Ms. Luster’s
Class Information Packet
2016/2017 School Year
Northwest Middle School
Kansas City Kansas School District
Welcome Back!
August 3, 2016
Dear Student, Parent, and/or Guardian:
Welcome to Northwest Middle School! Please read through the packet together, discuss and sign the last page, and return the last page to the classroom by August 08, 2016
Middle school is an exciting time! My philosophy of teaching is simple. I try and do whatever it takes to give each student the tools they need to be successful in and out of school.
As a special education teacher I strive to help my students gain strategies that they can carry with them throughout their educational journey. During our literacy time we will monitor our IEP goals as well as learn new strategies that can help us in our core classes.
This is a time for reflecting on positive, past experiences as well as build new ones. It is a time to look forward to new exciting experiences. I look forward to starting a journey with you and sharing your knowledge as we all grow together.
Ms. Luster
GOAL: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
During this semester of instruction, students will write informatively about topics and ideas they have researched and read. They will be able to incorporate multiple forms of media to show understanding of topics. Students will use Key Ideas and Details as well as the Craft and Structure to compare and contrast how a video or audio rendition departs or stays the same as the original text. They will also look at informational, persuasive and argumentative texts to trace and evaluate the claims and evidence. Students will have multiple opportunities to write about their understanding, opportunities to build understanding through dialogue in groups, listening to other viewpoints and articulating their understanding verbally.
Student produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (CC.W.6.4, ACT)
With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. (CC.W.6.5, ACT)
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others. (CC.W.6.6)
Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and refocusing the inquiry when appropriate. (CC.W.6.7)
Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources. (CC.W.6.8)
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (CC.W.6.10)
Supply List
Boxes of Kleenex 12 - #2 pencils
2 glue sticks 1 pink eraser
1 pencil case 5 pocket folders
1 2 inch binder 1 ream of white paper
4 lined notebooks 5 blue pens
5 red pens 6 subject dividers
1 hand held pencil sharpener 2 highlighters
2 packages of wide line notebook paper 1 Hand Sanitizer
Correspondence and Homework Information
I like to keep parents and students well informed of academics, behaviors, classroom happenings, requests, and suggestions. In order to give the student full responsibility for his/her own academics and behavior, and to provide the parent with comprehensive information, I suggest that each parent or guardian get on school-loop. This will have the students missing assignments for that week as well as how they performed in their classes.
Homework reinforces the concepts and skills learned in class and prepare students for upcoming exams. Each student should be spending about 30 minutes each day doing homework outside of the classroom or just reading. This will vary depending upon the concentration and effort that is put into the study time.
Behavior Procedures
The regular Kansas City Kansas School District Behavior Guidelines apply. I prefer to handle minor offenses in the classroom without informing the parent/guardian other than on the behavior sheet. I believe the child needs to learn to take care of him/her self and make adjustments accordingly. Should the offense continue or worsen, then it becomes more severe offense and the steps below are put into place. Particularly, I do not tolerate disrespect, lying, stealing, physical violence, or inappropriate gestures or words. It is important that all students in the classroom be safe.
Depending on the severity of the offense, this is my usual procedure for handling an inappropriate behavior situation.
1. First Offense – verbal reprimand with explanation and consequence for action
2. Second Offense - verbal reprimand with explanation and consequence for action
3. Third Offense – call home and consequence for action
4. Fourth Offense – parent/guardian/teacher/student conference and consequence for action. The student will be given an administrative referral.
5. Fifth Offense – parent/guardian/teacher/student/school official conference
I care greatly for the students and let them know that I do what I feel is needed to assist them in learning academics and life skills. This can take form of a quiet voice, a loud voice, entertainment, sharp reprimand, logical consequence, private discussion, facial expression, etc. I vary the action according to the needs of each individual student and/or the classroom as a whole. When a student has repeated difficulties adjusting to his/her setting because of the behavior, it is a priority that he/she takes a look at this behavior and makes a plan for how to change it.
Classroom Procedures
1. Enter the classroom and be on task in your assigned seat before the bell rings.
2. No backpacks or jackets/hoodies will be allowed in the classroom.
3. No candy, gum, or food allowed in class unless the classroom teacher provides it.
4. You will not be provided with any passes.
5. You must have permission to be out of your seat.
6. You must have permission to speak.
7. Hands, feet, and objects must be quiet and kept to yourself at all times.
8. Be kind and do your best at all times. No hurtful, disruptive behavior will be tolerated.
9. Electronics will be taken away if they are seen in class.
10. The teacher dismisses, not the bell. Dispose of trash on the way out of the room.
Student Name:______
Acknowledgement of Receipt and Agreement
I have read Ms. Luster’s Information Packet and understand the information contained therein. I know that I am/my child is responsible for:
· Having adequate supplies
· Bringing back signed behavior and academic report
· Initially each night in the student planner
· Having supplies organized in the three ringed binder
· Providing good behavior
· Completing and turning in homework on time
I/my child have had any and all questions answered to my satisfaction. I/my child agree(s) to abide by the school rules and policies, suggestions, and procedures outlined in the document titled Ms. Luster’s Information Packet.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature
Please read the information packet, have any questions answered, sign and date this form and return the form to the classroom by Monday August 08, 2016