honour.
2- Master degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacognosy), Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt: February, 9, 1989.
3- Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacognosy), Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima Univ. School of Medicine, Hiroshima, Japan : January, 23, 1997 under the supervision of Prof. Kazuo Yamasaki.
1- Demonstrator at the Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut Univ., Egypt, from October, 14, 1984 to March, 13, 1989.
2- Associate lecturer at the Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut Univ., Egypt since March, 14, 1989.
3- Research Fellow at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hiroshima Univ. School of Medicine, Hiroshima, Japan. From October, 14, 1992 to March, 4, 1997 for getting the Ph.D. degree.
4- Lecturer at the Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut Univ., Egypt, since April, 29, 1997.
5- Associate professor at the Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt, since May, 26, 2002.
6- Staff member at the Dept. of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Al-Taif Univ., Al-Taif, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, since August 2006.
7- Professor at the Dept. of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt, since May, 25, 2008.
Teaching Experiences:
1- (1986-1992): Participating in teaching the practical courses of General Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry and Applied Pharmacognosy for the undergraduate students of Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University.
2- Participating in teaching General pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants for the 2nd. year pharmacy students, Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University from 1997 till now.
3- Participating in teaching General pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants for the 2nd. year pharmacy students, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al Azhar University, Assiut Branch, from 1997 to 2004.
4- Participating in teaching General pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants for the 2nd. year pharmacy students, Faculty of Pharmacy, El-Minia University, from 1999 to 2002.
5- Participating in teaching The Advanced Courses of Structure Elucidation of Naturally Occurring Compounds By NMR and MS Spectral Analyses of the post-graduate students.
6- Teaching Pharmacognosy I, Pharmacognosy II and Alternative Medicine for the Pharmacy students, College of Pharmacy, Al-Taif Univ., Al-Taif, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia, since 2006.
Research Experiences:
1- Isolation of naturally occurring compounds using different chromatographic techniques such as TLC, CC, MPLC, HPLC...... etc.
2- Structure elucidation of various groups of natural products viz. triterpenes, Saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, Phenolic compounds ...... etc. using different spectroscopic techniques including IR, NMR and MS.
3- Preliminary biological investigation of medicinal plant extracts and pure isolated compounds specially for antidiabetic and analgesic activities.
Other Experiences:
1- Participating in the practical, oral and written examination works for the under and post-graduate students.
2- Participating in the preparation of Student’s Books containing the courses of General Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Plants for the 2nd. year Pharmacy students, Faculty of Pharmacy Assiut University from 1997 till now.
3- Supervising many Master and Ph. D. Thesis of Pharmacognosy for the Post-graduate Students in Faculty of Pharmacy Assiut University and Faculty of Pharmacy, Al Azhar University, Assiut Branch.
4- A member of the management team and program specification team of the Project “Establishment of An Internal System For Quality Assurance In the Faculty of Pharmacy, Assiut University”.
5- Supervisor of The Scientific Association of Assiut Pharmacy Students.
6- Supervisor of scientific research graduation projects for 6th. Year Pharmacy students, College of Pharmacy, Al-Taif Univ., KSA.
List of Publications
1- Samia M. El-Sayyad, Afaf M. Abdel Baki, Mohamed A. El-Shanawany and Khaled M. Mohamed «Macro and Micromorphology of Cassia spectabilis DC. Part I Stem and Leaf», Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut Univ. 12 (1), (1988).
2- Samia M. El-Sayyad, Afaf M. Abdel Baki, Mohamed A. El-Shanawany and Khaled M. Mohamed «Macro and Micromorphology of Cassia spectabilis DC Part II Flower, Fruit and Seed», Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut Univ. 12 (2), (1989).
3- Samia M. El-Sayyad, Afaf M. Abdel Baki, Mohamed A. El-Shanawany and Khaled M. Mohamed «Phytochemical Study of Cassia spectabilis DC.», Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut Univ. 12 (2), (1989).
4- Khaled M. Mohamed, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki «Dolabellane Diterpene Glucosides from Chrozophora obliqua», Phytochemistry 37, 495 - 500, (1994).
5- Khaled M. Mohamed, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki «3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Dolabellane Diterpenes from Chrozophora obliqua », Phytochemistry 39, 151 - 161, (1995).
