Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Welcome to the 2017-2018school year!I am excited to be your child’s PE teacher this year. I am beginning my 26th year of teaching in the Kyrene District, and have19years of experience teaching the district adopted physical education curriculum Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary Children.We are happy to welcome Mrs. Ungvarsky over from Altadena. She will be teaching here on Thursday afternoons. Our PE department also supplements our curriculum with Physical Best, which helps our students learn the “why” of physical fitness and activities. We have adopted part of the Project Adventure Curriculum, the First Tee Golf Program, as well as lessons that incorporate pedometers and our wonderful Rock Climbing Wall.

Asa Kyrene School District physical educator, I am committed to creating a positive learning environment that instills, promotes, and motivates students to personally value a healthy and physically active lifestyle that enhances the quality of their daily life now and in the future. Lessons and units are designed to focus on health-related physical activities that ensure students are active an optimum amount of time. It is important that students are active participants in all of these activities, so that they may become competent in body management and in useful physical skills. These lessons result in the students gaining an appreciation, an understanding of, and an enjoyment of health-related physical activities.

As we Sharpen the Saw, students must also demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior. In our Win-Win environment, the importance of sportsmanship, respect for others, and the efforts and attitudes necessary for teamwork will also be stressed. Students will also begin to develop an understanding and respect for the differences among people in physically active settings. They will acquire knowledge of safety skills and habits, and develop an awareness of safety with respect to themselves and others.

In order to provide your child, as well as all the other students the proper learning climate they deserve, one of our learning goals will promote and develop student behavior that is both personally and socially responsible.The scale follows a stair-stepping method from least responsible to most responsible behaviors that are incorporated into our P.E. classes (Please see page two). Students will learn what each of the levels on the scale mean at their developmental level, and be able to assess their own level at the end of each PE class. This assessment will be used to determine their behavior/participation grade on their report card.Students who demonstrate responsible behavior will feel good about their choices, and will have the benefits of a healthy/happy body. If needed, the following consequences will be used in Physical Education:

1. Reminder

2.Recovery– I May Return When Ready to be Responsible for Leading my Own Learning

3.Time-out – Remain until end of class

4. Student/Teacher Conference & Parent Contact

P.E. Attire

Since your child’s safety is one of my primary concerns, we do have required P.E. attire, which is listed below. For their safety and well being, students not wearing proper P.E. attire will not be permitted to participate in physical activities for that day.If a student cannot participate in PE for this reason, they will lose points toward their participation grade.

1.Athletic Shoes Only (no boots,crocs, slip-on or platform styles, must be closed toed. If skate shoes are worn, they must be tied, so they do not slip off.)

2.Comfortable“action” clothes.

3.No skirts or dresses (unless shorts are worn underneath)

P.E. Days

Listed below are the days each class comes to P.E. Please help your child to be proactive by dressing for activity on these days.

Martin / Martin / Ungvarsky / Martin
M / T / TH / F
Jolin / Wontor / Nachazel / Montelione
Baumann / Eger / Makela / Callaghan
Fox / Korson / Polly
Vega / Hamilton / Epolite
Tibbott / Byrne-Quinn / Guerrero
Wolf/Cochran / Petrillo / Brown

Excused Absences

A student may be excused from PE for illnessupon written request from a parent/guardian. For long term injuries, a request from the child’s physician is required. A note should include: student’s name, medical condition, duration of excuse, parent/guardian or physician’s signature. I will also need a release from the child’s doctor for them to return to activity in PE.

I look forward to providing your child with a rewarding experience in P.E. this year! Feel free to call or E-mail if you have any questions.

Yours in Fitness,

Mrs. Kim Martin
