The Offset Project (TOP) is dedicated to helping reduce energy/resource consumption and carbon emissions, and toproviding zero-waste efforts for special events and businesses in the Monterey region. We work with venues, promoters and individuals to develop zero-waste initiatives by using industry best practices. A sustainability policy (voluntary or mandatory), including sustainable purchasing guidelines,is a crucial element in kicking off a successful zero-waste event.

Policy Agreement

The XXX EVENTunderstands that event operations, processes and materials can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment, society and the economy. TheXXX’sintention is to manage events in a way that minimizes negative social, environmental and economic impacts. We are committed to showing leadership in the field of sustainable events development.

In recognition of the above principles,the event’sstaff will follow this set of procedures:

  • Provide training and build competencies for significant persons involved in the sustainability management of this event, including caterers, stewards and sorting teams.
  • Implement a food collection and recycling/reuse program resulting in a reduced waste stream and fewer carbon emissions as well as less resource consumption.
  • Educatevendors and sponsors on the event’s commitment to sustainability.
  • Commit to sustainable purchasing when available, including but not limited to service ware and marketing materials.Please see below for more information.
  • Provide strategic leadership and vision to ensure the sustainability of this event.
  • Work with XXX’s zero-waste team to implement and verify our policy and ensure its success.

As a vendor or sponsor, please help us to fulfill our commitment.

All items used during the event should comply with our zero-waste commitment. Only compostable (PLA #7 made from corn, potato or other organic materials) and other certified compostable products (BPI or ASTM certified), or plastic products (designated with the #1 through #5 recycling symbol) should be used during the event. Recyclables also include aluminum foil, paper, cardboard, aluminum cans and glass. Please avoid all purchases of single-use disposable items such as condiment packets, non-compostable straws, plastic toothpicks and juice boxes. Bulk items are preferable per this policy. Styrofoam is banned from our events.

All sponsorship marketing materials should comply with the use of environmental products such as sustainable, renewable, recyclable and biodegradable flag, banner & sign product.

On behalf of the XXX EVENTwe thank you for complying with our policy and helping us to decrease the impacts from this event.




Policy Agreement

Signature Page

I agree to do my best to follow the guidelines listed in the policy agreement. I will do my best to purchase materials from sustainable suppliers and provide the necessary training to my staff to implement zero-waste standards (i.e. waste sorting).

This language may be written to be mandatory or voluntary.


Business Name


