National Association for Court Management (NACM)

AnnualBoard Meeting

Friday, July 20, 2012

Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek Hotel, Orlando, Florida


Board Membersin Attendance:
Pam Harris, President
David Slayton, President-Elect
Michele Oken, Vice President
Stephanie Hess, Secretary/Treasurer
Kevin Bowling, Immediate Past President
Grant Brantley, Judge Director
Vicky Carlson, General Jurisdiction Director
Duane Delaney, Clerk of Court Director
Yolanda Lewis, At-Large Director
Scott Griffith, At-Large Director
Nina Thomas, Small Court Director
Phil Knox, Limited Jurisdiction Director
Karl Thoennes, Large Court Director
Kelly Steele, Rural Director
Board Members Not Present:
Ray Billotte, Urban Director / NCSC Staff Present:
Dale Kasparek, NCSC Technology
Linda Perkins, NCSC Association Services
Lorie Gomez, NCSC Association Services
Guests Present:
Norman Meyer, New Mexico
  1. Welcome and Introductions

NACM PresidentPam Harris called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. Officers, directors, and NCSC staffwere asked to introduce themselves.

  1. New Board Member Orientation

a.Review Board Webpage: A new Board Webpage has been developed to provide a single location for all documentsof interest to Board members. The draft webpage was reviewed and members were asked to suggest any other information they would like added. The webpage will be sent to Board members once completed. Ms. Harris asked second year Board members to mentor new Board members.

b.Conflict of Interest Policy: Board members were asked to complete the form and return it to Ms. Hess, Secretary/Treasurer. The forms will be scanned and added to the NACM Google site.

c.NACM Google Site: The NACM Google account was reviewed noting that the login is first . The NACM letterhead this year will include the Google email. The procedure for forwarding NACM email to a work email was discussed. The conference agendas will be posted to the documents site so that all will have the latest version. The calendar includes all board and committee meeting calls.

  1. Introduction of Guest: Norman Meyer, NACM Past President

Mr. Meyer asked to discuss two items with the Board: 1) FCCA, and 2) IACA.

Federal Court Clerks Association (FCCA): Mr. Meyer expressed his desire that NACM do what it can to engage the federal courts market and encourage their staff to become NACM members. He noted that federal sessions at NACM conferences are good and suggested that those sessions continue in the future. He suggested the NACM Membership Committee work on dual membership with the FCCA (Federal Court Clerks Association). He discussed the possibility of a NACM booth with literature at the FCCA conferences.

International Association for Court Administration (IACA): Mr. Meyer has been involved with IACA since 2005 and is the Regional VP, North American region. He discussed the IACA Board being more active in linkage with NACM, i.e., speakers, articles, etc. Mr. Meyer agreed to serve on the NACM International Committee.

  1. Old Business continued from July 14, 2012

a.Strategic Plan: A revised copy of the Strategic Plan was distributed and Ms. Hess reviewed the changes made as a result of the committee meeting on Wednesday. Committee chairs were asked to review the Strategic Plan, prioritize the action items, and create a plan on how the items will be implemented by the committee. A motion was made by Kevin Bowling, seconded by David Slayton, and unanimously carried, to adopt the Strategic Plan and move forward with revisions as needed. A note should be added to the Committee list that the Strategic Plan be updated again in 2015.

b.National Agenda: Mr. Griffith noted the National Agenda is a living document and he asked for feedback on changes and additions with the possibility of adding one more category each year. The topic of an environmental scan was discussed; the subcommittee will consider the need for an updated scan in 2012-2013.

c.Responsibilities, Operations and Procedures Manual: Therewere a number of changes proposed to the manual. After a review of the proposed changes, a motion was made by Stephanie Hess, seconded by Kevin Bowling, and unanimously carried, to accept the revisions to the Responsibilities, Operations and Procedures Manual as presented and discussed.

  1. Committee Assignments

Ms. Harris reviewed committee assignmentsand askedBoard members to contact herif interested in serving on additionalcommittees. The Committee and Special Assignments document will be updated and sent to Board members.

Finance Committee

President Harris asked the Finance Committee to review its structure and purpose and to research the possibility of creating a NACM foundation.

