Thank you Father Joseph, and welcome Bishop Olson. We have a very exciting project ahead of us. I’ll take a few moments to tell you where we are, where we are going, and what we hope to accomplish in the near future.
In one short, but eventful year, Father Joseph’s leadership has reenergized the Parish.Our resulting dilemma is that demand for space keeps increasing while our current facilities cannot support our growth.
Essentially, our parish family has grown over the past 35 years and,just like our personal dwellings, we have to keep pace in updatingand renovatingour property.
Holy Cross is our Church Home where we continue to grow in faith, teach the Lord’s word to our children, celebrate the blessings we are given, face our innermost fears, seek peace from the chaotic world and gather with friends in times of joy and grief.
The goalof the building committee was to develop a realistic, affordable and achievable plan. It had to be embraced by the Parish, supported by the Diocese and approved by the City. We have done that!
We will have a larger Parish Hall, more space for Fellowship, flexibility for Religious Education classes, sufficient meeting areas for Ministries, dedicated Youth Ministry space, and finally, renovatedbuildings, bathrooms and kitchen areas.
We owe it to ourselves, our fellow parishioners, and future generations to support ourGIFT campaign. Our project cost is $5,000,000 and, with the committed help of the Diocese, we can begin the contract and construction process once we meet 50% of our cost.
We can actually undertake this entire project with no debt if every family will essentially donate the value of one hour, per week to the GIFT Campaign.
Please consider this proposal –One hour per week for the Lord at $25 per hourwould be $108 per month, which is$1,300 per year totaling $3,900 over the three year, pledge payment cycle. With your commitment, this is a very real plan that can be accomplished. Of course, if you can pledge more, please do so!
I hope I have your hearts and attention. We told you on April 25ththat we had $719,000 of cash on hand, and we still do. Since June 1, and most recently on August 25th, we have communicated with about 350 families. So far, 115 families have responded with new,three year pledges of $919,408!
That’s right, we have $1,638,408 of cash and pledges today! Looking at it differently, we have 66% of the cash and pledges required to start the construction process. Your prayers, sacrificial pledge, support and commitment are all that is needed.
The founding parishioners of Holy Cross in 1980, had the faith and foresight to make a sacrifice for the future; now it’s our turn! We are shaping a parish future in which generations to come will find support for their faith and for their family life. If we all share in building such a future, the burden will be light and the joy will be immense!
So -- Give In Faith Today! Visit the Holy Cross website and make a generous online pledge to the GIFT Campaign. If you need more information, talk with us during the parish celebration this afternoon or contact the parish office and we’ll get back to you.