Dear Parents, 19th May 2017
To support the learning of our current topic on Plants and Growing, I will be taking the class on a trip to Rushmere Country Park. This will be on Thursday 25th May. Staff from the Greensand Trust will lead the activities including:
- Learning about the seasons and cycles in nature;
- Nature walks and summer spotting activities;
- Sensory activities exploring the park;
- Bug hunting;
- Comparing trees in the glade.
There is a voluntary contribution per child of £6.00
The children do need to wear school uniform but I would recommend that they wear suitable walking shoes or trainers. Either a waterproof coat will be needed in case of inclement weather or sun cream and a hat if the weather is likely to be hot and sunny.
Children will need a packed lunch. Please put the packed lunch in a disposable, named carrier bag so that there is less for the children to carry around with them. If you prefer the school kitchen to supply a packed lunch, please indicate this on the return slip below.
On the morning of the 25th May, please drop your child at 9.15am at the top of Thrift Road near the Royal British Legion Club in Heath and Reach as we will be walking to the Rushmere Visitors’ Centre from there. Children will also need to be collected from the top of Thrift Road at 3.00pm.
If you are available to help with the trip, please indicate on the form below.
Trip to Rushmere – Thursday 25th May 2017I agree to my child ...... taking part in the above trip.
I enclose £6.00towards to cost of the trip.
Please supply a school packed lunch Yes / No
Please make cheques payable to Heathwood Lower School,or alternatively, you can pay
on-line prefixing your child’s name with ST as the reference. Our bank details are: Sort Code 60-02-13 account number 62411632.
My emergency contact number is …………………………………………………………………………….
Signed ………………………………………………………………………. Date…………………………………………………………….
I am available to come and help Please print name ……………………………………………………………………………………………