Development Committee

A new Development Committee will be created to look at two topics. First, the Committee will review the Officer and Board Nominations Processincluding but not limited to the issue of posting all applications at the conference and on the website, as well as the issue of electronic voting. The Committee will also review the internal structure of NACM, in particular the function of the board meetings and how to promote the positive mental health of Board members throughout the year and at conferences.

  1. Conference Call Schedule/Fall Board Meeting

The proposed conference call dates were reviewed and the time for the calls was set for 1:00-2:30 pm Eastern Time. The calls will be added to the Google calendar.

The Fall Board meeting will be in San Antonio, Texas, October 26 (Officers) and October 27-28 (Board). The Sunday meeting will go until noon so Board members are asked to please plan their departure accordingly. Detailed information on travel will be provided on the Board Webpage.

  1. NACM 2012-2013 Goals

The President provided a summary of the 2012-2013 NACM Goals. Committee chairs are asked to provide a plan on how their committee will implement the President’s goals for the year. These plans will be discussed at the Fall Board Meeting in October.

  1. Core Competencies for Courts

Information on the Core Competencies for Courts proposed project was distributed at the meeting. The Grants Subcommittee of the Finance Committee was asked to pursue funding for the project. The Planning Committee was asked to develop an implementation plan for the project and garner support from CCJ, COSCA, and other national organizations.

  1. Presidential and Committee Updates
  1. President Updates: Updates will be provided monthly. If there is any informationto be included in the updates, committee chairs, vice chairs and subcommittee chairs, pleasesend it to President Harris.
  1. Site Selection Subcommittee: Mr. Bowling will work with the subcommittee to begin the search for the 2017 Midyear and Annual conference sites.
  1. New Business

Secretary/Treasurer: Ms. Hess will travel to Williamsburg to meet with NCSC staff to discuss the financial aspects of NACM as well as any other issues.

Conference Registration Rates and Discounts: A motion was made by David Slayton, seconded by Vicky Carlson, and unanimously carried, to maintain discounted registration fees for the 2013 Midyear and Annual Conferences with the group rate for non-members set at an additional $125.

Membership Committee: A motion was made by Kevin Bowling, seconded by Stephanie Hess, and unanimously carried, that the Membership Hardship Program be extended for one year.

The meeting adjourned at 12:05 pm.

Motions and Decisions:

  1. A motion to adopt the Strategic Plan and move forward with revisions as needed (unanimously carried).
  2. A motion to accept the revisions to the Responsibilities, Operations and Procedures Manual as presented and discussed (unanimously carried).
  3. A motion that the Membership Hardship Program be extended for one year (unanimously carried).
  4. A motion to maintain discounted registration fees for the 2013 Midyear and Annual Conferences with the group rate for non-members set at an additional $125 (unanimously carried).

Follow-up Action Items from NACM BOARD MEETING: / Responsible Party / Due Date
Board members complete return Conflict of Interest Forms / Stephanie Hess / Sept. 30, 2012
Review Strategic Plan by Committee, prioritize action items and respond how items will be implemented by committee / Committee Chairs / Oct. 25, 2012
Add note to Committee list that Strategic Plan be updated again in 2015 / Ray Billotte / May 2013
Complete the SJI Grant Match Form for the Annual Conf / All Board Members / Sept. 30, 2012
Include FCCA article in Court Express or Court Manager / Phil Knox / Sept. 30, 2012
Forward dual membership information to Norm Meyer for FCCA membership / Kelly Steele / Sept. 30, 2012
Review National Agenda in regards to updated environmental scan / Ray Billotte/Scott Griffith / Oct. 25, 2012
Review structure and purpose of the Finance Committee / Finance Committee / Oct. 25, 2012
Research the possibility of creating a NACM Foundation / Finance Committee / Oct. 25, 2012
Research grant possibilities for conference funding / Finance Committee / Oct. 1, 2012
Research grant possibilities for Core Competencies for Courts / Finance Committee / March 1, 2013
Review committee assignments and send requests to President Harris / All Board Members / Sept. 7, 2012

NACM Board Meeting Minutes

July 20, 2012

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