Location: / Offices in Cardiff and St Asaph
Pay Band: / A2 £21,768 - £25,452
Line Manages: / n/a
Reports To: / Senior Communications Officer
Job Purpose:
· Organise all main Social Care Wales corporate events, including conferences.
· Organise all aspects of the Accolades, including the launch, information and materials, the awards ceremony and sharing best practice arrangements.
· Organise Social Care Wales’s presence at the Royal Welsh Show and the National Eisteddfod.
· Assist in organising the National Social Care Conference.
· Co-ordinate our presence at relevant, major events staged by other organisations, such as Care Forum Wales, the WCVA and Learning Disability Wales.
· Maintain the organisation’s events calendar.
· It is essential that the post-holder is capable of carrying out all tasks and responsibilities with equal competence in Welsh and English.
Main Duties:
Organise all aspects of our presence at the Royal Welsh Show and National Eisteddfod, including liaising with partners and organising any specific events to support key pieces of work.
Assist the Senior Communications Officer in producing an evaluation report, with recommendations, of our involvement in the Royal Welsh Show and National Eisteddfod at the end of the summer.
Assist in organising the National Social Care Conference, including working with ADSS Cymru and internal colleagues on developing the agenda, finding speakers, promotion, display stands and logistics.
Organise all aspects of the Accolades, including the launch, information, materials, the awards ceremony and sharing best practice arrangements.
Support the Communications and Public Affairs Manager in securing sponsors for the Accolades awards.
Collate feedback and statistics and carry out an evaluation of the Accolades, following the awards ceremony, and make recommendations for the future.
Assist in organising corporate events to support major developments or launches, such as the strategic plan.
Organise and co-ordinate our presence at certain key events, ensuring good practice principles are always applied, to deliver the best-possible outcomes. These events include:
- Care Conference Wales.
- WCVA Conference.
- Learning Disability Wales Conference.
Contribute to the evaluation of Social Care Wales’s involvement in all events, whether organised by ourselves or other organisations.
Collate, produce and distribute our electronic bulletins for major stakeholder groups.
Lead on managing the design, procurement and production of promotional materials for Social Care Wales, including seasonal items such as Christmas cards.
Lead on managing the content and pages for events on the website and intranet.
Lead on managing the Accolades pages on the website and intranet.
Develop and maintain a social media calendar for events, projects and launches, and post on Twitter and Facebook when required.
Represent the communications and public affairs team on the bilingualism and Welsh language framework groups.
Assist with the team’s general responsibilities for editing and publishing on our website.
Assist in providing effective, efficient and economic resource management through budgeting and monitoring, and raising requisitions and orders for the team’s expenditure.
2. General
Maintain confidentiality when dealing with sensitive, personal or confidential information.
Promote the effective integration of the Social Care Wales values, anti-discriminatory practice, equal opportunities and the Welsh Language Scheme throughout all aspects of work, and place service users at the heart of the agenda.
Respond proactively to colleagues, participate in team working, work to corporate policies and procedures and contribute to the running of Social Care Wales.
Promote good working relationships with partners and customers within Wales and other countries in the UK.
Undertake relevant training and, where required, assist with the training of others.
Undertake other duties that may reasonably be requested which are appropriate to the level of the post.
Post: / Communications Officer (Events)We expect all our staff embrace and demonstrate behaviour that is in line with our Organisational Values.
Respect Everyone
Seeing people as Individuals and treating everyone with dignity and respect
Professional Approach
Acting responsibly and appropriately, holding each other to account.
Always Learning
Improving ourselves and supporting others to be the best we can be.
Involve People
Encourage and enable everyone to work together
Essential / DesirableQualifications / Educated to degree level or equivalent
Evidence of continuous professional development
Knowledge / Knowledge of best practice approaches to event organisation
Working knowledge of social media platforms, particularly Twitter. / Working knowledge of project-based e-mail platforms, photo editing software, MSOffice (Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook).
Experience / Experience of organising events
Experience of working effectively with key internal and external partners. / Experience in the public sector
Experience of working on a website content management system
Experience of producing newsletters, e-bulletins and articles.
Skills & Attributes / Excellent oral and written communication skills
Excellent organiser, who is methodical, with a keen eye for detail and accuracy
Ability to grasp the needs of colleagues and propose practical solutions
Work well under pressure, being able to manage multiple projects at the same time, each with a different timeline
Confidence, to present and explain ideas to colleagues, including senior management
Professional approach to time, costs and deadlines
Able to read, write and speak Welsh
Full driving licence.
Able to travel around Wales when required and be prepared to stay overnight away from home.
Post applied for:For HR use only:
Candidate Reference NumberPERSONAL DETAILS
Last name - Mr/Mrs/Ms/MissFirst Names(s)
Home Address
Telephone No. / Daytime: / Home:
Mobile: / e-mail:
Please give details of two previous employers to whom we may apply for a reference. One of these must be your present or most recent employer - if applicable.
References for all shortlisted candidates will be taken up prior to the interview.
If you do not want us to contact your referees at this stage please tick
the box:
1. Name: / 2. Name:Job Title: / Job Title
Capacity: / Capacity:
Address: / Address:
Postcode: / Postcode:
Telephone: / Telephone:
e-mail: / e-mail:
Have you any friends or relatives employed by the Social Care Wales? If so, please provide name(s) and relationships with those named:
Do you have the legal right to work in the UK? Yes/No
If ‘YES’ but there are conditions attached, for example start or finish dates, please give details:
If ‘NO’ what type of permit do you require?:
Are there any dates during the next two months when you cannot attend for interview?
Please give name and type of establishment, beginning with Secondary School and list qualifications gained.
Establishment / QualificationsMembership of PROFESSIONAL Bodies and professional QUALIFICATIONS
Please give details of your membership of professional bodies and the level of qualification attained.
Date / Professional Organisation / Level of membership attainedADDITIONAL TRAINING
Please detail any further or specialist training undertaken or continuing professional development.
If you are a school/college leaver include details of holiday jobs.
Name, Address & Nature of Business:Position Held & Responsibilities:
Dates (Month & Year) From: To:
Salary (now or on leaving):
Notice Period:
Reason for leaving:
PREVIOUS EMPLOYERS (Starting with the most recent)
Name & Nature of Business / Position Held, Responsibilities / DurationMonths & Years
Person Specification
Please explain how you meet the following criteria by providing examples from previous experience (please note: the boxes will expand as you write in them)
Educated to degree level or equivalentEvidence of continuous professional development
Knowledge of best practice approaches to event organisation
Working knowledge of social media platforms, particularly Twitter
Experience of organising events
Experience of working effectively with key internal and external partners
Excellent organiser, who is methodical, with a keen eye for detail and accuracy
Able to read, write and speak Welsh
I confirm that the details of this application and the evidence of competency provided in support of it, are to the best of my knowledge true and accurate; and I consent to Social Care Wales processing, by means of a computer database or otherwise, any information I have provided for the purposes of employment with Social Care Wales.
Signature: Date