New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program

Pay for Performance

Partner Conference Call Minutes

February 23rd 2011 10:00-11:00am (EST)

  1. Program Statistics
  1. Application Status EB & NC:
  2. 222projects submitted to date
  3. 113 approved
  4. 13 are under review
  5. Remaining are expired/rejected.
  1. Applications Approved by Type:
  2. K-12 Schools – 26
  3. Multifamily (Market & Affordable) – 26
  4. Colleges/Universities – 14
  5. Commercial Office Space – 13
  6. Medical Centers/Hospitals/Nursing Homes – 11
  7. Industrial/Manufacturing – 5
  8. Hospitality/Casino/Convention – 4
  9. Warehouses/Storage – 3
  10. Religious Institutions –3
  11. Supermarkets -3
  12. Water Treatment Plants -2
  13. Sports/Recreational Facilities –2
  14. Restaurants - 1
  1. ERP Status
  2. 61 EB ERPs submitted, 1 NC
  3. 32 ERPs approved
  4. 3 ERP at AEG for final approval
  5. 2 ERPs at BPU for final approval
  6. 21 ERPs under review
  7. 3 ERP rejected
  1. 2011 Program Updates & Announcements
  1. Partner Portal(webinar)

This allows partners to login to an internet portal and access updated program documents rather than through email updates from Valentina. The Existing Buildings section includes:

  • 2011 Program Guidelines
  • 2011 ERP Tables
  • 2011 ERP Template
  • Installation Report
  • Sample Energy Reduction Plan
  • ERP Development Quick-Guide
  • Model Calibration Tool v.2.1- Partners should download the calibration tool v.2.1. Some changes and corrections have been made to the latest version.
  • Weather Files- can be opened with certain internet browsers. We are working to make the documents available for all browsers. If you cannot save these files please contact Valentina.

The New Construction section includes:

  • 2011 NC Program Guidelines,
  • 2011 ERP Tables
  • 2011 ERP Template
  • 2011 CxPlan Template.

Monthly Conference Call Agendas, Minutes and Important Notices will also be posted. Helpful links to Portfolio Manager, Target Finder, ENERGY STAR Tools, DOE Tools, eQuest (free) Download, Modeling Forums- a resource where energy professionals share experiences with modeling software.

  1. Now available to download most recent forms and documents.
  2. GO TO:
  3. case sensitive password is: tRP47px
  1. Strictly for use by approved partners

Documents should not be available to customers. They will be confusing to people who are not familiar with the program. We will change the password periodically. Feel free to circulate documents within your company as needed.

  1. Calibration Spreadsheet
  2. Please go to portal and re-download calibration tool v2.1
  3. Previous copy contains error.

During the next partner inclusion period, existing partners will have the opportunity to update their contact information on the website. We will be reaching out to you in the next month.

  1. Q&A
  2. Forward all future questions and points you’d like to discuss to

Next Partner Conference Call will be

WednesdayMarch 23rd, 2011

10:00-11:00am (EST)