Reviewed 3rd September 2015

Next review Sept 16

Grove Road Surgery



The following Terms and Conditions are an agreement for patients to sign before being allowed to access clinical system direct on-line facilities, such as prescription ordering, appointment booking, and access to medical record data or personal profile updates.

Terms and Conditions

·  To apply for on-line access to the Practice’s clinical system, patients must complete the application form (held on G drive under ‘Forms for reception’).

·  Applications are “one per patient”. Acceptance of one member of a family does not imply acceptance of other / further family members.

·  Applications for on-line access will not be considered for patients who are under the age of 16.

·  Where access is granted passwords will only be released direct to the patient and not to a parent.

·  Where access is refused this will be in writing. A reason will only be given at the discretion of the Partners.

·  Where a minor requests a change of password (perhaps to alter access) this will be granted at the discretion of the Partners.

·  On-line appointments booked are to be cancelled by the patient as soon as it is determined that it is no longer required.

·  The Practice will not allow misuse of the on-line system and will monitor usage by individual patients. Where it is considered that a patient is misusing the system or is acting in a way detrimental to the availability of the appointment system, or other facilities, a warning letter will be issued. Where the situation does not improve, or recurs, access will be removed permanently and without further notice, at the discretion of the Partners.

·  Repeat prescriptions may only be ordered where these appear on the repeat list, which is provide to patients on the tear-off portion of the last prescription issued. The request must match the repeat list exactly and must be due. Other items ordered or requested using this facility will not be actioned, and no contact will be made with the patient. Prescriptions ordered outside this guideline must be via reception staff.

·  Personal Information Updating is subject to validation after submission. Patients moving outside the Practice Area will be removed from the Practice list in the usual way.

·  Approved access requests will be notified along with access instructions and a copy of these Terms and Conditions.

·  Requests for re-issue of access log-in details will be via post reissue in all cases to the registered address.



Online services: Identity Verification Practice protocol

Name(s) / Job title
Appointments / Any patient registered with the practice may book an appointment ‘slot’ online at any time by completing the system’s online registration process. This does not require verification of the applicant’s identity.
Identity verification and registration for online services / Before services in addition to online appointment booking are enabled, the patient’s identity must be verified either by vouching or presentation of appropriate documents (see Cabinet Office Good Practice Guide No. 45 (2013)). Ordering of repeat prescriptions, appointment booking and demographics are enabled by the practice when each patient is registered for online access following identity verification.
Records access / Online records access must be authorised by a GP or other designated member of the practice team before this is enabled for a registered online user. A GP may wish to review the record and discuss the content with the patient prior to authorising access.
Vouching / ‘Vouching’ in the event of any patient’s inability to provide suitable documentary proof, takes into account:
·  the period of time an individual has been known to the person designated for vouching
·  the frequency of attendance
·  the period of registration.
Vouching – with records confirmation / When an applicant is not known sufficiently well by an authorised member of staff for them to be vouched for on this basis, their identity may be verified by obtaining responses to questions for information held in the medical records.
This should take place discreetly and ideally in the context of a planned appointment. It is extremely important that the questions posed do not incidentally disclose confidential information to the applicant before their identity is verified.
Presentation of documents / Two documents need to be presented when a patient’s identity is verified, at least one of which should contain a photo of the individual. The documents should be checked for consistency, and the applicant compared to the image on the photo ID. Any two of the following three documents are acceptable: passport, driving licence, bank statement.
Alternatives should be checked against the government approved list of acceptable documents.
Recording of identity evidence / Identity verification follows legal, professional and ethical standards. The name of the person verifying an applicant’s identity, the method used and date should be recorded in the patient’s records. This can be achieved by scanning in the completed application form.
Access verification Lead
Responsible for:
·  oversight of the access management process
·  identification of other roles
·  leading incident investigation. / Elaine / Computer Manager
Identity verification by presentation of documents Individuals who are authorised to verify the identity of applicants by presentation of documents. / All staff
Identity vouching
Individuals who are authorised to vouch for the identity of applicants. / All staff
Registration and consent for online services
Individuals authorised to register users on the system for access to online services, and also manage credentials including passwords. / All staff for Appointment and Repeat Prescriptions.
Medical Record access:
Elaine Barden
Sam Bridgewater
Kelly Hartland / Computer Manager
Practice Manager Assistant
Practice Manager
Authorisation for additional online services including records access
Individuals authorised to review applications for services in addition to appointment booking, repeat prescription and demographics. Records access is not enabled by default and requires a specific action on the system. / As above.
Authorisation of proxy access*
Individuals authorised to approve applications by carers or other third parties. / Medical Record access:
Elaine Barden
Sam Bridgewater
Kelly Hartland / Computer Manager
Practice Manager Assistant
Practice Manager
Computer Manager
Practice Manager Assistant
Practice Manager

* Proxy access is the inclusive term which describes provision of access to a patient’s parents, relatives and/or carer(s) so they can book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and/or view the medical record on the patient’s behalf.

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