Food, Nutrition and Dietetics

Program Meeting Minutes

Fall 2015

Date: Summer I and II

Time: various

Members Present: Darla O’Dwyer and Sarah Drake


Over the summer, Sarah and I updated both the DPD and DI Handbooks, discussed the CDR exam report record keeping, verification statement record keeping, the spreadsheet required to keep track of DPD goals, and went over the Tracdat for the DPD. Both of us updated Tracdat for the DI and DPD for 2014.

Sarah implemented Molly Kellogg’s counseling toolkit, which includes case studies and videos into HMS 435 and met with the nursing staff to utilize the simulation lab for counseling. Natalie is working with the Food Bank in HMS 409 and will implement the 6 week course Cooking Matters, in this class. This will be a continuation of the program that hospitality piloted last semester.

Darla is adding Panopto exam reviews to HMS 339

Darla implemented FEM for the DI.

Date: August 27, 2015

Time: 3-5 p.m.

Members Present: Natalie Hensarling, Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake

Business Conducted

Sarah has been helping our new adjunct, Justin Pelham, get comfortable with introductory nutrition.

Discussed intern performance in HMS 511 and preceptor availability at various rotations

Recently I discussed ourRecency of Education policy with Sarah.

Date: September 2, 2015

Time: 10-11 a.m.

Members Present: Natalie Hensarling, Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake

Business Conducted


Discussed the spring 2016 schedule.

We reviewed the CDR test scores for both the DI and DPD. There is a new process for reporting through Pearson Vue and the test scores are compiled based on number of attempts. There is no listing of first time test takers or how many have passed/failed within 1 year. We are contacting CDR to help understand how to properly interpret this new format. Exam scores will be reported once we hear from them.

We also discussed the prior learning policy related to the DPD and DI. Darla called ACEND to determine how many hours a student with a PhD and work experience in Brazil would require to receive a verification statement. ACEND responded and said that most Universities require 3 credit hours for students who show evidence of prior learning and have a PhD in nutrition. We are not going to implement a prior learning policy in either the DPD or DI at this time-and will determine requirements on a case by case basis.


We edited the flyer for the new minor-Nutrition in Healthcare. Sarah will send it to the Chair of Biology, Chemistry and the advisors. Sarah met with the biology chair and he thinks that biology and chemistry students will be interested in our new minor.

We have 10 students in HMS 449-hopefully this new minor will be a major recruiting tool for our upper level RD track and pre-professional track classes.

Hospitality is incorporating service learning into their classes. Undergraduates must complete 6 hours of service learning per semester, total. Our students will be able to count the service learning that they complete in nutrition courses. If they need more hours to acquire the 6 hours, then some suggested sites are: Foodbank, Aramark, Farmers Market, Good Root Gardens, Appleby Community Farm and Head Start. Darla is emailing sources to confirm that these sites will be appropriate.

Date: September 8, 2015

Time: 10-11 a.m.

Members Present: Natalie Hensarling, Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake

Business Conducted


Dr. Martin noticed that we had quite a few nutrition students in HMS 100 after she spoke with the class. I have approximately 45-50 nutrition students in HMS 339. This happened last year as well; however, we only have 10 FND majors in our senior level RD tract courses and 15 in counseling. They seem to be going somewhere else after HMS 339 (although some of them taking HMS 339 last year were sophomores). Dr. Martin suggested that we utilize the services of the new marketing person for the COE. Darla will contact her: Kaci Dickerson (), and her phone number is 468-1351 and find out how she can help us market our Non-RD tract degree plan as well as our Nutrition in Healthcare minor.


Reviewed schedule for spring 2016 again to make final changes prior to coordinators meeting this Friday.

We have a student worker that will be shared between FND, HADM and CDFL. We determined schedules for them to work with FND.

Discussed 5 year statistics for DI and DPD as follows:

DPD: For 2010-2015 31 applied to a dietetic internship and 21 were accepted to = 68%.

