IT 6740 Learning Processes
Unit 8 Virtual Worlds

Welcome to Unit 8, Virtual Worlds. In this unit we will explore many of the features of virtual worlds as they apply to the possibilities for use in education and training. The first few days will require that you watch three voicethread presentations that provide an introduction to virtual worlds, demonstrate how to set up an account, create an avatar and learn to navigate in Second Life. We will take virtual tours of Education islands in Second Life and look at two other virtual worlds - Virtual University and GoWeb3D - that are similar but quite different than SL.

Feel free to move along at your own pace and make sure that you visit our blog every day to post your comments and questions.

The Unit 8 Blog Address is: Use this blog to ask your questions, give us feedback and talk about your experiences in this unit.

Day One Introduction to Virtual Worlds

Pre Unit 8 Survey

Be sure to take the pre-poll survey for Unit 8. We want to find out what you know about virtual worlds in relation to education and corporate training. Go to: ______to take the survey.

Create a Skype account

To prepare for this unit you will want to set up a Skype account so that you can talk in Second Life. Go to to sign up for an account.

View the voicethread Unit 8: Introduction to Virtual worlds. Go to:

We encourage you to make audio or written comments to Will’s presentation within the VoiceThread application. In order to do this you will need to sign up for a VoiceThread account. You can do this by clicking on the square shaped button on the lower left hand side of the podcast screen that says “sign in or register.”

Be sure to use your real name when you register for your VoiceThread account so that we can give you credit for participation.

To view Tutorials about VoiceThread go to:

The goal of Days 1, 2 & 3 are to get you acclimated enough in Second Life so you can join Will and I on a real time guided tour of Second Life on Thursday or Saturday.

Day Two - Getting Started in Second Life

View the voicethreadGetting Started in Second Life.Go to:

After watching VoiceThread II, we will want you to do the following things:

Create an account in Second Life. Go to: or

Note: Once you create your account and download the Second Life software you will have an icon on your desk top. Click on this icon when you want to enter Second Life.

If you find that your computer is unable to download the Second Life application,

you can often use public library computers or access a computer lab in a nearby community college to participate in this Virtual Worlds unit.

Create your avatar. Go to:

Once you create your avatar you will be transported to OrientationIsland to view

Second Life tutorials. There will be avatars there that can assist you with questions.

Once you leave OrientationIsland you will not automatically be able to go back.

If you want to view the orientation information again go to this link:

Second Life Tutorials

** Use the many Second Life Tutorials to acclimate yourself to the Second Life virtual environment.

Go to: and

Use the Unit 8 discussion blog to ask questions and tell us about your experiences and reactions to your Second Life orientation:

The goal of Days 1, 2 & 3 are to get you acclimated enough in Second Life so you can join Will and I on a real time guided tour of Second Life on Thursday or Saturday.

Day Three - Navigating in Second Life

View the voicethread- Navigating in Second Life:

Practice Navigation

After viewing the VoiceThreads and going to Orientation Island and viewing other Second Life tutorials you should be ready to practice navigation of your avatar – walking, turning, running (use the arrow keys), and flying (page up and page down).

Also get familiar with using the camera tools and the navigation tabs on the Second Life web pages.

To find a place: click on the Search tab (on the bottom of your screen), then click the Places tab on the top of your screen then type in a search item like Educationand see all the Education sites listed in Second Life! If you want to travel to one of these places – highlight it and then click the Teleport tab… (I suggest EdTechIsland or BoiseStateUniversity, EDTECHIsland…)


Take a snapshot of your avatar – your original avatar and your avatar after you have modified its appearance. Click on the Snapshot tab, view your picture in the popup screen, it it’s not a good view work with the camera tool to get your best view. Once you get a good picture send it to yourself - to your email. Save your snap shot as a picture, crop it then upload it to the Unit 8 blog and to the VoiceThread sites.

Modify your avatar’s appearance.

You will probably want to modify your avatars appearance. Right click on your avatar then follow the menus to adjust your clothes or hairdo…get looking good…even“better” in your Second Life!

Post a before and after snapshot of your avatar on the Unit 8 Blog:

Required for Credit for Participation

You must post at least one comment on each VoiceThread presentation to earn participation credit for the VoiceThread discussions. You can post an audio comment or a text comment. Be sure your comment is linked to your real name. When you scroll over your avatar icon your real name should appear if you registered with VoiceThread using your real name.

We also want you to post any difficulties on the Unit 8 blog so we can follow up with you and help you with your negotiation of the virtual worlds unit.

We also want you to discuss your experiences, good and bad on the Unit 8 blog It’s essential that you share your experiences with others in the class.

Day Four – meet at ASTD Island for guided virtual tour

(Thursday, 2:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.)



Train for Success

Meet Will and Kristi live on ASTDIsland.

(Send link to classmates for video clip about teleporting and meeting at ASTD Island)

Sunday Discussion