First Level NumeracyLesson 1 – Teacher Notes


Learners will practise their data handling skills by interpreting a Pudsey Pictogram and Bar Graph. The data is based on real life context and links in to possible fundraising activities for your school. Throughout the lesson, learners will work with a Learning Partner to talk through their calculations. They will also think of amazing ideas for a class fundraising activity.

Learning Outcomes

Learners have used a range of ways to collect information and can sort it in a logical, organised and imaginative way using their own and others’ criteria. MNU 1-20b

Learners have explored a variety of ways in which data is presented and can ask and answer questions about the information it contains.
MNU 1-20a

Learners will:

Understand about data handling

Interpret data using bar charts, pictograms and tables

Ask and answer simple questions by counting the number of objects in each category and sorting the categories by quantity

Consider ways that we can help others by fundraising in school

Related Resources

Teacher - Numeracy Lesson 1 PowerPoint (including link to Video 2: Introduction to BBC Children in Need)

You can print copies of these resources from the Teacher PowerPoint - no need for extra downloads!

Learners – Pudsey Pictogram sheet (slide 4)

Learners – Pudsey Pictogram Questions (slide 6)

Learners – Pudsey Bar Graph sheet (slide 8)

Learners – Pudsey Bar Graph Questions (slide 10)

Learners – My favourite fundraising idea sheet (slide 16)


Begin the lesson by sharing Video 2: Introduction to BBC Children in Need to remind the children about the charity. Then share the learning outcomes for today’s lesson (slide 3) and describe the mathematics skills that you will be practising.

Introduce the Pudsey Pictogram (slide 4).

This pictogram depicts imaginary amounts of money raised by children in Year 1 – Year 6 of a primary school. This could be edited to illustrate actual amounts raised in your setting for BBC Children in Need last year. The 6 Year groups could be edited to classes of an Infant School if required. The Key – Pudsey head = £10 - can also be amended according to the varying abilities of the children in your class.

After a class discussion interpreting the pictogram, children work with a partner to calculate the answers to the questions (slide 6). The learners can write their answers on their whiteboards.

Again the questions can be tailored to cater for the age and abilities of the learners in your class. Or perhaps you could allocate the learners to work in mixed ability pairs?

Learners swap their answers with another pair of learners and peer assess as you go through the answers.

Repeat this process for slides 8-11 – Pudsey Bar Graph.


Remind learners of the video they watched at the beginning of the lesson. Talk about BBC Children in Need and the important work it does improving the lives of so many children in the UK. Explain to learners that they too can be Champions of Change and raise money to help improve the lives of children in the UK. Watch Video 4: ‘Fundraising ideas from our friends’ (slide 13) and then explore possible ideas for fundraising.

Partner Task- Inspire learners that they can help support other children in the UK too by raising money for BBC Children in Need. Use Teacher PowerPoint slide 14 to prompt conversation between Learning Partners about how they could do this. Tell learners about the BBC Children in Need fundraising themes: Bake, Challenge Dress-Up and Entertain (Dress-Up is already scheduled for the Celebration of Champions). Give learners time to talk with each other about their fundraising ideas then ‘Snap Back’ (face the front again) to contribute ideas to a big class discussion.

Writing Task (slides 15 and 16) - After hearing everyone’s fantastic ideas the learners choose their favourite(s) and write (or draw) them. Print off a copy of slide 16 for every learner to use. Once learners have completed their sheet with their favourite ideas, ask them to fold it over and hand it in to you ready for the class vote next lesson.

Whole and Group Class Plenary

Explain that next lesson learners will think more about the most popular fundraising ideas. They will then choose what their class fundraising activity will be. Explain to learners that their activity will be one part of the whole school’s fundraising for BBC Children in Need. Remind learners that they will have the chance to hear about everyone else’s fundraising and celebrate everyone’s achievements at the Celebration of Champions.

Extension Activity

Learners have the opportunity to create a large scale ‘Powerful Pudsey Pictogram’.

This can be assembled on the playground or the floor of a large space such as the school hall. Give the learners the opportunity to think about what data they would like their pictogram to show. Slide 21 has a Pudsey A4 image that you may wish to copy and cut out for the pictogram. Don’t forget to take photos of your finished pictogram to
give to your lead Champions so they can share the images at the Celebration of Champions.

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