DPD: For the DPD 2010-2014 33 took the exam and 23 passed FIRST TIME to = 70% pass rate. The pass rate within one year was 85%.

DI: For the DI 2010-2014 39 took the exam and 30 passed FIRST TIME to = 77% pass rate. The pass rate within one year was 77%.


Darla contacted the East Tx Food Bank and was provided the locations of affiliates. Natalie will contact each one to determine if the undergraduate students can volunteer to get their 6 hours required in HADM courses. Darla also contacted Extension, Head Start, ETAND, Appleby Farms, Good Roots Garden.

Date: September 15, 2015

Time: 10-11 a.m.

Members Present: Natalie Hensarling, Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake

Business Conducted


Dr. Martin, Sarah and I met with Kasi from marketing and discussed the non-RD degree track and the new Nutrition and Healthcare minor. She will write up a press release to send to areas surrounding Nacogdoches. Sarah will write up a description of our different programs and we will discuss them in HMS 137, 239 and 339. If the class is online, then we will add a folder in the first module that will include information on the various opportunities within our program.

Went over the census in HMS 449 and discussed how many students will be enrolled into HMS 479 and HMS 439 in the spring. Currently, there are 10 students enrolled in HMS 449; however, 1 student is repeating the course and will graduate in December, which will leave us short by 1 student. Darla will meet with Dr. Martin regarding the schedule this Thursday.

Darla looked through her HMS 339 Fall 15 class roster to identify where the students were at this point. Here is the data:

Reasons why students from HMS 339 Fall 14 are not enrolled into HMS 449 this Fall 15

-  1 student graduated on the non-RD track

-  10 students took the class early and will be enrolled in HMS 449 Fall 16

-  10 students are on the non-RD track

-  2 students failed out of college and did not return

-  3 students did not return for the Fall 15 semester but took courses in the Spring 15 semester. I have emailed them to see if they are returning again in the spring.

-  Update: I heard back from the 3 students. Two returned home due to family reasons and will not be returning. One student is working on financial issues and plans on returning in the spring or fall of next year.

-  There are 47 students in HMS 339 Fall 15. Only a few are non-RD. Of those 47 students, 40 of them are juniors and seniors. I expect a large increase of students in HMS 449, 479 and 439 in Fall 16, Spring 17.

Date: September 21, 2015

Time: 11-12 p.m.

Members Present: Natalie Hensarling, Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake

Business Conducted


Sarah will put the degree plan through curriculum to change the non-RD focus to “choose 4 courses with advisor” instead of “choose 4 courses from the following” and list the courses. This will allow the student to pick and choose courses throughout the university to help specialize the degree. We will delete HMS 420 as a course option and instead offer 6 hours of community service per semester, like HADM is doing.

Recruiting event at the Texas Community College Teachers Association in Houston TCCTA February 25-27 Westin Galleria Hotel. Individual programs want to have a table. Not sure how many transfer students we get from CC. Do not have associate degrees at CC so not sure how beneficial it will be for us to go. Can run a webfocus report to determine how many transfers we have.

Charles Park from the East TX Food Bank wants to partner with us. Will visit campus soon for a meeting.

Stephanie is getting a LinkedEn account to keep up with alumni. The program coordinators are responsible for keeping up with the account for their program areas. Sarah will have an FND account, Darla will have a DI account.


Darla will have to change HMS 531 to reflect how the course is actually being taught. It will need to go through curriculum immediately to take effect next Fall 16. I spoke with Karyn Hall yesterday about HMS 531-a 6 credit hour practicum, 12 contact hours, 6 TLC. The course is currently being taught as a seminar type instruction as well as the inclusion of practicum hours-this is not being reflected in the instruction type listed, which is only listed as practicum. After I described what the course entails, this is what we worked out:

HMS 531 is currently being offered as a 6 credit hour practicum with 12 contact hours. The instructor meets with the students for 90 minutes once per week in a seminar type instruction. For the rest of the time, the students are in a supervised practice experience which equates to approximately 600 hours per semester. To better reflect the seminar type learning style, we are changing the instructional type for the course. This particular modification is for HMS 531 P050, which will require a co-requisite of HMS 531 001 (seminar). Here is the new modification:

HMS 531 will have both a seminar component and a practicum component. Both will be co-requisites.

