Health Year 9-12 (one semester): The class will place emphasis in the following areas: CPR, first aid, nutrition, drugs, disease, organs and their functions, skeletal and muscular systems, mental and emotional health, and the overall health of the individual.

Athletic Training Year 9-12: The primary purpose of this class is to increase the muscular strength and cardio-vascular conditioning. The student will learn proper lifting technique as they apply to high school competition. Other topics of this course will include the implementation of a proper diet, the importance of flexibility and plyometrics. Can be taken to fulfill PE graduation requirement.

Physical Education Year 9: The program provides students with an opportunity to develop skill and understanding in a variety of sports activities that will serve them throughout life. It is our main purpose to teach those sports which would be a carry over sport after the student has graduated and no longer is in competition. This would give them a knowledge of different activities they could do to maintain physical fitness throughout life. Required for graduation.


English I, Year 9: Students will read stories, novels, and poems to enhance their reading and analysis skills. Students also continue the development of writing skills. The class includes the Six Traits of Writing, grammar and punctuation studies, and varied writing assignments. Students will write a personal narrative, a research biography, and many short creative works. The curriculum is based on the state Common Core Standards.

English II Year 10: Consists of composition, grammar and literature. Students need to realize the importance of all three areas. Much time will be devoted to studying and learning the writing process. As part of this process students will do a research paper. An equivalent of nine weeks will be spent on studying and learning correct grammar procedures. A similar process will be followed with literature. In this process spelling, writing and work on vocabulary will be included.

College American Lit/English III, Year 11: Students will read a variety of literature by American writers. They will read and analyze both fiction and non-fiction. Students also continue to develop their writing skills. They will master literary techniques, such as figurative language, transitions, and imagery. The class includes the Six Traits of Writing, grammar and punctuation studies, and varied writing assignments. Some class time will be devoted to preparation for the SAT exam (state requirement as of 2012). Students will write creative short stories, poems, and a career research paper. The curriculum is based on the state Common Core Standards.

Coll Prep Eng 101/College Prep English Year 12: This class is designed for the college bound student. It is a blend of literature and composition with most writing assignments being an outgrowth of reading. Most writing assignments are short essays on limited subjects. A resume is required of each student. Many contests, scholarships, and writing competitions are brought to the attention of the students. Entering these competitions is optional. This course is offered for 3 college credits.

English IV Year 12: Writing and literacy skills are learned in an integrated context of a historical survey of British literature. Reading, writing and language expression goals covered are those specified by the Idaho Achievement Standards. Students will read a variety of materials and apply strategies appropriate to various situations. Composition instruction will be geared to demonstrate skill and conventions according to purpose and audience.

Careers & Speech Year 9 (one semester): This class offers basic study skills and survival techniques needed to do well in the academic setting. Study, test taking and note taking skills, and comprehensive methods will be learned. Career pathways and student interests and aptitudes will be investigated. Students will also review and practice skills and knowledge to enhance performance on the ISAT. The student will learn to resolve conflict and enhance, interpersonal and non-verbal communication through discussion groups. Students will learn the process of organizing and presenting various speech forms in class.


Note: Band and Choir rehearsals, concerts, clinics, festivals, and music performances which take place outside of scheduled class time are defined as extensions of the formal classroom instructional program and, as such, require student participation and attendance.

Band Year 9-12: Open to all students who play a band instrument or wish to learn with the approval of the director. The band is expected to play for athletic events, competitions, in local parades, and present concerts for the public. Attendance at extra curricular events and evening performances is required. During marching season in the fall, extra rehearsal times outside of class time are required.

Jazz Band Year 9-12: Open to students enrolled in Band, or permission from instructor. The Jazz Band will learn music from the jazz repertoire as well as improvisation. The band is expected to play at athletic events, competitions and give concerts to the public.

Drum Line. Year 9-12 Permission of instructor.

Choristers Year 9-12: Open to all students. The choir is devoted to the learning of proper choral sounds and the enjoyment of singing. Several evening concerts and spring music festivals are part of the course.

