4th Grade Science Checkpoint #2: Sound, Light & Color/ Magnetism & Electricity

2nd Nine Weeks

Name: ______

Date: ______

Use the wave chart to answer question 1.

1.  At which point in the series of waves is the frequency the highest?

A.  point A

B.  point B

C.  point C

D.  point D

2.  Which tool should a class use to separate light into the visible spectrum?

A.  magnifying glass

B.  prism

C.  microscope

D.  mirror

3.  Why is it better to wear a white T-shirt than a dark T-shirt in the summer?

A.  Light-colored clothes let more air in.

B.  Light-colored clothes prevent sweating.

C.  Light-colored clothes are not as heavy as dark-colored clothes.

D.  Light-colored clothes reflect more sunlight than dark-colored clothes.

4.  Which sound wave has the longest wavelength?

A B.

C. D.

5.  Sound waves are produced by

A.  gravity.

B.  heat.

C.  vibration.

D.  light.

6.  Sandy’s mother read the electric meter on the side of their house. She said it read 4860. Which set of dials shows that reading?

A. B.

C. D.

7.  An electromagnet has just enough strength to pick up five paper clips. Which would most likely happen if ten more loops of wire wrapped around the nail?

A.  Exactly two clips would fall off the nail.

B.  All of the clips would fall off of the nail.

C.  The electromagnet would be able to pick up more clips.

D.  The strength of the electromagnet would stay the same.

8.  Which guitar string would make the lowest-pitched sound when plucked?

A.  thin string stretched loosely

B.  thin string stretched tightly

C.  thick string stretched tightly

D.  thick string stretched loosely

9.  The reason electrical cords are coated with rubber is because the rubber

A.  helps produce more electricity.

B.  helps conduct electricity.

C.  reduces the magnetic field.

D.  acts as an insulator.

10.  When a magnet is placed near a compass the needle moves. When a wire carrying electric current is placed near a compass the needle also moves. This proves

A.  magnetism creates electric current.

B.  electric current creates magnetism.

C.  all metals are magnetic.

D.  a compass needle always points north.

11.  Lightning is a form of

A.  air current.

B.  magnetism.

C.  cloud cover.

D.  static electricity.

12.  Which diagram is a parallel circuit?

A. B.

C. D.

13.  Through which of these substances does sound travel SLOWEST?

A.  water

B.  air

C.  wood

D.  aluminum

14.  If you measure the loudness of a plucked violin string, which property of sound are you measuring?

A.  intensity

B.  pitch

C.  frequency

D.  wavelength

15.  Which compass is lined up to allow the user to find the direction southeast?

A. B.

C. D.

16.  When light hits a dark object, most of the light is

A.  absorbed.

B.  reflected.

C.  diffused.

D.  refracted.

17.  Sound waves CANNOT travel through

A.  air.

B.  a solid.

C.  a vacuum.

D.  water.

18.  It would be MOST dangerous for Peter to

A.  turn on a light switch before plugging in the light.

B.  carry flashlight batteries in his pocket.

C.  touch and electric cord with a torn covering.

D.  leave an electric lamp turned on for more than five hours.

Use the diagrams below to answer question 19.

19.  Sound A has a shorter wavelength than Sound B. This means that Sound A will

A.  be louder than Sound B.

B.  be softer than Sound B.

C.  have a lower pitch than Sound B.

D.  have a higher pitch than Sound B.

20.  Which is a result of current electricity and not static electricity?

A.  a shock from touching a metal doorknob

B.  socks clinging together when taken out of the dryer

C.  lightning flashing during a thunderstorm

D.  a doorbell ringing when the button is pushed.

21.  Which are needed to make a shadow?

A.  air and water

B.  light and soil

C.  mineral and water

D.  light and an object

22.  Which of these is a power source in electric circuits?

A. B.

C. D.

23.  You should never touch an electrical appliance if you are

A.  wet.

B.  tired.

C.  cold.

D.  sick.

24.  What material is translucent?

A.  clear glass

B.  clean air

C.  concrete

D.  waxed paper

25.  Which term refers to the flow of electrical charges?

A.  conductance

B.  resistance

C.  current

D.  energy

Use the picture below to answer question 26.

26.  What could you use in this circuit to make the bulb light?

A.  key

B.  straw

C.  string

D.  button

27.  When electricity moves through a metal wire, the wire is

A.  a conductor.

B.  an insulator.

C.  a generator.

D.  a multiplier.

28.  Which electromagnet will pick up the most paper clips?

A. B.

C. D.

Use the table below to answer question 29.

29.  The information in the table tells us that animals hear different sounds. Which animal hears the most sounds?

A.  bat

B.  dog

C.  elephant

D.  frog

Use the picture below to answer question 30.

30.  Which picture shows what happens when light hits a prism?

A. B.

C. D.

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4th Grade Science Checkpoint #2: Sound, Light & Color/ Magnetism & Electricity

2nd Nine Weeks

Answer Key

1.  A

2.  B

3.  D

4.  D

5.  C

6.  A

7.  C

8.  D

9.  D

10.  B

11.  D

12.  C

13.  B

14.  A

15.  A

16.  A

17.  C

18.  C

19.  D

20. D

21.  D

22. B

23. A

24. D

25. C

26. A

27. A

28. D

29. A

30. D

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