HMS 531 001 seminar will be 2 credit hours and 2 contact hours.

HMS 531 P050 will be 4 credit hours and 10 contact hours.

The credit hours and contact hours remain the same as the original offering (6 credit hours, 12 contact hours), The only thing that is being changed is the instructional type, to better reflect the seminar component. The rational for this change is to accurately report the seminar type of instruction which is currently being utilized.

Triage into Nursing, Friday October 2 at 2 pm. Darla will go.

Change in office hour policy regarding coverage???

Date: September 25, 2015

Time: 11-12 p.m.

Members Present: Natalie Hensarling, Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake

Business Conducted

Discussed Livetext and Tracdat assignments for data day. Made a few changes to the SLO’s in the DPD to better reflect the SLO and also changed an assessment from one course to another.

Went over the FEM in Livetext for the DI. Also updated some SLO in tracdat.

Date: September 29, 2015

Time: 11-12 p.m.

Members Present: Natalie Hensarling, Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake

Business Conducted


Program Proposal is being done by Sarah. We are increasing the offerings for the “choose four courses” on the degree plan in the non-RD track to have more flexibility. We will add “Choose (12 hours) with advisor’s approval:

COM: 170, 355, 406, 408, 435, 460; MCM: 205, 210, 305, 309, 353, 380, 381; MGT: 371, 370, 373, 377, 385, 461, HMS 304; MKT: 351, 352, 353, 355, 360; HMS (CDFL): 146, 340, 353, 459; HMS (Culinary): 285, 325, 345, 385; HSC: 121, 216, 337, 345; SOC 137, 139, 305, 331, 338, 370, ANT 231”

In addition to the above changes, we have made a slight modification to the core and major curriculum. In the "Math Component Area" we currently require all students pursuing a degree in Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics, regardless of the focus area, to take MTH 138. We have modified the degree plan to accept MTH 220 for those students who are choosing or Non-Registered Dietitian Focus area only. This would mean that Non-Registered Dietitian Focus area students would have to substitute a course for MTH 220 in the major courses. add culinary courses and health science courses. We are also adding NUR 304 as an option in the focus area for BIO 220 or CHE 112 or NUR 304, for pre-nursing students who switch to the non-RD track.

Ultimately, the best option would be to separate the non-RD track completely and put forward a new degree plan, but with 10/15 being the deadline, we will not have time this year. We would like to add an 18 hour minor; therefore, we will need to delete 6 hours from the degree plan to add the additional minor. It will take some planning to decide what courses to remove. This may or may not be a future endeavor.

Natalie will attend the counselors event on October 29th.


Darla has completed HMS 531 course modification and it has been submitted to curriculum committee.

Date: October 6, 2015

Time: 11-12 p.m.

Members Present: Natalie Hensarling, Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake

Business Conducted


Edited the press release for Kasi Dickerson regarding the non-RD track and the new minor in healthcare.

Date: October 13, 2015

Time: 11-12 p.m.

Members Present: Natalie Hensarling, Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake

Business Conducted

Coordinators meeting report: Office hour policy, need nutrition ambassadors, make announcements for cotton, inc. Nimitz HS visit 11/5 from 1:30-2:00. Put in travel early, CDFL candidate meet and greet during faculty meeting 10/30.


Discussed the courses to demonstrate mastery of core concepts in upper level courses. Use same rubric as the university. Here are the courses that each of the core concepts will be covered in:

·  Critical Thinking Skills – HMS 339 Popular Press assignment. Will use University’s critical thinking rubric in addition to course rubric for grading