Principles of Biology Lab Fall, 2006

Lab Three: Microscopes and Cells - - Team Worksheet (20 pts)

Please complete by hand.

Team Member Names:

(1) 2 pts. Label the picture below using the following 3.1 terms: oculars, objectives, stage, coarse focus, fine focus, condenser, iris diaphragm, lamp, on/off, light intensity switch.

Note - 3.2 exercise problems are on the individual/pair worksheet.

(2)3 pts. Complete the following table based on 3.4, as substituted for part/question 4.

Text Figure TEM / Featured Cell Structure(s) / Function

(3)1 pt. Contrast a compound microscope and an electron microscope in terms of their illumination sources, magnification capabilities, and resolving power.

(4) 1 pt. Based on 3.5A-2, view Trichonympha using the 40X objective to answer the following questions.

Present? / Prokaryote
or Eukaryote / Unicellular, Colonial, or Multicellular / Motility?
If yes, how?

(5) 2.5 pts. Complete the following for 3.5B-C. View Anabaena, Spyrogyra, and Elodea at 40X and make simple pencil drawings that show the entire field of view with cells. Using this and other observations, complete the following table.

Anabaena / Spyrogyra / Elodea
Simple Drawing / / /
What Organelles
Do You See?
or Eukaryote
Unicellular, Colonial, or Multicellular

(5) 0.5 pts. Using your textbook, explain the ballpark cell sizes for prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes.
Principles of Biology Lab Fall, 2006

Lab Three: Microscopes and Cells - Pair Worksheet (4 pts)

3.2: Complete In Pairs (no more than 2)


Please complete by hand.

Pair Names:

0.5 pts. each. All the following are based on questions from exercise 3.2. In order to answer them, you need to follow the whole procedure step-by-step from the beginning. This exercise should be completed before looking at any real specimens (3.5 and beyond).

  • When you move the slide right, what direction does the image in the ocular move?
  • Is the image in the ocular inverted relative to the specimen on the stage?
  • Is the working distance greater with the 40X or the 10X?
  • What would be the total magnification if the ocular = 20X and the objective = 100X?
  • What is the diameter (mm) of the field of view using the 4X objective?
  • What is the relationship between the size of the field and magnification?
  • Both threads are in focus at the same time using the 10X or 40X objective?
  • Which objective that you examined today has the shortest depth of field?

Principles of Biology Lab Fall, 2006

Lab Three: Microscopes and Cells - Individual Worksheet (4 pts)

3.6C: Complete Individually


Using the circles provided, hand-draw the entire field of view at 10X objective AND 40X. When complete, label THREE cell structures you can see in your diagram.

/ Title:
Total Magnification:
/ Title:
Total Magnification: