Tuesday 3 March 2015 - Annual Council Meeting -

Morning Speaker – Dr Ian Campbell – “You are what you eat”

Afternoon Speaker: Peter Snow CBE – Journalist, Reporter, TV Presenter, Author

Winding Wheel, Chesterfield

See WI Secretaries for ticket details

Wednesday 18 March 2015 – Dance Fit and Dru Yoga

Baslow Village Hall

Time: 10.30am – 2.30.pm

Friday 20 March 2015 – Dance fit and Dru Yoga

Derbyshire House

Time: 10.30am – 2.30pm

Cost: £10 to include drinks and biscuits – please bring own packed lunch

Apply in the usual way on general application form

Closing Date: Monday 16 February 2015

Tuesday 24 March 2015 – Temari Balls with Cathy Reavy and Jani Barnard

Derbyshire House Sherwin Street Derby DE22 1GP

Time 10.30 am – 4.00 pm

Made in Japan in 8th centaury you will be taken through the process to make your own beautiful balls.

Cost: £35 to include all materials

Closing date: Tuesday 10 February 2015

Send cheque payable to DFWI with application form and SAE

Friday 27 March 2015 – Centenary Concert with the Sherwin Singers and Guests

Derbyshire House Sherwin Street Derby DE22 1GP

Time: 7.30 pm start

Cost: £5.00 per ticket - to include light refreshments

Closing Date: Saturday 14 March 2015

Wednesday 15 April 2015 - ACWW Afternoon Tea Party

Derbyshire House Sherwin Street Derby DE22 1GP

Time: 2.30 – 4.30 pm

If you were a member of the International or Agricultural Committee you are invited to the above event

Please email: or contact Sam Hall for further details

Tuesday 21 April 2015Cheese and Chocolate at Ashford in the Water

Ashford in the Water Memorial Hall

Time: 10.30 am – 3.30 pm

Cost: 12.50 to include a buffet lunch and coffee on arrival

Simon from the Cheese Factor in Chesterfield will talk about cheese making – with tasting samples.

After lunch Thorntons Chocolates will tempt us with chocolate delights.

Application forms from Derby House – apply in the usual way.

Closing Date Monday 23 March 2015

Further enquiries to Maureen Anderson.

Thursday 23 April 2015 – Hand Patchwork with Greta Fitchett

Derbyshire House Sherwin Street Derby DE22 1GP

Time: 10.30am – 3.30pm

Cost: £25

Creative patchwork with a modern twist with Greta – material and equipment list will be sent with confirmation

Tea and coffee provided during the day – please bring a packed lunch

Closing date: Tuesday 19 March 2015

Send cheque payable to DFWI with application form and SAE.

Saturday 25 April 2015 – Sport and Leisure Spring Walk 2015

Join us for a walk around the beautiful and historic village of Eyam. The walk is approx 4 miles – part across field and there are some hilly bits.

There are places to eat in Eyam – you may need to book The Miners Arms. Eyam Hall is now a National Trust property.

Start time: 10.30 am – meet in the museum car park, Hawkhill Road, S32 5QP

Ring Diane McHarg on 07866982832 with any queries otherwise just turn up on the day

Wednesday 29 April 2015 – NFWI AM Resolution Briefing Meeting

The Ballroom, The Whitworth Community Centre, Darley Dale, DE4 2FT

An opportunity to hear informed speakers on the selected resolution(s) for the Annual Meeting to br hrld on Thursday 4 June 2015 in the Albert Hall, London. Decision on the shortlisted resolutions will not be made until mid February.

Cost: £3.50 per person to include tea and coffee on arrival

Apply to Derbyshire House in the usual way. WIs should be prepared to fund one ticket. Every WI applying will be allocated one place.

Contact Nancy Hawksworth on 01332 792254 or

Thursday 30 April 2015 - County Quiz

Multiple Venues: Barlow, Derbyshire House, 1fairfield, Mickleover, Risley, Stavely, Swanwick

Time: Doors open at 7.00 pm – Quiz to commence promptly at 7.30 pm

Teams may bring drinks and nibbles – Spectators not allowed

Cost: £12 per team of 4

Closing Date: Sunday 15 March 2015 – Late applications will not be accepted

Wednesday 20 May 2015 – Archery

Derby University, Kedleston Road Campus, Derby

Time: 2.00 – 4.00 pm

Cost: £5 per person – no previous experience necessary

Closing Date: Wednesday 6 May 2015

Thursday 21 May 2015 – A Felting Day with Heather Vickers

Wadshelf Village Hall, Nr Chesterfield, S42 7BX

Time: 10.30 am – 3.30 pm

An opportunity to make your own felted bag using wet felting. No experience necessary

Cost: £25. Information on items to bring will be distributed later – Materials will be available on the day at a charge of £6 approx.

Tea and coffee available during the day – please bring a packed lunch

Closing Date: Thursday 2 April 2015 – apply in the usual way

Tuesday 9 June 2015 – Visit the 18th Century Building which houses The Dome Restaurant – Buxton

Preliminary notice – Lunch in The Dome Restaurant with possible pre-lunch tour of the building. Free time after lunch to explore Buxton.

Lunch 12.00 noon for 12.30

Cost of meal: £11 - £13 - £5 deposit when booking.

Closing Date: Friday 1 May 2015

Ring Joan Rowland on 01246 203476 or email with any queries

Derbyshire Federation Weekend to Denman – 25 – 27 September 2015

Courses on offer: Let’s Make Cheese, Silver Clay Jewellery, Design your own Christmas card in Watercolour, Ribbon Embroidery – Poppy Fields, Discover Oxford – Lewis and Morse, Music of the Musicals, Royal Palaces in and around London.

Cost: £300 approx – to include pick-up points. There may be an extra charge for some materials – refer to course notes.

Applications to be sent direct to Derbyshire House together with a deposit of £50 – payable to DFWI

Closing Date: End of February 2015

Long Haul Holiday to Cuba – 8 – 24 November 2015

Itinerary, costing and booking form now available.

Holiday amongst WI friends this year – Husbands, partners and friends also welcome.

For further details please email or , or telephone 01246 203476