Partners Activity: Task Based Review


  1. Plot the following lines using the method indicated.

a)y = 2x – 3 (table of values)

b) (slope/intercept)

c)3x – 2y = 12(Intercepts)

  1. Determine the equation of the following lines.

a) slope 5, y-intercept –4______

b) Passing through (1, 2) and (5, -6)

c) Vertical line passing through (1, -3)______

d) Line perpendicular to y = 5x – 3 and same

y-intercept as y = x – 5

e) The line L1 on the grid above.______

  1. Determine the intersection of y = 2x – 4 and y = -5x + 3

a) Graphicallyb) Algebraically

  1. a) Circle all the linear relationships.

b)Put a star beside all equations in standard form.

c) Place line A) into standard form

d) Place line B) slope/intercept form

A) y = B) 4x – 6y + 8 = 0C) 4y2 = 3x – 2 D) -2x +5y–1 = 0

E) y = F) 5y = 25x + 45G) y = xH) x = 4y –7

5. For the line 3x – 2y = 12, give:

i)the slope ______

ii)the slope of a parallel line______

iii)the slope of a perpendicular line______

iv) the x – intercept of the line______

v)the y – intercept of the line______


1.Stan measures the height of stacked foam cups. He records the data below.

a)Is the relationship linear?

b)Determine the slope. What does this represent in the context?

c)Determine the y-intercept. What does this represent in the context?

d)Write the equation of this relationship.

e)How tall would 40 cups stand?

f)How many cups could be shipped in a cylinder that stood 1 meter tall?

  1. Toni is looking for a new cell phone plan. She is researching about two plans. One is a “Pay-as-you-go” plan that charges $0.50 per minute of use the other has a $30 registration fee, but only charges $0.10 per minute.

a)Give the cost equation for each company.

b)Which is an example of partial variation?

c)Toni assumes both plans will cost her about the same each month. How many minutes is she expecting to use?

d)How much will it cost her to use those minutes?


  1. Give at least one similarity and one difference between each pair of lines. (Level 4 answers will have more than one of each)

a) b) c) d)

2. List three important things with each of the following:

a)Given any two points, I can…

b)Given an equation y = mx + b, I can…

c)Given the graph of a line, I can…

d)Given the table of values for a line, I can


  1. The following three equations are equations of the lines of best bit for the data obtained by an MDM student’s research. In each case Y represents average total income in 1000’s and x represents the years since 2000.

i) Two Parent Families (one earner)Y = 0.716x + 53.7

ii) Two Parent Families (two earners)Y = 0.703x + 72.0

iii) One Parent Families (one earner)Y = 0.205x + 29.2

a)What is the current (2012, x = 12) average income for each group?

b) Are the average incomes increasing or decreasing? How can you tell?

c)Which group should be most concerned about this data?

d)Assuming these trends continue, when will two parent families with one earner earn as much as two parent families with two earners? Use an algebraic solving technique.