6- Khaled M. Mohamed, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki «Oleanene Glycosides from Seeds of Trifolium alexandrinum», Phytochemistry 40, 1237 - 1242, (1995).
7- Khaled M. Mohamed, Hashim A. Hassanean, Kazuhiro Ohtani and Kazuo Yamasaki «Triterpenoidal Saponins from Kochia indica Wight.», Bull. Pharm. Sci., Assiut Univ. 21 (I), 27 - 36, (1998).
8- Khaled M. Mohamed, Mahmoud H. Mohamed, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki «Megastigmane Glycosides from Seeds of Trifolium alexandrinum L.», Phytochemistry 50, 859 - 862 (1999).
9- Mahmoud H. Mohamed, Khaled M. Mohamed, Hashim A. Hassanean and Safaa A. El-Moghazy «Minor Lupin Alkaloids from the Seeds of Lupinus varius and Lupinus hartwegii», Pharmazie 54, 778 - 780 (1999).
10- Samia M. El-Sayyad, Mahmoud. H. Mohamed, Mohamed. S. Kamel, Khaled M. Mohamed and Ashraf. N. El-Hifnawy “Chemical Constituents of The Fruits and Flowers of Lagonychium farctum Growing in Egypt”, Bull.Pharm. Sci., Assiut Univ. 22 (II), 123 - 129, (1999).
11- Khaled M. Mohamed, Hashim A. Hassanean, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “Chalcanol Glucosides from Seeds of Trifolium alexandrinum L.”, Phytochemistry 53, 401 - 404 (2000).
12- Mohamed S. Kamel, Khaled M. Mohamed, Hashim A. Hassanean, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “Iridoid and Megastigmane Glycosides from Phlomis aurea”, Phytochemistry 55, 353 - 357 (2000).
13- Mohamed S. Kamel, Khaled M. Mohamed, Hashim A. Hassanean, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “Acylated Flavonoid Glycosides from Bassia muricata”, Phytochemistry 57, 1259 - 1262 (2001).
14- Samy Emara, Khaled M. Mohamed, Tsutomu Masujima and Kazuo Yamasaki « Separation of Naturally Occurring Triterpenoidal Saponins by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis » Biomed. Chromatogr. 15, 1 - 5 (2001).
15- Khaled M. Mohamed “Phenylpropanoid Glucosides from Chrozophora obliqua”, Phytochemistry 58, 615 - 618 (2001).
16- Yaser G. Gouda, Afaf M. Abdel-Baky, Faten M. Darwish, Khaled M. Mohamed Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “Phytochemical Study of Jacaranda ovalifolia Family Bignoniaceae Cultivated in Egypt”, Bull.Pharm. Sci., Assiut Univ. 25 (II), 165 - 174, (2002).
17- Yaser G. Gouda, Afaf M. Abdel-Baky, Faten M. Darwish, Khaled M. Mohamed Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “Iridoids From Kigelia pinnata DC. Fruits”, Phytochemistry 63, 887 - 892 (2003).
18- Khaled M. Mohamed, Amany S. Ahmed and Ahmed A. Ali “Chemical Constituents and Antidiabetic Activity of Trifolium alexandrinum L.”, Bull.Fac.Pharm.Cairo Univ. 41(1), 253 – 263, (2003).
19- Khaled M. Mohamed “Chemical Constituents of Gladiolus segetumKer-Gawl”, Bull.Pharm. Sci., Assiut Univ. 28 (I), 71 - 78, (2005).
20- Khaled M. Mohamed “Organic Acids, Organic Acid Esters and Analgesic Activity of Tamarindus indica L. Fruits”, Pharmacia, 4, 3-7, (2005).
21- Yaser G. Gouda, Afaf M. Abdel-Baky, Khaled M. Mohamed, Faten M. Darwish, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “Phenylpropanoid and Phenylethanoid Derivatives from Kigelia pinnata DC. Fruits”, Natural Product Research, 20 (10), 935-939 (2006).
22- Ahmed E. Abd-Ellah, Khaled M. Mohamed, Enaam Y. Bakheet and Mahmoud H. Mohamed “Macro- and Micromorphology of Sanchezia nobilis Hook. Cultivated in Egypt: Leaf, Stem and Flower”, Bull.Pharm. Sci., Assiut Univ., 29 (II), 300 - 327, (2006).
