Walnut Beach Association

Meeting Minutes

November 11, 2013

St. Gabriele Parish Hall

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

Sign in sheet circulated: 16 Members in attendance

President’s Report – Joe Garbus:

·  Sidewalks along Naugatuck Ave. are being worked on.

·  Recent fire on Stowe property made the NH Register. Still awaiting Mayor’s decision regarding use of farm. Joe is trying to confirm the actual dollar amount spent on rehab for the property

·  Police substation at Simon Lake is in the works.

·  Invitation to January meeting will be sent to local representatives.

·  Holiday Party in lieu of December meeting. Invitations are ready to be sent, pot luck, DJ, BYOB, $15 grab bag, Susan should call St. Gabes to reserve hall.

Secretary’s Report – Tina Pritchard: October meeting minutes provided for review. Judy Ruskin made a motion to approve, Wendy Terenzio seconded, motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report – Leisa Gazdik: Report read and attached. Thank you note from Judy Ruskin read.

Membership Report:

·  Carol Garbus has list from Elvira and Leisa. 37 new members in 2013 Jan-June. 21 new members in 2013 July-Nov. 58 New members this year. New renewal slips will be sent out in November and month being changed in bylaws.


Beautification Committee – Gail Hoffman:

·  Archway garden is complete. Home Depot in Stratford offered 50% discount off all material for garden. Gail Hoffman used 36 bags of mulch, plants, fabric, etc. Gail is sending a thank you letter to store manager Rita.

Block Watch – Leisa Gazdik:

·  Still pending

Summer Concert Series – Wendy Terenzio:

·  For the 4th year, Wendy is running a contest to see what three top choices are to be invited back for next year.

·  Paul Piscitelli confirmed 9-10 Sundays and Friday July 4th dates for concerts. Milford’s 375 anniversary celebration coming this year with many events planned.

·  Wendy has made a motion to request $8000 for continuing concert series, all in favor, motion passed.

·  Joe L. has mentioned putting up a sign for no cooking.


• Press releases, radio, tv. FB, post cards, web, etc. Phyllis Powers has offered to take this on.

New Business:

·  Art Stroll: chili cook-off, music, ice cream samples, bring canned goods for St. Gabriel’s food pantry.

·  Watch the WB witch on FB. Wendy did a great job, thanks Wendy.

·  Add mayor and alderman to email list for meeting reminders.

Motion to adjourn made by Carol, seconded by Wendy, motion passed. Meeting adjourned 8:03PM.

Respectfully submitted by Christina Pritchard