FluSafe - Template employee newsletter article

[Hospital name] encourages employees to obtain influenza vaccination

Organization asks for workers’ help in obtaining 100 percent participation in FluSafe

As the 2012-2013 influenza season approaches, [Hospital Name] asks that all employees do their part to stay healthy and keep patients and visitors safe by receiving a flu vaccination.

Recently, the hospital pledged to participate in the Minnesota Department of Health’s FluSafe Program. That initiative recognizes Minnesota health care organizations for attaining high influenza vaccination rates among employees. It is [Hospital Name]’s goal to earn the Blue Ribbon, which signifies 90 percent or better vaccination rates. Toward that end, [Hospital Name] is asking all employees to obtain the flu shot or mist by [XXXX date].

As health care workers, [Hospital Name] employees are well versed on how important influenza vaccinations are for avoiding illness, said [CEO Name], the hospital’s chief executive officer.

“[Hospital Name] employees have consistently shown that they are leaders not only when it comes to helping make sure that patients here receive top-notch care, but also when it comes to public health,” [CEO Name] said. “We urge employees to continue to show that kind of commitment by getting their flu shot.”

To obtain the shot or mist, [include instructions on how employees can get their flu vaccine].

Unvaccinated health care workers can pass highly contagious influenza on to others, and many hospital patients are at high risk for complications of the flu. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Patient Safety Foundation recommends that 100 percent of health care workers who do not have a medical contraindication obtain vaccination.

“The goal of Healthy People 2020 is for at least 90 percent of health care workers to be vaccinated against influenza. Nationally, 66.7 percent of health care workers were vaccinated in 2011-12. Minnesota has traditionally surpassed that rate,” [CEO Name] said.

“Together, we can show our patients and our community that patient safety comes first at [Hospital Name],” [CEO Name] said.