Jo-Carroll Depot LRA Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

April 4, 2012

I. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bill McFadden called the board meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at the Jo-Carroll Depot LRA Conference Room, 18933 A Street, Savanna, Illinois.

II. ROLL CALL was answered as follows: Present-Don Crawford, Paul Hartman, Steve Keefer,Bill McCormick,Bill McFadden, and BillRobinson. Present: 6 Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Absent-Ron Smith and Bill Wright. Absent: 2. LRA staff present:Mara Roche & Ashley Bunn. Guests present: Tom Kamper (RVPR) and Bill Hooten (IITC).




  1. Minutes of the February 1 and March 7, 2012 Board Meetings
  2. CD transfer approved by Finance Committee, if any.
  3. Bills over $2,500 approved by Finance Committee, if any.

A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Bill McCormick. The motion carried by voice vote.


A motion to enter Closed Session at 3:01 p.m. as permitted for the following under:

5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(6): The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body, and

5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(11): Litigation, when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending in a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body find that such an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting

was made by Bill McCormick, seconded by Don Crawford. The motion carried by roll call vote as follows: Don Crawford, Paul Hartman, Steve Keefer, Bill McCormick, Bill McFadden, Bill Robinson. Ayes: 6, Nays: 0

Guests were excused.

A motion to return to open session at 3:34 p.m. was made by Paul Hartman, seconded by Bill Robinson. The motion carried by role call vote as follows: Don Crawford, Paul Hartman, Steve Keefer, Bill McCormick, Bill McFadden, Bill Robinson. Ayes: 6; Nays: 0.

Guests returned.


A. Committee Reports

1. Finance/Personnel Committee

Finance/PersonnelCommittee Member Bill Robinsonreported on themeeting heldon Tuesday, March 20, 2012at 9:00 a.m.

  1. Parcel 3B Plat – tabled until we receive Army Depot Road
  2. iFiber Contract – Mara informed the Board that this was for the signature on the bill of sale so it can be approved per Phil’s approval.

A motion that the LRA enter into a contractual agreement with iFiber per LRA Attorney’s approval of said contract was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion carried by voice vote.

  1. Baling Contract – the Board discussed the specifics of the contract.

A motion that the LRA enter into a contractual agreement with The Breuning Brothers to bale approximately 29 acres of LRA land (previously mowed) at a price to be negotiated was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion carried by voice vote.

  1. Request from Eagles Landing –

A motion to reduce the lease agreement with Eagles Landing from $7,600 to $3,300 for one year and to retroact this agreement for the two prior bills was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion carried by voice vote.

  1. Request for WashingtonTownship Use Agreement –

A motion to recommend to the full Board to approve the WashingtonTownship Use Agreement from May 1, 2012 – April 30, 2013 in the amount of $1 for one year was made byBill Robinson, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion carried by voice vote.

  1. Request from NIPES-

A motion to recommend to the full Board to approve the NIPES Use Agreement from May 1, 2012 – November 15, 2012 at a rate of $242.55 per harvest with the option to extend the term for an additional year at a 5% increase and Board approval was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion carried by voice vote.

  1. Request for Rescar Use Agreement -

A motion to recommend to the full Board to extend the Use Agreement with Rescar for one year from May 1, 2012 – April 30, 2013 at a rate of $50 a month was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion carried by voice vote.

2. Infrastructure Committee

Infrastructure Committee MemberSteve Keefer reported on the meeting held on Tuesday, March 20, 2012.

a. Water/Sewer long range plan

1. Review expenses

2. Next steps

b. 244 Lift Station – Tim is replacing the steel plates with aluminum plates.

c. Review of FY 12 Projects

1. Road repairs over steam lines- Steve reported on the video that Bill Robinson supplied that showed the underground activity of the steamlines. The committee agreed that damage to the road has been caused by the water leak, not collapse of the steam line. The steamline does not appear to be deteriorating any further. The committee did direct Tim to fix the water leak in that area by Building 1. Bill Robinson reported that Tim reports he has called in a Julie in that area and believes the leak should be fixed by April’s Committee Meeting.

2. McIntyre from Crim to Graham Circle– tabled.

3. Automatic Transfer Switch – committee considers this item low priority.

4. Effluent Pump and Motors at WWTF – Committee has Tim getting quotes.

5. Water Tower Painting - tabled

d. Recommendations on capital improvement projects - Steve reported that Tim had added that he felt an immediate concern for the opening on the vent at the water tower where birds were able to get in. Tim was directed to look into quotes for this project, which is already an item on the water tower estimate, but being delayed due to lack of response from the Army on funding.

e. WWTP prioritized list of maintenance items- quarterly review- At Committee it was agreed that Tim will meet with LRA staff to review.

f. Mowing/Plowing Contract – Mara reports that Phil Jensen, LRA Attorney had stated it was not necessary to go out for bids. Staff has secured a contact with Exquisite Scapes out of Elizabeth to mow 28 acres of land at $28 per acre.

g. Riverport Railroad Correspondence – tabled until Ole Pace returns from vacation to answer questions.


A. Motions from Executive Session, if any - None

B. Bills over $2,500 received since committee met – Ashley Bunn, Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper reported on the electric bills received from Jo-Carroll Energy in the amount of $2,648.91. The only bill that was higher than usual was the sewer plant which was up from $754.69 last month to $1,066.02 this month.

A motion to pay the Jo-Carroll Energy bills in the amount of $2,648.91 was made by Don Crawford, seconded by Bill Robinson. The motion carried by voice vote.

C. Staff Reports

1. Executive Director

a. Report / issues update – Mara Roche, Executive Director reported that the LRA was contacted yesterday by the BNSF Railroad that they will be doing track work and will need to close a crossing from 8:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. on two consecutive days for two consecutive weeks. Mara will meet with the local Army Office to discuss alternate routes. The dates will be May 14 & 15 and May 21 & 22.

