Long Term Curricula Planning Year B

EYFS / Autumn I / Autumn II / Spring I / Spring II / Summer I / Summer II
Theme / Me/Starting school / Let’s Celebrate / What’s the problem? / Giants, Castles, Dragons & Unicorns / Growing / Animals
Trips/visitors / Fireman / Barleylands-from field to plate. / The Gruffalo Woods
Communication and Language / Literacy / Come to school too, Blue Kangaroo.
Mr Happy
The day the crayons came back.
My Friend Bear
Funnybones-Skeleton Crew
It’s not just a blanket / Diwali
Winnie’s Amazing Pumpkin
No Dragons for Tea
Norman the Slug Who Saved Christmas
Fred, Rudolph’s brother and the Mischievous Gnome / The Jolly Postman
Polar Bear Boy
How big is a million? / The Giant of Jum
Jack & the Mean Stalk.
Small Knight & George & the Royal Chocolate Cake
Dear Dragon
I wish I’d been a unicorn. / The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Jaspers Beanstalk
The Tiny Seed
The Enormous Turnip
The Gingerbread man / Twist my tales x 4
You choose
Rumble in the Jungle
Big Talk – Pie Corbett Stories / Peter & the Wolf / Going for a song / The Little Red Hen / Billy Goats Gruff / The Enormous Turnip / The Gingerbread Man
Communication and language / Listening to stories and rhymes.
Following instructions.
Sharing news at the end of the day.
Talking with their peers and adults in the class each day.
Phonics / Daily sessions for the Letter and Sounds scheme
Maths / Counting to 10
Recognising numerals to 5
Identifying simple 2D shapes
Counting objects to 10 / Counting to 10 and beyond
Recognising numerals to 10 and beyond
Number bonds to 5 / Number bonds to 10
3D shapes
Time periods
1 more/1 less / Counting in 10’s
Measuring Time
Subtraction / Counting in 2’s
Counting in 5’s
Compare & order numbers / Fractions
Personal, Social and Emotional / Daily activities / Self Registration/ Snack time/lunch time
Kind Hands.
Things I like about someone in my class.
Circle time / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Anti- Bullying Week / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Making a kind word stew
Mother’s Day Cards-I love my mum because… / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Assembly / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Assembly / Self Registration/Snack time/lunch time
Sessions / My Feelings / My Relationships / My Healthy Lifestyle / Making a Positive Contribution / Safety, Medicine & Drugs / Growing & Changing
Physical / fine motor / Dough Disco
Squiggle while you wiggle
Fine motor station including using threading, tying laces, using tweezers and pencil control / Dough Disco
Doodle with your noodle
Fine motor station including using threading, tying laces, using tweezers and pencil control
gross motor / Dance Unit 1 & 2 / Gymnastics Unit A & B / Dance Unit 2 & 3 / Games
Bean bags & balls / Gymnastics Unit C
Stretching & Curling / Games
Ropes, bats & balls
Knowledge and Understanding of the World / People and communities / Similarities and differences with others around them / Christmas celebrations
Diwali / Looking at different occupations –fireman/doctors/opticians
Chinese New Year / Easter celebrations and customs / St. George’s story and customs
The world / Walk around the school environment
Comparing how I have changed from a baby to now. / Identifying and familiarising with different cultures / Ice/melting/change / Look at forests, fields and rivers.
Go on a giant hunt through the fields / Butterfly farm
Grow beanstalks
Grow potatoes / Animals from around the world
Technology / Recording and taking pictures with tablets / Research online / Recording and taking pictures with tablets / Research online / Maths games
2Simple: Simple City / Beebots
Expressive Art & Design / Art
DT / Portraits using pastels and paints / Paper lanterns
Christmas cards
Paper chains / Mother’s day cards / Make papier Mache large boots for the giant
Easter cards / Tissue paper collage
Printing / 3D models of animals
Music / Charanga: Me / Charanga: My Stories / Charanga: Everyone / Charanga: Our World / Charanga: Big Bear Funk / Charanga: Reflect, Rewind & Replay
Imagination (role play) / House / Santa’s workshop / Science/Maths lab / Castle / Garden Centre / Travel Agents
Yr 1/2 / Autumn I / Autumn II / Spring I / Spring II / Summer I / Summer II
Theme / Pirates / Professor sparks / Paddington’s London Adventure / The Great Escape / Are you Smarter than a Super heroes?