Parma High Singers Year 9-12: (selected through audition) The purpose of this group is to study, prepare and perform various musical forms. A limited number of students will be admitted. Performances will be given throughout the year.

Beginning Guitar Year 9-12: Open to all students who play or wish to learn to play guitar. Students are encouraged to bring their own acoustic guitar for use in the classroom.

Show Choir Year 9-12: This choir sings popular songs from present and past decades. Students will learn group dances along with their music. After school performances are expected as part of the program.

Introduction to Drama, Year 9-12: Students will learn the craft of acting by participating in increasingly complex acting exercises. They will present a monologue, a two-person scene, and have the opportunity to perform in plays. Students also learn the basic skills of production, such as lighting, sets, and costumes. This class includes a unit on theater history. This class is a pre-requisite to taking Advanced Drama. This elective course meets an academic humanities requirement.

Advanced Drama Year 10-12: Students will learn the craft of acting by participating in complex and challenging acting exercises. They will present a monologue, a two-person scene, and they must perform in one of the school plays. Students also continue to learn the skills of production, such as lighting, sets, and costumes. This class includes 3 units on theater history. Students must take one year of Introduction to Drama before taking Advanced Drama. This elective course meets an academic humanities requirement. Students may take this course up to three times. This course is offered for 3 college credits.

A screening tool will be used to place Native Spanish speakers in the appropriate Spanish class.

Spanish I Year 9-12: This course is designed to establish strong listening, reading, writing and speaking skills in Spanish. Conversation and Spanish pronunciation are emphasized; along with the use of grammar and the mechanics of the language. Vocabulary building is highlighted. Culture and cultural themes are integrated into the course.

Spanish 101 (Spanish II) Year 10-12: This class begins to establish students' proficiency in speaking, writing, reading and listening skills in Spanish. Spanish is taught in content. Students examine a variety of readings, a strategy that allows for students to increase their Spanish comprehension, grammar skills, language usage, and pronunciation. Culture continues to be incorporated into the course. This class can be taken for 8 concurrent college credits through Northwest Nazarene University.

Spanish 102 (Spanish III) Year 11-12: This course is designed to have students become proficient in the four components of learning a second language: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Conversation, reading and writing skills are emphasized through the use of literature. Students read literature excerpts, poems, narratives, and short stories. They are introduced to Latin-American and Spanish writers. Students learn grammar, spelling, language usage and pronunciation through the use of literature in the curriculum. Spanish is taught in content. Culture and cultural themes continue to be included into the course. Students have the option of taking this course for 8 college credits through NNU.


Political Science 101/Government Year 12: This basic course in political science introduces the basic concepts and major structural elements of the national government. Many aspects of American government are introduced and discussed in a way that will make the study of government more a part of the students’ world. This course is offered for 3 college credits through College of Western Idaho.

U.S. History I Year 10: Will focus on the Americans experience through 1870, the end of Reconstruction. Focus will be on exploration, colonization, formation of a nation, the Industrial Revolution, the Westward Movement, the Civil War and Reconstruction.

U.S. History II Year 11: Will focus on the American experience since Reconstruction. An in depth study will be made of the culture, inventions, politics, wars, personalities and social changes that shaped each decade of the last 120 years. Final emphasis will be given to contemporary events which will be translated by historians to future generations.

Economics Year 12 (full year): This course focuses on the basic economic decision-making processes. Students will learn to recognize the basic concepts of capitalism as it functions in our economic system, and to understand demand, supply, prices and the allocation of resources in our economy. Students will see how the economy functions and how the government plays a role in the economy.

World History Year 9-12: This course will concentrate on the classical civilizations (Greek, Roman, and Egyptian). Generalizations will be made about the Middle Ages. Students will learn the causes of historical world events as well as other pertinent historical material. This course is a basic intro into the history of the world.


Business Math Year 10-12: This course is the real-world application of computational skills to solve business consumer and personal finance problems.