Mara reported that several surveys have been done and sent to the Corps in angles. The Corps contacted the LRA Office and stated the surveys had to be done in bearings instead of angles. The LRA will now have to pay $950 to Wendler to revise the surveys.

The Corps will be providing a separate bill of sale for the for the fiber optic. Mara has requested a deadline of June 2011.

The Audit for 2011 has been finished by Minor, Gilroy & Meade and copies were provided to all Board Members.

A motion to accept the 2011 Audit as presented was made by Bill McCormick, seconded by Steve Keefer. The motion carried by voice vote.

Mara reported that the Depot no longer has HubZone status. Mara has contacted the individuals that the LRA has worked with in the past and has submitted an inquiry as to why the status has expired. There is special language regarding closed military bases and the latest census should not have affected our status.

b. Correspondence – None

c. Property Transfers – Have not received any property from the Army since 2008.

d. Employment reports – Employee numbers for the month of March 58; Last year’s figure was64.Mara reported that Midwest was up an employee, Rescar was down two employees and Speer’s was down an employee since last month’s report.

2. Bookkeeper

a. Bank account balances/funds on hand - As of

April 3, 2012 the grand total of LRA money is $1,564,667.17

b. CD Transfers – Ashley reported that a CD in the amount of $116,119.19 matured at the Mt.CarrollBankingCenter last Wednesday.The Board discussed the rates reported, the amounts insured per business versus per account, and the amount of money that is needed for operating expenses.

A motion to put $64,000 in the money market account and the remainder in a CD to be determined by staff was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Steve Keefer. The motion carried by voice vote.

c. Cash Flow – March cash flow was as follows: $3,904.33 income, $11,559.17 expenses indicating a difference of $7,654.84.

d. Budget Update – Four months into the budget year, revenue was $58,544.77 with $235,008budgeted, and expenditures were $92,425.49 with $917,480 budgeted.

D. Board of Directors Report

1. Foreign Trade Zone #271 –Bill Hooten reported that the annual report had been submitted to the U.S. Department of Commerce. He also reported that the first shipment from the Chinese supplier of Electric Motors will be received next week for Elkay Manufacturing. This should entail 3 containers a month for the next three years.

2. Jo-Carroll Enterprise Zone – Nothing to report.

3. Other director’s report – None

E. Attorney’s Report

1. Recommendations –

F. Other new business

1. Commercial Liability Insurance Quotes – Bauer Agency – Ashley reported on the Commercial Liability Insurance Quote from Bauer Agency in the amount of $15,091 which is lower than last year’s quote of $16,324.

A motion to approve the Commercial Liability Insurance Quote from Bauer Agency in the amount of $15,091 was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Bill McCormick. The motion carried by voice vote.


A. Commander’s Report –The Land Use Control (LUC) plan for Site 192 has tentatively been approved by the EPAs. That opened the way for the Army to begin work on the FOST for LRA Parcel 10 & 18. Development is underway. The LRA informed the Army that it wants these two parcels as soon as possible and does not want to wait for the Water Tower (Site 189). Site 189 is in a draft final Record of Decision yet to be approved by the EPAs

The Army surveyors were here several times in February and March to complete the physical surveys on the land areas inside Parcels 10 & 18 where land use controls (LUCs) will be established. The surveys and legal descriptions are the last two steps in finalizing the LUC Plan. The survey of the parcel boundaries will still be the responsibility of the LRA.

The soil flushing operation at Site 111 (LRA Parcel 16 B) will be activated for the season the second week of April. Remediation of the ground water will continue until water sampling demonstrates that the remediation goals have been met. There is a good chance that this will be the last treatment season.

The firm of EQ is working on the required plans for the removal of the Vincent Rd septic system and the I-Gate Cafeteria Substation PCB spill.

Field work will begin once the plans are approved and the weather permits.

Concerning the onerous Parcel 14 transfer, the Army received comments to the FOST from the USEPA this past summer. IEPA provided comments in April past. The Army responded to both comment letters. During the past months the USEPA has stated that they were moving to “dispute resolution” concerning the issues at Parcel 14. On the 12 of January the Army received a letter from the USEPA, however it did not move the issue to a dispute resolution stage. The letter restated the EPA’s position on Parcel 14 and it appears the EPA is waiting for the Army’s next move. The Army discussed Parcel 14 on a conference call in March. Several responses to the EPA letter and possible plans for resolution of the issues were discussed. The Environmental Law Division is scheduled to make recommendations in the near future.

The Louisville Corps of Engineers is working on deeds for LRA Parcels 17A, LRA Parcel 3, Army Depot Road, and the Depot Old Access Road. COE has recently been in contact with the LRA concerning several real estate and bill of sale issues. The Savanna staff is pushing Louisville weekly to make progress on these land transfers.

Savanna requested funding to repair the damage roads caused by the 27 July flash flood. On 23 January Savanna was notified that funding was being provided for the necessary repairs. The Louisville Corps of Engineers confirmed that they received the funding and the procurement of a contract has begun. A cost estimating team from Louisville was here on the 22nd and 23rd of Feb. to visit the sites and to discuss the scope of work with the Savanna staff. Louisville is finalizing the Request for Proposal (RFP) and will solicit bids from prospective contractors in April. Contract award should happen in May.

B. Tenants – None.

C. UMRI Port Authority – No one present.

D. US Fish & Wildlife Service – None.

E. Guests –None.



A motion to adjourn was made at 4:21p.m. by Paul Hartman, seconded by Bill Robinson. The motion carried by voice vote.


Ashley Bunn, LRA Board Secretary