Summative Task / Experience afternoon: Children at Runwell to become a Pirate for the day. / Inventor of the year competition: Prof. Sparks to announce the winner after a Dragons’ Den like presentation. / Tunnel opening of London exhibition: Parents invited to come and view the work. / Role-play aeroplane flight: Have an animal carnival when we land in Madagascar using masks and instruments / Children participate in Are you smarter than a Super Hero exam to be award the title. During the exam they must wear their own costume and recall facts learn in History, Science and music.
Inspirational start/
Storyline / Captain Horrid Hatfield, Savage Sackman and Bossy Bagridge sign each class up to be their crew. The must learn what it is like to be a pirate and learn how to follow instructions well.
Both crews steal treasure from one and other till eventually it leads up to a battle.
After a term of learning all we can about pirates, we have a pirate experience afternoon where they will dine and celebrate the great things about pirate life. (pirate open day) / Prof. Brainiac explains that the renowned Prof. Sparks is looking find the next ‘Inventor of the Year’ and ch to enrol as inventors to apply.
They learn how to create circuits and have a go at crazy experiments. They will be entered into the competition to create a unique invention that lights up. / Poor Paddington turns up at our doors lost and afraid. Ch to contact his Aunt Lucy and reassure her he is ok but all he wants to do is find out all about London.
Ch to put on a London exhibition and invite in the parents to visit (tunnel opening) / Skipper and King Jullian in to explain they need to get back to Madagascar. They have got stuck at Runwell and can’t leave so need to plan their escape, will the children help? The children learn facts about Madagascar and map skills to plot their escape. The penguins highjack a plane and take the class back to Madagascar. Have an animal carnival when we land in Madagascar. / Super hero Hatfield and Parry explain to KS1 that they have been entered in to ‘Are you smarter than a Super hero Exam’ they must pay close attention to the facts and remember as much as they can to pass. In the meantime they must also get designing their costume to wear on the day.
Trips/ visitors / Time Capsule Writing Company / London St James’ Park / Tropical Wings
English / Narrative
Character description / Invitation for pirate day
Letter to persuade parents to dress up / Instruction
Information text
Emotion potion description / Narrative: Paddington story
Narrative: Katie goes to London / Informal letters
Fact file of animals in Madagascar
Poetry: descriptive
Debate (Zoo) / Multicultural poetry
Diary entry of journey/experiences
Maths / Yr 1: Numbers to 10; number bonds; addition within 10; subtraction within 10; positions; numbers to 20; addition and subtraction within 20;
shapes and patterns; length and height.
Yr 2: Numbers to 100; addition and subtraction; multiplication of 2, 5 and 10; multiplication and division of 2, 5 and 10; length; mass; temperature; picture graphs / Yr 1: Numbers to 40; addition and subtraction word problems; multiplication; division; fractions; number to 100; time; money; volume and capacity; mass; space
Yr 2: word problems; money; 2D shapes; 3D shapes; fractions; time; volume
Science / Grouping materials and identifying their properties / Electricity / Senses / Life cycles / Seasonal changes
Computing / Modelling and simulation: 2Paint, 2 Animate, pivot stick and Jelly cam and Animate It stop motion / Data Handling: create a bar chart/pictogram using Education City / Control: Beebots/Probots program / E-Safety + Research: internet / Communication: e:mail / Communication: EBook
Geography / Map skills: learning how to use a key / London Sights: designing maps
Locational study: London in the World (key facts, e.g. population / Human and physical features of an island: Comparison of Madagascar and Great Britain / Cross-curricula: (through science) continents and the equator and links to weather.
