The Ministry of Christ

7th Bible: New Testament

Resurrection Appearances

Devotions: John 20:11-18

Christ Appears to Mary Magdalene

  1. What is Mary doing at the Sepulcher?

·  Weeping (verse 11) “But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping: and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre.”

  1. What do the two angels ask her?

·  Why are you weeping? (verse 13) “And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou?”

  1. How does Mary respond? Why?

·  “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid Him.”

·  Her heart longed for Christ. She loved Christ so deeply. She had to have Him.

“Mary had been at the crucifixion of Jesus. She had witnessed those awful hours of agony – the mocking, the scourging, the thorns, the nails, the darkness. She had seen the agony of His soul, and had heard His last words. And then her Saviour had died. Was everything now finished? Finished were the glad days when He was with her. She had thought those days would not have ended. But the One who she loved had died. Is it no wonder that she weeps?” Do you ever weep out of desire for Christ?

  1. What does Jesus ask her?

·  “Woman, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou?”

  1. How does Jesus reveal Himself to her?

·  “Jesus saith unto her, Mary”

Christ Appears on the Road to Emmaus – Luke 24:13-35

  1. Who were going to Emmaus?

·  Two disciples, one of them was named Cleopas (verse 18)

  1. What were they talking about?

·  “All the things which had happened” (verse 14)

·  “They communed together and reasoned” (verse 15)

  1. Why were the two men sad? (two reasons)

·  “But we trusted that it had been He which should have redeemed Israel.”

·  When Christ had died, they lost everything.

·  “But Him they saw not.” – He was everything

  1. What does their sorrow teach us regarding their hearts?

·  They had love for Jesus

“He was everything to them. They had ventured everything upon Him. And when Jesus died, they had as it were, become of all people most miserable. They had nothing more. In Him was their life. They needed Jesus. They were sinners dependent on His salvation. Without Jesus their hearts were empty and joyless. In a word, without Jesus, they were yet in their sins. Do you not see why these men are sad? In Him was their only hope and comfort in both life and death. And when He died, then all their joy, comfort, and hope died. Their life, as it were, had been buried with Jesus in the sepulcher. Apart from Him they had no life, and without Him they could not die. These men had love to Jesus because they knew Him and belonged to Him. In the years of His ministry He had gone before them and they had followed Him. And they had looked to Him for all things necessary for soul and body.” Do you also desire Jesus? Do you not need Him? Do you have love to Him? Is Jesus everything to you?

  1. Why did Jesus gently rebuke them?
  1. What did Jesus teach them regarding the Old Testament?
  1. What did the two men say when they came to the village?

·  “They constrained Him, saying, Abide with us…”

·  Is it your desire that Christ would abide with you? Are you earnest in seeking Christ?

  1. Why did they say this?

·  Their hearts had burned within them while He talked with them and opened to them the Scriptures

·  Does your heart ever burn within you with longing for Christ?

  1. How did Jesus make Himself known to them?
  1. What did they do after Jesus vanished from their sight?
  1. What was the message that was told to them when they reached Jerusalem?

The Resurrection – Sorrow Turned Into Joy

John 16:20 – “Verily, verily, I say unto you, that ye shall weep and lament… and ye shall be sorrowful,

but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.”

John 20:20 – “Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.”


Student notes on John 20 and Luke 24