Curriculum Vitae

Margaret L. Hudson, Ph.D. 8/2012

Department of Biology Office: (206) 296-5486

Seattle University Home: (206) 364-6881

901 12th Avenue Email:

PO Box 222000

Seattle, WA 98122-1090

Education: Ph.D. Botany, 1974, University of Washington

B. S. Botany, 1968, University of Washington

Academic employment: 1981 to date: Associate Professor of Biology, Seattle University. Tenured since 1981.

1974-1981: Assistant Professor of Biology, Seattle University.

Teaching responsibilities: Plant Physiology, Taxonomy of Flowering Plants, Anatomy and Physiology (human) 1 & 2, General Biology, Plant Morphology, Field Ecology, Science Principles, Science for Honors students, Senior seminar and supervision of student research and senior synthesis projects.

Department Chair, 1978-1983

Visiting professor, University of Washington:

Freshwater algology, summer 1977

Plant classification, summer 1986 and 1987

Visiting professor, Seattle Pacific Univesity:

Marine botany, summer 1992

Scholarly work: Hudson, P.R. and M.J. Wynne. 1969. Sexual plants of Bonnemaisonia geniculata (Nemaliales). Phycologia 8: 207-213

Hudson, P.R. and J. R. Waaland. 1974. Ultrastructure of mitosis and cytokinesis in the marine green alga Acrosiphonia. J. Cell Biol. 62:274-294.

Hudson, Margaret Louise. 1974. Field, culture and ultrastructural studies on the marine green alga Acrosiphonia in the Puget Sound region. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Washington.

Hudson, Peggy. 1995. Acting out muscle contraction. Advances in Physiology Education. 13(1):375.

Modell, Harold, Joel A. Michael, Tom Adamson, Jack Goldberg, Barbara A. Horwitz, David S. Bruce, Margaret L. Hudson, Shirley A. Whitescarver, and Stephen Williams. 2000. Helping undergraduates repair faulty mental models in the student laboratory. Advances in Physiology Education 23: 82-90.

Hudson, Margaret L. 2003. Acting out muscle contraction. American Biology Teacher 65(2): 128-132.

Hudson, Peggy. 2010. Interviews with two Naturopathic Physicians: An Advisor’s Perspective. The Advisor 30(4):25-28.

Hudson, Margaret L. 2012. Easy, cheap, and fun: Role-play on Endocrine Regulation and Negative Feedback. Accepted for publication in American Biology Teacher 74(9).

In-house Prehealth Handbook for students interested in the health professions, Seattle University, 1994, revised 1996, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2010. Available at

As a member of the Physiology Education Research Consortion, I collaborated with three other members of the consortium in presenting a two-day invited workshop on active learning for the Maricopa County (Arizona) College

District in January 1999.

Presentation: “Negative Feedback and Hormone Regulation Role-play” as a workshop presentation at the Professional Development Conference of the National Association of Biology Teachers in Atlanta, GA, November 2007.

Additional work: * Chief Premedical/Predental Advisor, Seattle University 1994-2010

* President, Western Association of Advisors for the Health Professions, two year rotation 2003-2005

* Liaison to Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools, for National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions 2006 - 2010

* Service on College Personnel Committee, Science and Engineering at intervals, totaling about 10 years

* Service on University advisory committee for assessment, 2000-2005

* External member, Providence Medical Center Institu-tional Review Board beginning 1998 and then Swedish Medical Center Institutional Review Board after merger

* External member, Hope Heart Center Animal Care and Use committee 1990 – 2007 (when ACUC disbanded)

Other community: * community volunteer with developmentally disabled woman, 1990 – present

* member, Cantaré vocal ensemble 2003-

* Advisory Board member, Northwest Associated Arts 2005 – 2009

* newsletter editor and altar guild coordinator for St. David Emmanuel Episcopal church, Shoreline