23- Khaled M. Mohamed, Mostafa A. Fouad, Katsuyoshi Matsunami, Mohamed S. Kamel and Hideaki Otsuka “A New Norlignan Glycoside from Cestrum diurnum L.”, ARKIVOC (Archive for Organic Chemistry), (xiv) 63-70, (2007).
24- Mostafa A. Fouad , Khaled M. Mohamed, Katsuyoshi Matsunami, Mohamed S. Kamel and Hideaki Otsuka “Cesdiurins I-III, Steroidal Saponins from Cestrum diurnum L.” Journal of Natural Medicine, 62, 168-173 (2008).
25- Ahmed A. Abdel-Mawla , Khaled M. Mohamed, Ashraf M. Mostafa “Induction of biologically active flavonoids in cellcultures of Morus nigra and testing their hypoglycemic efficacy” Scientia Pharmaceutica, 79, 951-961 (2011).
26- Ahmed E. Abd-Ellah, Khaled M. Mohamed, Enaam Y. Bakheet and Mahmoud H. Mohamed “Matsutake Acohol Glycosides from Sanchezia nobilis Hook”, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 48 (6), 930-933 (2013).
27- Ashraf M. Mostafa , Abdel-Hamid A. Serwah, Waleed S. Mohamed and Khaled M. Mohamed “The Effects of Some Medicinal Antidiabetic Plants on Pancreas and Liver in Diabetic Albino Rats” The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, 50, 156-168 (2013).
28- Waleed S. Mohamed, Ashraf M. Mostafa , Abdel-Hamid A. Serwah and Khaled M. Mohamed “Cardiometaboilic Protective Effects of Some Medicinal Plants in Diabetic Albino Rats” The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine, 51, 264-274 (2013).
29- Samy Emara, Tsutomu Masujima, Walaa Zarad, Khaled Mohamed, Maha Kamal, Marwa Fouad and Ramzian El-Bagary « Field-Amplified Sample Stacking B-Cyclodextrin Modified Capillary Electrophoresis for Quantitative Determination of Diasteriomeric Saponins», Journal of Chromatographic Science, (published online Nov. 17), 1-9 (2013).
30- Ahmed O. H. El-Nezhawy, Ibrahim A. Maghrabi, Khaled. M. Mohamed and Hany A. Omar “Cymbopogon proximus Extract Decreases L-NAME-Induced Hypertension in Rats”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 27 (1), 66-69 (2014).
31- Yaser G. Gouda, Qasem M. A. Abdallah, Abdulrahman A. Basha, Adel K. Alorabi, Ahmed S. Altowerqe and Khaled. M. Mohamed “Cytotoxic And Antimicrobial Activities of Some Compositae Plants Growing In Taif Area, Saudi Arabia”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention,
3 (5), 43-48 (2014).
32- Yaser G. Gouda, Fayez S. Hamam, Mayyas Al-Remawe, Mohammed A. El-Abbadi, Sobhi M. El-Shehry, Rasheed T. El-Gohary and Khaled. M. Mohamed “Study of Analgesia Caused by Some Commonly Used Herbs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”, Annals of Biological Sciences, 2 (3), 48-55 (2014).
33- Ahmed E. Abd-Ellah, Khaled M. Mohamed, Enaam Y. Bakheet and Mahmoud H. Mohamed “Cinnamyl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol and Flavonoid Glycosides from Sanchezia nobilis Hook”, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 50 (5), 823-826 (2014).
34- Abeed S. Algothamy, Wadee S. Alruqayb, Mustafa A. Abdallah, Khaled. M. Mohamed, Ahmed A. Albarraq and Ibrahim A. Maghrabi “Prevalence Of Using Herbal Drugs As Antidiabetic Agents In Al-Taif Area, KSA”, Saudi Journal for Health Sciences, vol. 3 (3), 137-140 (2014).
35- Waleed S. Mohamed, Ashraf M. Mostafa , Abdel-Hamid A. Serwah and Khaled M. Mohamed “The Effects of Foenugreek, Nigella and Termis Seeds on Lipid Profile in Diabetic Albino Rats” Annals of Biological Sciences, 3 (1), 1-9 (2015).
