James S. Malone
2637 Caldwell Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30319
Seasoned, award winning outside sales professional with over nine years experience. Possess exceptional ability to build new partnerships as well as maintaining and growing established business. Weekly travel requires over 1,100 miles a week of prospecting, selling and sales training. Awarded two major sales awards for unprecedented territory growth. Attribute success on persistence and ability to gain trust and respect from customers. Customers feel as if we are partners within their business.
Furman University Greenville, SC
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration Fall 1996 to Spring 2000
· Participant, Foreign Study England, Summer 1999
JEL Institute Greer, SC
Insurance License for the state of South Carolina Fall 1999
CR Home Atlanta, GA
Georgia Sales and Marketing Representative January 1, 2007 until Present
· Awarded The Salesman of the Year Award for 2007
· Achieved double digit territory growth during 2008
· Worked on a weekly basis with a top 100 account
Berkline/Benchcraft, LLC Atlanta, GA
North GA/Upstate S.C. Sales Representative January 1, 2005 until December 2006
Georgia Sales and Marketing Representative April, 2009 until Present
· Provide Sales Training and Customer Service to Major Retail Operations
· Provide Sales and Marketing Services to over 75 store fronts
England, Inc. Columbia, SC & Atlanta, GA
South Carolina Sales Representative June 18, 2000 to December 2004
Georgia Sales and Marketing Representative April, 2009 until Present
· Increased territory from $999,412.15 to just over $2.7 Million
· Awarded the Top Performance Award for an increase of 46% for fiscal year 2003
· Opened five England Custom Comfort Centers
· Provide customer service and sales training for retail stores
New York Life Greenville, SC
Internship/College Agent Fall 1999 to Spring 2000
· Recruited possible interns and employees
· Acquired sales and public relation skills
Interfraternity Council, Furman University
President Spring 1999 to Spring 2000
· Presided over and mediated between eight fraternal organization
· Advanced knowledge of all Microsoft Office applications
· Member, Furman University Young Benefactors Spring 2004 to 2008
· Member, GA Home Furnishings Association Spring 2005 to Present
· Member, South Carolina Furniture Association Fall 2000 to December 2004
· Participate in Triathlons and Marathons across the Southeast Summer 2008 to Present
· Member, Sigma Chi Fraternity Spring 1997 to Present