Integrated Math I Year 9-12: Algebra I is the first high school course designed for the college bound student. Topics covered include properties of real numbers, writing and solving equations and inequalities, factoring polynomials, functions and graphs.

Integrated Math II Year 9-12: Prerequisite: Pass both semesters of Algebra I. Includes an understanding of problem solving by “proof” and use of inductive reasoning. The course includes the problems and theorems of Euclidean geometry which are also considered in terms of coordinate and solid geometry. (Geometry and Algebra II can be taken simultaneously with permission of instructor or counselor.)

Integrated Math III Year 9-12: Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry. This course is a more advanced study of mathematical structures and algebraic techniques. It includes (a) sets and set algebra, (b) number sequences, (c) real and complex numbers, (d) trigonometric functions, (e) exponential and logarithmic functions, (f) determinates and matrices, and (g) polynomial functions. (Geometry and Algebra II can be taken simultaneously with permission of instructor or counselor.)

Advanced Math -- Coll Alg 130/Trig 140 Year 11-12: Prerequisite: Pass Algebra II (with an A or B) or permission of instructor. This course considers (a) topics in trigonometry, (b) analytic geometry, (c) introductions to calculus, (d) introduction to statistics and statistical methods. This course is offered for 6 concurrent college credits - 3 each semester - through NNU (Math 130 and 140).

College Calculus Year 12: Prerequisite: Advanced Math. The course includes an introduction to limits and elements of calculus. Offered for 4 college credits.


Stained Glass Year 11, 12 One semester, with Advanced Ceramics compliment. One semester of Ceramics is a prerequisite for this class. More complexity in ceramic projects and wheel thrown ceramics are emphasized. Stained Glass: You will build a 2' x 3' stained glass window. You will learn how to design a stained glass window, cut glass, lead solder, putty and finish your project. (Maximum of 12 in this class). Kiln fusing with scraps from your stained glass project and make jewelry and small window decorations or Christmas ornaments.

Drawing I/Drawing II Drawing I: 9-12 grades, full year. This class is a prerequisite for Watercolors and Acrylics. This class encompasses a survey of pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, pastel and mixed media sketching. Class will emphasize proportion, perspective, contrast and other artistic concepts found in these disciplines. Drawing II: Drawing will be a survey of white pencil on black, black and white chalk on grey and mixed media sketching. This class will emphasize proportion, perspective, contrast, as well as other artistic concepts found in these disciplines. Students will choose several projects to complete in their preferred medium.

Advanced Drawing: Returning students who have completed Drawing I and II are allowed to choose most of their own projects, turning in three detailed projects for each quarter. Students will be required to prepare an artwork for the Old Fort Boise Art Show as their final.

Arts & Crafts/Ceramics Year 9-12 (one semester each) Arts & Crafts: Rug hooking, tapestry, printmaking, wood burning, mock stained glass, model plane construction. These are just a few of the varied crafts you will be introduced to in this semester class. You don't have to be artistic to design and create good looking craft projects. Ceramics: Learn to hand build ceramic projects using the slab, coil, pinch, and wheel methods. Projects finished by artistic applications of slips and glazes make this class a fun experience for all students.

Painting I/II Year 9-12 (one year): Prerequisite in Drawing I and Drawing II required to take this class. Watercolor painting: Watercolor painting begins with an introduction to color theory and its application to transparent painting methods. Students will paint a series of subjects, each using many varied watercolor techniques and tools. Acrylic Painting: Acrylic painting begins with an introduction to color theory and its application to opaque painting methods. Students will paint a series of subjects each using many varied acrylic techniques and tools.

Design Basics/Art 105 An introduction to the fundamental processes and vocabulary of the artist’s design studio. The principles of design and the elements of art will be explored in order to enable students to develop designs that express their personal vision in an academic manner. This class is not offered to freshman, priority goes to juniors and seniors. DUAL-CREDIT (3 CREDITS) FULL YEAR CLASS THROUGH CWI