36- Waleed S. Mohamed, Ashraf M. Mostafa , Khaled M. Mohamed and Abdel-Hamid A. Serwah “The Effects of Foenugreek, Nigella and Termis in Non-Alcoholics Fatty Liver in Obese Diabetic Albino Rats”, Arab Journal of Gastroenterology, accepted for publication.
List of Conferences
1- Khaled M. Mohamed, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “Dolabellane Diterpene Glucosides from Chrozophora oblique”, Annual Meeting of The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Tokyo, March (1994).
2- Khaled M. Mohamed, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Dolabellane Diterpenes from Chrozophora oblique”, Annual Meeting of The Pharmaceutical Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy, Sapporo, Japan, September (1994).
3- Samy Emara, Khaled M. Mohamed, Tsutomu Masujima and Kazuo Yamasaki “Utility of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis for The Separation of Naturally Occurring Triterpenoidal Saponins”. IInd. Miniaturisation in Liquid Chromatography versus Capillary Electrophoresis Conference, Ghent, Belgium, May, (1997).
4- Assiut University 1st. Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Assiut, Egypt, 4-5 March, (1998) [Organization Committee].
5- Khaled M. Mohamed, Hashim A. Hasanean, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “Novel Chalcanol Glucosides from Trifolium alexandrinum”, Annual Conference of The Austrian Pharmaceutical Society, Graz, Austria, 11-13 June (1998).
6- Khaled M. Mohamed, Hashim A. Hasanean, Kazuhiro Ohtani, Ryoji Kasai and Kazuo Yamasaki “Chalcanol Glucosides from Trifolium alexandrinum”, Annual Conference of The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society, Cairo, Egypt, 8-10 December (1998).
7- Assiut University 2nd. Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Assiut, Egypt, 8-9 March, (2000) [Organization Committee].
8- Assiut University 3rd. Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Assiut, Egypt, 5-6 March, (2002) [Organization Committee].
9- Assiut University 4th. Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Assiut, Egypt, 6-7 March, (2004) [Organization Committee].
10- Khaled M. Mohamed, “Organic Acids and Analgesic Activity of Tamarindus indica L. Fruits”, 4th. Congress of Pharmacy organized by the Bulgarian Scientific Pharmaceutical Association”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3-5 June (2005).
11- Khaled M. Mohamed, Yaser G. Gouda, Qasem M. A. Abdallah and Mohamed F. Elbadawy, “Cytotoxic and Antimicrobial Activities of Some Compositae Plants Growing in Taif Area, Saudi Arabia”, Dubai International Pharmaceuticals & Technologies Conference and Exhibition DUPHAT 2015”, Dubai, UAE, 8-10 March (2015).
Research Projects:
1- Research project: Toxicological studies and Pharmacological efficacy of Commiphora opobalsamum L. (Becham) extracts and isolated active ingredients on renal stone “College of Pharmacy, Al-Taif Univ., Al-Taif, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia”. (No. 876/431/1)
2- Research project: Antihypertensive activity of Cymbopogon proximus STAPF. extract, the active principle proximadiol and proximadiol synthetic derivatives “College of Pharmacy, Al-Taif Univ., Al-Taif, Kingdom of Saudi-Arabia”. (No. 1-433-1911)
3- Supervisor of scientific graduation project for 6th. Year pharmacy students, College of Pharmacy, Al-Taif Univ., KSA. Entitled: “Prevalence Of Using Herbal Drugs As Antidiabetic Agents In Saudi Arabia”, 1432-1433
4- Supervisor of scientific graduation project for 6th. Year pharmacy students, College of Pharmacy, Al-Taif Univ., KSA. Entitled: “Prevalence Of Using Herbal Drugs In Treatment of Obesity In Saudi Arabia”, 1433-1434
5- Supervisor of scientific graduation project for 6th. Year pharmacy students, College of Pharmacy, Al-Taif Univ., KSA. Entitled: “Preparation and Evaluation of Herbal-Based Anti-inflammatory Dermatological Products”, 1433-1434
6- Supervisor of scientific graduation project for 6th. Year pharmacy students, College of Pharmacy, Al-Taif Univ., KSA. Entitled: “Prevalence Of Using Herbal Drugs In Treatment of Cough In Saudi Arabia”, 1434-1435