History / Pirate people, artefacts and food / Inventions throughout history
Thomas Edison / Great fire of London / Stone age, Viking, Middle ages (Columbus) Florence Nightingale, 1950s
Art / Self-portraits - Watercolour / Fire of London using pastels/chalks / Artist: Andy Warhol
3D sculpture: animal mask
D&T / Structure: boat / Electrical Control: invention that lights up / Textiles: design and make their costume.
PE / Dance / Yoga / Gymnastics / Ball skills / Athletics / Games
PSHE / Yr1: Transition
Yr 2: Emotions / Yr 1: Emotions
Yr 2: Relationships / Building Communities and Relationships / E-safety- watch Hectors world videos and poster / Medicines and Keeping Safe / Yr 1: Transition
Yr 2: Sex Education
RE / Creation stories for each religion: Christianity
Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism / Celebrations: Christianity
Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism / Symbols: Christianity
Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism / Stories: Christianity
Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism / Nature: Christianity
Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism / Places of worship: role play guadwara, visit church
Music / Charanga
Yr 1: Hey You!
Yr 2: Hands, Feet, Heart / Charanga
Yr 1: Little Angel Get Her Wings
Yr 2: Babushka / Charanga
Yr 1: In the Groove
Yr 2: Glockenspiel Stage 1 / Charanga
Yr 1: Rhythm in the Way We Walk and Banana Rap
Yr 2: I Wanna Play in a Band / Charanga
Yr 1: Round and Round
Yr 2: Zootime / Charanga
Yr 1: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
Yr 2: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
Role Play / Pirate ship / Science lab / Travel agents / Fly to Madagascar on an aeroplane / Super heroes head quarters
Yr 3/4 / Autumn I / Autumn II / Spring I / Spring II / Summer I / Summer II
Summative Task / To create a fair-trade cafe at the end of the autumn term which is to be run and organised by the children.
·  ICT & DT: boxes to be used on gift wrapping table.
·  Art: work to be photocopied and stuck on bags to be used for gifts that are bought.
·  Geography: debate about whether we should use Fairtrade products, questionnaire for peoples’ views.
·  English: information texts, letters to persuade.
·  Maths: Nets for 3D shapes and tally/ graphs. / To create a display/museum stands and presentation about dinosaurs to trainee palaeontologists.
·  Science: rocks and soils (fossils), teeth of herbivores and carnivores.
·  ICT: Powerpoint to be used in presentations.
·  DT: model of dinosaur to be used in their presentation.
·  Art: work to be displayed on boards
·  English: oral presentations. / To create a Pow wow. Children in role as Native American Indians who have invited the Europeans (parents) to a meeting so they can learn about their traditions and lives. Ch to then teach the Europeans about the negative impact they have had on their lives.
·  Science: electricity to be used to make a torch to be used when staying overnight after Pow wow.
·  History: knowledge about the traditions, customs and lives of the Native American Indians.
·  Art: Totem pole to be made, displayed and explain at the Pow Wow.
·  PE: tribal dance to be performed at Pow wow.
·  DT: moccasins to be worn at the Pow wow
·  English: historical stories and poems to perform.
Inspirational Start / Video clips about children’s lives. How can we help? Pass on ideas to Mrs French. Her feedback and guide children to Fairtrade cafe. / A box is found that is wrapped in danger/fragile tape. Interaction and story with Nigel Marvin is created throughout the theme. / Teacher in role throughout History teaching. Teachers to begin theme by holding a tribe council meeting to explain their concerns and that they have invited the Europeans to a meeting.
Visits/ visitors / Father Joe to visit for RE. / Natural History museum / Visit to 2 local churches
English / Information text – conjunctions
Persuasive letters – adverbs
Text: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Poetry – similes and alliteration
Diary entry - adjectives
Setting description – fronted adverbials / Non-chronological report – conjunctions
Poetry – calligrams and kennings
Narrative – adjectives and punctuation
Explanation text – fronted adverbials / Narrative – adjectives and fronted adverbial
Instructional text – imperative verbs and modal verbs
Play script – adverbs