Questions for Developing your PLO Assessment Plan

(Supplemental planning support: Official Documentation is in Taskstream)

SELECT PLOs to assess this year

  1. What questions do program faculty have about curriculum, student learning, and instructional approaches? Write answer
  1. Above, rank order of these questions by the degree to which aggregate evidence about the level of near exit learning achievement would inform faculty deliberation(where 1 is most inform)?

Listbelow thePLOs that would most inform deliberations on improvement.

  1. Will all PLOs be assessed within five years, as required in program review?

(if PLOstatementswere revised, consider how that impacts, if at all,what can be assessed in this year’s exit assessment)

List PLOs that have not been recently assessed:

Circle the PLOs above that you would hope to assess in this 2017-18 cycle.

As you proceed to the questions below, you may want to begin jointly using the separate CHART to map out an assessment plan.

SELECT MEASURES for a PLO (Consider all the questions below for each PLO being assessed.)

  1. For a deep dive, select just one circled PLO above:Why did you select it?chart column A
  1. Where can the program gather direct evidence ofstudent achievement for this PLO(near exit)?
  • Name of assessment: ______
  • What is the mode of student performance that is the direct evidencesource for the outcome (e.g., portfolio, project, speech, poster, paper, exam, preceptor judgment) chart column B
  • Where will it be assessed (e.g., thesis, final clinical, particular course)?
  1. What measurement method will be used to judge and documentthe level of student performance? (e.g., instructor scored rubric; number exam items correct) chart column C
  • Answer here for judgment methodsthat are already in place
  • Answer here for methods that need to be developed.

ANTICIPATE USE of findingsto augment planningchart column D

  1. What is the program’s targetfor theaggregatequality of student performance?

(e.g., listedpercentages by rubric levels or examination range on the PLO)?

  • How will the gathered evidenceenable a descriptively rich and credible presentation onhow students performed? In particular, will it support collective faculty deliberation and,with some specificity,guide improvement? (e.g., a well-differentiated rubric that indicates areas of strengths and weaknesses)
  • Would engaging students’ perspectives enliven how faculty interpret and usedirect assessment results?

(e.g., through interviews, focus groups, or other collection of indirect evidence)

PLANNING for IMPLEMENTATION (Consider what is feasible with support; how many outcomes and measures?)

  1. Data Wrangler: In implementation, who will collect,compile, and secure data/evidence from the various sources?
  1. Process Wrangler: Who will develop and organize the crucial process of presenting and collectively deliberating on the results?
  1. Evaluation Analyst: If separately needed, who will analyze and summarize the evidence and make initial interpretations and recommendations?
  1. How and when will program faculty give inputinto the design of the assessment plan? (make sure you have time to deliberate on results)

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